Fully revised coverage with the most current diagnoses and treatments for adolescents and adults living with learning and attention disorders
Reflecting the most recent and relevant findings regarding Learning Disabilities (LD) and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), this Second Edition of Learning and Attention Disorders in Adolescence and Adulthood provides practitioners in the fields of education and mental health with a set of practical guidelines to assist in the assessment, diagnosis, consultation, and treatment of adolescents and adults struggling with LD and ADHD. The new edition includes:
An emphasis on working from strengthsadapting to disabilities and dealing with them successfully on a daily basis
New coverage of the causes and long-term implications of LD and ADHD in adolescents and adulthood
New chapters on treatment effectiveness; building resiliency and shaping mindsets; cognitive therapy; and strategic life coaching to help guide individuals with LD and ADHD
Contributions from leading researchers, including Noel Gregg, Russell Barkley, Kevin Antshel, and Nancy Mather
Drawing on evidence-based techniques to meet the pragmatic demands for intervention, the Second Edition guides school psychologists, counselors, and educators in promoting positive change for adolescents and adults with LD and ADHD as they strive for success in school, work, and home settings.
PART I: Background.
1 The Changing Face of LD and ADHD in Late Adolescence and Adulthood (Sam Goldstein and Melissa De Vries).
2 Learning Disabilities in Childhood (Sam Goldstein).
3 Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Childhood (Sam Goldstein and Melissa De Vries).
4 Adults with Learning Disabilities: Barriers and Progress (Noel Gregg).
5 Children with ADHD Grown Up (Kevin M. Antshel and Russell Barkley).
PART II: Assessment.
6 Assessment of Cognitive and Neuropsychological Processes (Jack A. Naglieri and Sam Goldstein).
7 Assessment of Academic Achievement (Nancy Mather and Annmarie Urso).
8 Assessment of Psychiatric Status and Personality Qualities (J. Russell Ramsay, Bradley M. Rosenfield, and Lofton H. Harris).
9 Integration and Formulation of Data (Sam Goldstein and Melissa De Vries).
10 Legal Rights and Qualification Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (Peter S. Latham and Patricia H. Latham).
PART III: Treatment.
11 Overview of Current Treatment Protocols (Sam Goldstein).
12 Treatment Effectiveness for LD and ADHD (Anastasia L. Betts).
13 Building Resilience by Shaping Mindsets (Robert B. Brooks).
14 Using Neurocognitive Psychotherapy for LD and ADHD (Carol Ann Robbins and Judith M. Glasser).
15 Strategic Coaching for LD and ADHD (Nancy Ratey and Jodi Sleeper-Triplett).
16 College Programs and Services (Kevin Hills and Ian Campbell).
17 Classroom and Instructional Strategies (Robert J. Volpe, R. Julius Anastasio, and George J. Du Paul).
18 Medications Affecting Behavior and Learning (Anthony L. Rostain).
19 Vocational Programs and Practices (Rob Crawford).
20 Lifestyle and Family Issues (Arthur L. Robin).
Author Index.
Subject Index.
Über den Autor
SAM GOLDSTEIN, Ph D, is a member of the faculty at the University of Utah; maintains a private practice at the Neurology, Learning, and Behavioral Center in Salt Lake City, Utah; and is on staff at the University Neuropsychiatric Institute. He is the Editor in Chief of the Journal of Attention Disorders.
JACK A. NAGLIERI, Ph D, is Professor of Psychology at George Mason University. Dr. Naglieri authored Essentials of CAS Assessment and coauthored Essentials of WNV Assessment (both published by Wiley). He is the Senior Editor of the Journal of Attention Disorders.
Jointly Drs. Goldstein and Naglieri are developing six new assessment instruments and are coeditors of the Encyclopedia of Child Behavior and Development.
MELISSA De VRIES, Ph D, is conducting postdoctoral study at the Neurology, Learning, and Behavior Center in Salt Lake City, Utah. In addition to this text, she has coauthored three book chapters and a peer-reviewed article.