Throughout his ministry, Jesus consistently demonstrated his concern and love for the whole person: soul, mind, and body.
That task is carried forward today by pastors and church leaders, who are called to care for people in the midst of individual circumstances as well as seismic cultural shifts. How might that calling be informed by recent developments in psychology? How should the church attend to matters of mental health? How might psychology and counseling aid us in our spiritual formation?
Based on the 2018 Center for Pastor Theologians conference, this volume brings together reflections by pastors, theologians, and psychologists who explore the relationships among three fields of study—theological anthropology, spiritual formation, and modern psychology. The result is a vibrant whole-person theology that can aid the church today in its centuries-old call to care for the soul, mind, and body.
Based on annual CPT conferences, the volumes in the Center for Pastor Theologians series bring together the reflections of pastors and theologians who desire to make ongoing contributions to the wider scholarly community for the renewal of both theology and the church.
Table of Content
Introduction: The Art and Science of Spiritual Formation—Gerald Hiestand and Todd Wilson
Part I: Biblical, Theological, and Historical Reflections
1. Socialization and the Sanctuary: The Arrangement of 1 Corinthians as a Strategy for Spiritual Formation—Daniel J. Brendsel
2. Beyond Imitation: The Image of God as a Vision for Spiritual Formation—Marc Cortez
3. The Holy Spirit and Positive Psychology in Spiritual Formation—Siang-Yang Tan
4. ‘That’s the Spirit!’ Or, What Exactly Does Spiritual Formation Form? Toward a Theological Formulation of a Biblical Answer—Kevin J. Vanhoozer
5. Jonathan Edwards on Sanctification—Rachel Stahle
6. Spiritual Misformation: Dietrich Bonhoeffer on Human Sin—Joel D. Lawrence
7. Drawing from the Well: Learning from African American Christian Formation—Vincent Bacote
Part II: Practical Wisdom
8. The Integrated Pastor: Toward an Embodied and Embedded Spiritual Formation—Todd Wilson
9. Practice Resurrection, Live Like Jesus—Cherith Fee Nordling
10. Friendship: The Lost Spiritual Discipline—Pamela Baker Powell
11. Shepherding Survivors of Sexual Abuse—Andrew J. Schmutzer
12. Neuropharmacoformation: Christian Formation in an Age of Stupefaction—William M. Struthers
13. Spiritual Formation As If Wisdom Mattered—Jamin Goggin
Author Index
Subject Index
Scripture Index
About the author
Todd Wilson is the president and cofounder of the Center for Pastor Theologians and the former senior pastor of Calvary Memorial Church. He holds a Ph D from University of Cambridge and is the author of Mere Sexuality and Real Christian, as well as coauthor of The Pastor Theologian. He and his family live in Oak Park, Illinois.