This book is a systematic attempt to address the issue of fossilization in relation to a fundamental question in second language acquisition research, which is: why are learners, adults in particular, unable to develop the level of competence they have aspired to in spite of continuous and sustained exposure to the target language, adequate motivation to learn, and sufficient opportunity to practice?
1 Introduction
2 What is Fossilization?
3 Behavioral Reflexes and Causal Variables
4 A Macroscopic Analysis: Critical Period Effects
5 A Macroscopic Analysis: Native Language Transfer
6 A Microscopic Analysis: Some Empirical Evidence
7 Second Language Instruction and Fossilization
8 Summary and Conclusion
Об авторе
Zhao Hong Han is Professor of Language and Education at Teachers College, Columbia University. Her research interests include second language learnability, second language teachability, and their interface. Among her recent publications are Complexity Theory and Language Development (co-edited with Lourdes Ortega, John Benjamins, 2017), Studies in Second Language Acquisition of Chinese (Multilingual Matters, 2014) and Linguistic Relativity in SLA (co-edited with Teresa Cadierno, Multilingual Matters, 2010).