Exploring the benefits of yoga on social prescription, this book details the 10-week Yoga4Health social prescribing programme developed by the Yoga In Healthcare Alliance. This evidence-based prevention programme targets NHS patients at risk of becoming chronically ill and supports them to bring about lifestyle change through a daily yoga practice. The programme is for patients who are socially isolated, at risk of cardio-vascular disease or Type 2 diabetes, and those with stress or mild-moderate anxiety/depression.
The authors present the theory and background to the Yoga4Health Yoga on Prescription programme, providing the reader with a detailed posture-by-posture guide to teaching the protocol on a yoga mat, on the floor or in a chair. Inspiring lifestyle changes that will positively affect long- and short-term health, Yoga on Prescription is the perfect companion to anyone wanting to teach the yoga for health and wellbeing.
Об авторе
Sat Bir Singh Khalsa, Ph D has been fully engaged in basic and clinical research on the efficacy of yoga and meditation practices in improving physical and psychological health since 2001. He has practiced a yoga lifestyle since 1972 and is a certified instructor in Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan. He is the Director of Yoga Research for the Yoga Alliance and the Kundalini Research Institute, Research Associate at the Benson Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine, Research Affiliate of the Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, and an Assistant Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School in the Department of Medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. He has conducted clinical research trials evaluating yoga interventions for insomnia, post-traumatic stress disorder, chronic stress, and anxiety disorders and in both public school and occupational settings. Dr. Khalsa works with the International Association of Yoga Therapists to promote research on yoga and yoga therapy as the chair of the scientific program committee for the annual Symposium on Yoga Research and as editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Yoga Therapy. He is medical editor of the Harvard Medical School Special Report An Introduction to Yoga and chief editor of the medical textbook The Principles and Practice of Yoga in Health Care.