Beyond Citizenship? Feminism and the Transformation of Belonging pushes debates about citizenship and feminist politics in new directions, challenging us to think ‘beyond citizenship’, and to engage in feminist re-theorizations of the experience and politics of belonging.
Table of Content
1. Beyond Citizenship? Feminism and the Transformation of Belonging; Sasha Roseneil 2. Dragging Antigone: Feminist Re-visions of Citizenship; Sam Mc Bean 3. ‘Citizen of the World’: Feminist Cosmopolitanism and Collective and Affective Languages of Citizenship in the 1790s; Tone Brekke 4. Reluctant Citizens: Between Incorporation and Resistance; Lynne Segal 5. ‘But We Didn’t Mean That’: Feminist Projects and Governmental Appropriations; Janet Newman 6. Public Bodies: Conceptualizing Active Citizenship and the Embodied State; Davina Cooper 7. Sexual Citizenship, Governance and Disability: From Foucault to Deleuze; Margrit Shildrick 8. Citizenship in the Twilight Zone? Sex Work, the Regulation of Belonging and Sexual Democratization in Argentina; Leticia Sabsay 9. Citizenship as (Not)Belonging? Contesting the Replication of Gendered and Ethnicised Exclusions in Post-Dayton Bosnia-Herzegovina; Maria-Adriana Deiana 10. Citizenship after Genocide: Materializing Memory through Art Activism; Karen Frostig 11. The Vicissitudes of Postcolonial Citizenship and Belonging in Late Liberalism; Sasha Roseneil
About the author
Tone Brekke, University of Oslo, Norway Davina Cooper, University of Kent, UK Maria-Adriana Deiana, Queen’s University, Northern Ireland Karen Frostig, Lesley University, USA Sam Mc Bean, Birkbeck College, University of London, UK Janet Newman, Open University, UK Leticia Sabsay, Open University, UK Lynne Segal, Birkbeck College, University of London, UK Margrit Shildrick, Linköping University, Sweden