This unique collection of original works examines the relationship between citizen and state. Nine insightful contributions range from a transnational analysis of the corrosive influence of wealth elites on the functioning of the state, to models of state and citizen governance, to contrasting philosophies of citizenship.
Introduction; A.P.Kakabadse & N.K.Kakabadse Postmodern Citizenship: Logic and Praxis in State and Identity; K.N.Kalu Global Governance Consideration for World Citizenship; N.Kakabadse & A.Kakabadse Citizenship and the Individual; A.Sementelli Citizenship, the Public Interest and Governance; J.Dixon & M.Hyde When ‘Good’ Citizens Say No: Bad Laws and Law-abidingness; W.D.Richardson Reconceptualizing Citizenship and Identity: Contextual and Attitudinal Responses Towards State and Civic Obligation in the United Kingdom; N.Kakabadse , A.Kakabadse & K.N.Kalu The Citizen and the State: A Progressively Subversive, State Determined, and ICT Mediated Relationship; N.Kakabadse & A.Kakabadse Council-Manager Government at 100: Facilitative Governance and Citizenship Ethics in the Administrative State; V.Vogelsang-Coombe , L.F.Keller & S.Murray Does the Notion of ‘Corporate Citizenship’ Make Sense?; Y.Pesqueux
Об авторе
JOHN DIXON Distinguished Professor of Public Policy and Administration, Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economics and Strategic Research, Almaty, Kazakhstan. MARK HYDE Senior Lecturer in Public Policy and Management, University of Plymouth, UK LAWRENCE KELLER Associate Professor Emeritus in the Public Administration Program in the Maxine Goodman Levin College at Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA SYLVESTER MURRAY Professor of public administration and Coordinator of the Master’s of Public Administration Program at Savannah State University in Savannah, Georgia, USA. YVON PESQUEUX Professor au Conservatoire National des Art et Métiers, Paris, France WILLIAM RICHARDSON Odeen-Swanson Professor of Political Science, chair of the Department of Political Science, and director of the W. O. Farber Center for Civic Leadership at The University of South Dakota, Vermillion, S. D., USA. ARTHUR SEMENTELLI Associate Professor, School of Public Administration, Florida Atlantic University, Jupiter, Florida, USA VERA VOGELSANG-COOMBE Dean of the College of Graduate Studies at Cleveland State University (CSU), Cleveland, Ohio, USA