The chapters in this ground-breaking volume examine the complex practices of biographical writing in Ming and Qing China. The authors draw on a rich variety of sources to answer some basic questions: Who were the writers of these texts and the subjects of their biographical constructions? What motivated these textual productions and sustained the routes from (re)creations to (re)publications? The informed and fascinating readings illuminate the enduring appeal of representing and represented lives in Chinese history.
I Searching for the Subjects: Life Stories and Biographical Accounts
1. Kubilai’s Empresses: Biographical Perspectives George Q Zhao
2. Surname Restoration Petitions and the Mutability of the Patriline in Ming China Joe Dennis
3. The Chinese Scholar-Rebel-Advisor Li Yan in the History and Literature of the Twentieth Century Roger Des Forges
4. Between Collaboration and Resistance: The Third Way of Mao Xiang (1611-1693) Jun Fang
II Understanding the Authors: Portraying lives in Various Media
5. Wang Shizhen as Biographer: Genres and Agendas Kenneth Hammond
6. Painting a Dual Biography Elizabeth Kindall
7. Engendering Lives: Women as Self-Appointed and Sought-After Biographers in the Qing Dynasty Grace S. Fong
III Following the Texts: Creation, Publication, and Transmission
8. Re-Collecting Yue Fei: Yue Ke, Jintuo cui bian, and the Making of a Chinese Hero Leo Shin
9. Fathers and Sons in the Mingshi: A Thematic Reading of a State History Ihor Pidhainy
10. Loyalty, History, and Empire: Qian Qianyi and his Korean Biographies Sixiang Wang
11. From Female Martyrs to Worthy Mothers: The Shift in Exemplary Women’s Biographies in the Ming and Qing Dynastic Histories Jolan Yi
About Contributors
Om författaren
Ihor Pidhainy is Assistant Professor of History at University of West Georgia, whose research focuses on political, social, and intellectual history of China in the late imperial period (1300–1900).Roger Des Forges is Professor Emeritus of History at State University of New York at Buffalo, specializing in Chinese cultural, political, and social history.Grace S. Fong is Professor of Chinese Literature at Mc Gill University, with expertise in classical Chinese poetry and poetics, literary theory and criticism, and gender and women’s writing.