Psicologia SupportoCatalogScienza spiritualeGeneraleFilosofia / ReligionePsicologiaReligione / TeologiaStorialinguePedagogiaArte / ArchitetturaMusicGenerale, DizionariNozioni di basePsicologia teoricaPsicologia applicataPsicoanalisiAltro79.767 Ebook in questa categoria Lauren Resnick: Knowing, Learning, and instruction Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Learning Research and Development Center (LRDC) at the University of Pittsburgh, these papers present the most current and innovative research on cognition and … EPUB Adobe DRM €89.63 Peter Mitchell: Acquiring a Conception of Mind It seems the mind has evolved into such a powerful form that we are able to go beyond knowing the world and move towards knowing the mind itself. Being able to comprehend the mind permits smooth soci … EPUB Adobe DRM €70.93 Albert Bandura: Psychological Modeling The Classic Edition of this key text highlights seminal work done in the subject of learning by modeling and offers an extensive review of the major theories, edited by one of the most influential ps … EPUB Adobe DRM €56.32 Cheryl (Plymouth State University, USA) Coker: Motor Learning and Control for Practitioners With an array of critical and engaging pedagogical features, the fifth edition of Motor Learning and Control for Practitioners offers the best practical introduction to motor learning available. This … EPUB Adobe DRM €83.60 Claud Mullins: Crime and Psychology First published in 1943 Crime and Psychology reveals to the public some of the results of well-known magistrate Claud Mullin’s many years of pioneering work in using the help of medical psychologists … EPUB Adobe DRM €37.14 Laila Y. Sanguras: Raising Children With Grit Grit, the combination of passion and perseverance, has more of an influence on success than cognitive ability, and parents want nothing more than to raise happy, successful children. Raising Children … EPUB Adobe DRM €16.70 Laura Gail Lunsford: The Mentor’s Guide A definitive resource that pulls together evidence from psychology, education, and organizational studies, this fully updated second edition translates research into practice and serves as a practica … EPUB Adobe DRM €75.99 Nancy S. Kim: The Psychology of Belief Why do we believe in the views of a political party or leader? How can we better understand vaccine hesitancy or denial of climate change science? What drives extremist or conspiracist beliefs? This … EPUB Adobe DRM €36.96 Jerome (University of Bolton, UK) Carson & Jan (University of Bolton, UK) Macfarlane: Positive Psychology for Healthcare Professionals There has been an abundance of research carried out relating to the use of positive psychology, but a focus on staff working in care settings has been lacking. Positive Psychology for Healthcare Prof … EPUB Adobe DRM €57.78 Jeremy Howick: Power of Placebos The history, philosophy, ethics, and science behind the placebo and nocebo effects. Placebos are the most widely used treatments in the history of medicine. Thousands of studies show that they can be … EPUB Adobe DRM €35.47 Pagina successiva >>> 0 0 Cassa 0,00 × × × Cambia la lingua dell'utente × AraboTedescoIngleseSpagnoloFranceseHindiIndonesianoItalianoMaleseOlandesePolaccoPortogheseRumenoRussoSvedeseTailandeseTurcoUcrainoVietnamitaCineseInternational Modal ×