Finding Out
, Fourth Edition introduces readers to lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender-queer (LGBTQ) studies. By combining accessible introductory and explanatory material with primary texts and artifacts, this text/reader explores the development and growth of LGBTQ identities and the interdisciplinary nature of sexuality studies. Now available in a digital ebook format, the fourth edition has been thoroughly updated to include a new chapter on ‘Trans Lives and Theories’, and new readings. Chapters include more discussions of important and current issues in LGBTQ studies such as the emergence of non-binary identities, and issues of race and class, making
Finding Out, Fourth Edition an even more comprehensive introduction to the field.
Table of Content
Section I: Histories and Politics
Chapter 1 Before Identity
Chapter 2 Sexology in the 19th Century
Chapter 3 Sexology, Activism, And Science in the 20th And 21st Centuries
Chapter 4 Imagining Liberation
Section II: Theories and Interventions
Chapter 5 Queer Normalization and Beyond
Chapter 6 Queer Diversities
Chapter 7 Trans Lives & Theories
Chapter 8 Intersectionalities
Section III Representations
Chapter 9 Queer and Trans Literatures
Chapter 10 Visual and Performing Arts
Chapter 11 Film and Television
Chapter 12 Digitally Queer and Trans
Conclusion: Queer and Trans Cultures: the Search for Queer Space
About the author
Michelle A. Gibson is Professor Emerita of the Department of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at the University of Cincinnati. Her scholarship focuses on Sexuality Studies and pedagogy. Her most recent writing applies queer and postmodern identity theories to pedagogical practice and popular culture. With Jonathan Alexander she edited QP: Queer Poetry, an online poetry journal, and she and Alexander also edited a strain of JAC: Journal of Advanced Composition titled “Queer Composition(s).” With Deborah Meem she coedited Femme/Butch: New Considerations of the Way We Want to Go (2002) and Lesbian Academic Couples (2005).