Introduction 1
Part I: Getting Started with Innovative Presentations 5
Chapter 1: Winning Traits of Innovative Presentations 7
Chapter 2: Communicating Innovatively 15
Chapter 3: Coming Across as a Consummate Presenter 33
Part II: The Secrets of Presentation Success 41
Chapter 4: Analyzing and Focusing on Your Audience 43
Chapter 5: Planning Your Winning Strategy 65
Chapter 6: Creating Compelling Content 73
Chapter 7: Honing Your Platform Skills 87
Chapter 8: Choosing Resources and Rehearsing Your Presentation 111
Part III: Giving a Great Presentation 127
Chapter 9: Captivating Your Audience 129
Chapter 10: Keeping Your Audience on the Edge of Their Seats 145
Chapter 11: Ending on a High Note 159
Chapter 12: Reminding Your Audience of Your Message 175
Chapter 13: Dealing with Questions, Resistance, and Audience Hostility 181
Part IV: Mixing Creativity and Technology 201
Chapter 14: Reinventing How You Create and Use Multimedia Visuals 203
Chapter 15: Using Presentation Board Systems, Flip Charts, and Props 215
Chapter 16: Winning Proposals and Presentation Handouts 239
Chapter 17: Going Beyond Bullets on Slides 261
Chapter 18: Selecting and Set ting Up Hardware 273
Chapter 19: Visiting the Future Today 285
Part V: Tailoring the Message 295
Chapter 20: Giving an Opportunities, Results, and Benefits Presentation 297
Chapter 21: Presenting to Executives and Decision Makers for Surefire Wins 305
Chapter 22: Condensing Your Pitch: The Elevator-Ride Approach 315
Chapter 23: Presenting as an Impressive Team 321
Part VI: The Part of Tens 335
Chapter 24: Ten Traits of Innovative Presenters 337
Chapter 25: Almost Ten Reminders from the Laws of Communication Impact 341
Index 345