‚If Roosters Crow?‘ is the first in a series of children’s books based on original poetry written by Jean Quaal. She and her husband reside in Eastern Wyoming near the Bear Lodge Mountains and Black Hills of SD. They have four grown children and six grandchildren.
This book, dedicated to them for love shared and enjoyment received, is a tribute to the inquisitive curiosity of. . .
Questions from tiny innocent words —–
Amusement from fun and laughter stirred!
Enjoyment from tiny innocent lives —–
Amazement from unending ‚hows‘ and ‚whys!‘
Über den Autor
Jean Quaal took college courses in business and music at Black Hills State University, Spearfish, SD. After college, she worked as a secretary/bookeeper, jail matron, loan counselor, activity director, home health, and pianist.