Type 2 diabetes, associated with obesity, is today the most common
form of diabetes. It is also associated with a number of
other cardiovascular risk factors which constitute the metabolic
syndrome. Effective management of ‘diabesity’ is
crucial to the reduction of morbidity and premature morbidity due
to cardiovascular disease.
Part of the successful ‘Diabetes in Practice’
series, Obesity and Diabetes Second Edition focuses on the
link between diabetes and obesity, two of the most pressing health
problems in the developed world. It covers topics ranging
from the changing epidemiology of type 2 diabetes to an analysis of
the principal causes of the metabolic syndrome.
* Includes new chapters on obesity management in ethnic
minorities and obesity issues in the workplace
* Features many suggestions of practical value
* Describes a contemporary approach to the clinical assessment of
obesity and its management in both primary and secondary care
* Covers emerging problems such as childhood
‘diabesity’ and the impact of obesity on polycystic
ovary syndrome
* All chapters have been updated
Obesity and Diabetes Second Edition addresses the
management of obesity and diabetes in practical terms useful to
clinicians with an interest in diabetes, both in primary and
secondary care, general practitioners, paediatricians,
endocrinologists and nutritionists, as well as to students and
researchers interested in obesity.
Tabella dei contenuti
1. Changing epidemiology of obesity – implications for diabetes
2. The genetics of human obesity
3. Lifestyle determinants of obesity
4. Pathogenesis of obesity related Type 2 diabetes
5. Obesity and prevention of Type 2 diabetes
6. Diet and food-based therapies for obesity in diabetic
7. Behavioural modifications in the treatment of obesity
8. Physical activity, obesity and Type 2 diabetes
9. Diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease – therapeutic
10. Drug therapy for the obese diabetic patient
11. The role of bariatric surgery in the management of Type 2
12. Childhood obesity and Type 2 diabetes
13. Obesity and polycystic ovary syndrome
14. Management of diabetes in primary care: a multi disciplinary
15. Management of obesity and the workplace issues
16. Obesity in different ethnic groups
Circa l’autore
Anthony H Barnett is Professor of Medicine, Consultant Physician and Clinical Director of Diabetes and Endocrinology at Birmingham Heartlands and Solihull Hospitals.