Using each chapter to juxtapose works by one female and one male Spanish writer, Gender and Modernity in Spanish Literature: 1789-1920 explores the concept of Spanish modernity. Issues explored include the changing roles of women, the male hysteric, and the mother and Don Juan figure.
Table of Content
Introduction: The Female and Male Modern Spanish Subject PART I: DISILLUSION AND OPTIMISM IN THE AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT 1. (Dis)Order: Writing Spain’s Chaos in José Cadalso’s Cartas Marruecas and Righting Spain’s Wrongs in Josefa Amar y Borbón’s Discurso sobre la educación física y moral de las mujeres 2. Decorum and Love in the Spanish Enlightenment: José Mor de Fuentes’s La Serafina and María Lorenza de los Ríos’s La sabia indiscreta PART II: (DIS)ENCHANTED PASSION AND CRITIQUE IN CONTEXTS OF ROMANTICISM AND REALISM 3. Masculine Extremes: The (Anti)-Flâneur and Male Hysteric in Articles by Mariano José de Larra and Short Novels by Rosalía de Castro 4. Religion, Race, Class, and Gender in the Age of Positivism: Female Empowerment in Fernán Caballero’s Simón Verde and Female Uselessness in Benito Pérez Galdós’s Marianela PART III: PSYCHOLOGICAL, ARTISTIC, AND SPIRITUAL ALLUSIONS AND (DIS)ILLUSIONS BEFORE AND AFTER THE DISASTER OF 1898 5. Solipsistic Inertia: Decadent Dreams in Leopoldo Alas’s Su único hijo and Emilia Pardo Bazán’s La quimera 6. The Spiritual Solution: Mysticism as a Means to Individual Authenticity and Optimism in Benito Pérez Galdós’s Nazarín and Emilia Pardo Bazán’s Dulce Dueño PART IV: SYMBOLS OF (DIS)ILLUSION IN THE EARLY TWENTIETH CENTURY 7. Lamenting the State of Science and Feminism: Negative Secularism in Pío Baroja’s El árbol de la ciencia and Ambiguity in Carmen de Burgos’s El Perseguidor 8. Maternal Abjection and the Death of Don Juan in Las hijas de Don Juan by Blanca de los Ríos and Dos madres by Miguel de Unamuno Conclusion: Modern Spanish Subjects: Disillusioned Men and Hopeful Women
About the author
Elizabeth Smith Rousselle is Associate Professor in the Department of Languages at Xavier University of Louisiana, USA.