Across the globe, violence prevention initiatives focused on men and boys are proliferating rapidly.
Engaging Men and Boys in Violence Prevention highlights effective and innovative strategies for the primary prevention of domestic violence, sexual violence, and other forms of harassment and abuse. It combines research on gender, masculinities, and violence with case studies from a wide variety of countries and settings. Through the cross-disciplinary examination of these varied efforts, this work will enable advocates, educators, and policy-makers to understand, assess, and implement programs and strategies which involve men and boys in initiatives to prevent violence against women.
Table of Content
1. Introduction.- 2. The problem: Men’s violence against women.- 3. Prevention.- 4. Why engage men and boys in prevention?.- 5. Reaching and engaging men.- 6. Educating men face-to-face.- 7. Educating men through media.- 8. Mobilising men.- 9. Changing men’s organisations.- 10. Dealing with resistance.- 11. Working with diverse populations.- 12. Conclusion.
About the author
Michael Flood, Ph.D., is an internationally recognised researcher of men, masculinities, and violence prevention, based at the Queensland University of Technology in Australia. Flood has had a life-long involvement in activism and education in support of feminism and social justice.