One of the greatest challenges for mental health and other professionals in school settings is to get students, families, and staff willing to partake of and engaged in their services. This is the first book on applying motivational interviewing (MI) is a powerful, evidence-based technique for facilitating behavior change throughout the school environment to help psychologists, counselors and other school-based professionals to improve the effectiveness of their practice.
Based on encouraging research on the value of MI in K-12 settings, this practical book explains the basic elements of MI theory and demonstrates, step-by-step, how the four-stage process of engaging, focusing, evoking, and planning can be used with the families of students who need psychological or counseling services, teachers who need consultation and support to improve classroom management, and the students themselves. The book discusses barriers to readiness to change and describes how to foster engagement and compliance with school services to increase the likelihood that positive change will occur. It also describes how MI can be used to increase the effectiveness of inter-professional teams in school settings, along with ways in which MI can be integrated into and build support for already established programs. Richly illustrated with examples of using MI as a strategy for promoting everyday conversations about change–the nucleus of MI practice–the book also includes case studies and sample handouts for mental health professionals, students, family members, and teachers.
Key Features:- Demonstrates how to apply motivational interviewing to the K-12 environment to help school professionals improve effectiveness
- Explains the four-stage process of engaging, focusing, evoking, and planning
- Shows how MI can be used with children, their families, and teachers to facilitate change
- Describes how MI can be integrated into other established programs
- Includes plentiful case studies and examples of MI as a strategy for promoting everyday conversations about change
Table of Content
Preface xi
Acknowledgments xiii
Part I: Overview of Motivational Interviewing 1
1. Background and Rationale 3
The Good and Bad News 4
A Modern View of Motivation 5
What Is MI ?6
Check-Ups 7
Does It Work ?7
What Is the Purpose of This Book ?8
For Whom Is This Book Written ?9
A Caveat 10
MI Plus What? 10
2. Getting Your Foot in the Door: The Context of Motivation 13
A Model for Considering Contextual Barriers to Motivation 13
Motivational Barriers at School 14
Unified Theory of Behavior Change 15
Providing a Context for Parent Engagement in School 19
Engaging Parents in Support Services at Schools 24
Role of Leadership in Engaging Parents 30
Parent-Involvement Activity 31
Providing a Context for Engaging Teachers and Students 31
Teacher- and Student-Involvement Activities 32
Summary 32
Handouts and Forms 33
3. Motivational Interviewing Principles and Strategies 39
Thinking Motivationally 40
Unified Theory of Behavior Change 44
MI Spirit 44
Guiding 45
Fundamental Processes and Strategies of MI 46
Suggestions for Getting Started 65
Summary 69
Part II:Specific Applications of Motivational Interviewing in Schools 71
4. Motivational Interviewing With Parents 73
Rationale and Challenges 73
Engaging 74
Focusing 84
Evoking 86
Planning 95
Summary 98
Resources for Supporting Parent Behavior-Management Skills 99
Handouts and Forms 100
5. Motivational Interviewing With Teachers 105
Engaging 106
Focusing 116
Evoking 118
Planning: Goal Setting 126
The CCU 134
Summary 135
Resources to Support Teacher Development of Classroom-Management Skills 135
Handouts and Forms 136
6. Motivational Interviewing With Students 139
Developmental Considerations 139
Engaging Strategies for Youth 142
Specific Examples of Focusing, Evoking, and Planning Strategies With Youth 144
Encouraging Adults to Interact With Youth in the MI Spirit 152
Summary 153
Resources: Sample Evidence-Based Interventions for Student Emotional and Behavioral Problems 153
Handout 155
7. An Example of a Structured Motivational Intervention for Families, Students, and Schools: The Family Check-Up 157
Check-Ups: An Overview 158
School-Enhanced Family Check-Up 159
Interview and Assessments 161
Preparing for the Feedback Session 169
Sample Dialogue for Supporting the Action-Planning Process 187
Summary 189
Resources: Sample Brief Measures to Assess Family Functioning 189
Handouts and Forms 191
8. Motivational Interviewing With School-Based Problem-Solving Teams 201
Your Own Experiences on an Academic or Behavior Support Team 202
Building an Effective Team 203
Arranging and Leading School Meetings 210
Case Examples 215
Summary 226
Part III: Implementation and Dissemination 227
9. Integrating Motivational Interviewing With Other Evidence-Based Programs and Practices 229
Using MI to Support Teacher Implementation Practices 230
Using MI to Support Parent Engagement in Parenting Programs 231
Using MI to Bolster Engagement and Implementation in Multicomponent Interventions 233
Principles for Integrating MI With Other Interventions or Practices 234
Summary 238
Handouts and Forms 239
10. Learning Motivational Interviewing and Monitoring Implementation Quality 249
Learning MI 250
Monitoring MI Quality 252
School-Based MI Fidelity Measures 257
Self-Reflection 258
Summary 260
Handouts and Forms 261
11. The Future of Motivational Interviewing in Schools 265
How Does MI Fit With Other School Initiatives ?265
Other Applications 266
Future Research 267
A New Dimension 268
Bibliography 271
Index 283
About the author
Stephanie A. Shepard, Ph D is Assistant Professor with Brown University’s School of Medicine.