Media / Komunikacja WsparcieCatalogNauki społeczneOgólneSocjologiaPolitykaMedia / KomunikacjaEtnologiaOrzecznictwoGospodarkaOgólne, słownikiDziennikarstwoHandel książkami, bibliotekarstwoMedioznawstwoNauka o komunikacjiInne24 964 Ebooki w tej kategorii Michael Stevenson & Misha Kavka: Doing Media Research What is media research and how is it done? This book offers detailed introductions and practical guidance for all aspects of media research, from developing a research question and choosing sources t … EPUB Angielski Adobe DRM €119.99 Steven J. Simmons: The Fairness Doctrine and the Media The Fairness Doctrine and the Media examines the complex history and ongoing debates surrounding the Federal Communications Commission’s fairness doctrine, a regulation designed to ensure that broadc … EPUB Angielski Adobe DRM €49.99 Brian A. Primack: You Are What You Click An empowering, forward-thinking solution for creating intentional and healthy social media habits from an expert on media, technology and health. Internationally acclaimed behavioral scientist and so … EPUB Angielski Adobe DRM €17.99 Sharon M. Scott: Low Power FM For Dummies Beginner-friendly advice on how to start and run a local FM station There are approximately 2000 low power FM radio stations in the United States. That number will grow as more licenses are issued in … EPUB Angielski Adobe DRM €21.99 Robin Firestone & Jack Firestone: Chasing Diana TAGLINE: While vacationing in Paris 20 years ago, the lives of an American family collide with the fatal automobile crash of the world’s most beloved Princess. INSPIRED BY A TRUE STORY. Princess Dian … EPUB Angielski Adobe DRM €9.49 Johan Lidberg & Denis Muller: In the Name of Security – Secrecy, Surveillance and Journalism The terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York on 11 September 2001 saw the start of the so-called war on terror. The aim of ‘In the Name of Security – Secrecy, Surveillance and Journali … EPUB Angielski Adobe DRM €30.99 Jack Angel: How to Succeed in Voice-Overs Voice-over work is a microcosm of the acting process as a whole. Theres the audition, the callback, the job itself, and the payoffsexcept that it all happens in a matter of days, and there are no cos … EPUB Angielski Adobe DRM €4.49 Cheyenne Seymour: Successes and Setbacks of Social Media Discover the real-life impacts of social media use through a collection of fascinating academic perspectives Successes and Setbacks of Social Media: Impact on Academic Life rigorously explores the po … EPUB Angielski Adobe DRM €34.99 Jonathan Matusitz: Fundamentals of Public Communication Campaigns The most comprehensive and up-to-date textbook on public communication campaigns currently available Fundamentals of Public Communication Campaigns provides students and practitioners with the theore … EPUB Angielski Adobe DRM €40.99 Patrick Ellis: Aeroscopics In 1900, Paris had no skyscrapers, no tourist helicopters, no drones. Yet well before aviation made aerial views more accessible, those who sought such vantages had countless options available to the … EPUB Angielski Adobe DRM €35.99 Następna strona >>> 0 0 Sprawdzić 0,00 × × × Zmień język użytkownika × ArabskiNiemieckiAngielskiHiszpańskiFrancuskiHinduskiIndonezyjskiWłoskiMalajskiHolenderskiPolskiePortugalskiRumuńskiRosyjskiSzwedzkiTajskiTureckiUkraińskiWietnamskiChińskiInternational Modal ×