140 E-böcker av Pieter Haasbroek
A.P. Du Plessis: Goudstad van Skeba
GOUDSTAD VAN SKEBA – OERWOUDVALK REEKS Die Oerwoudvalk of ook beter bekend as die Valk, is net gewapen met ’n pyl en boog, jagmes en lendekleed van luiperdvel. Hy deurkruis hy die digte woude van die …
A.P. Du Plessis: Die Seekat
DIE SEEKAT – OERWOUDVALK REEKS Die Oerwoudvalk of ook beter bekend as die Valk, is net gewapen met ’n pyl en boog, jagmes en lendekleed van luiperdvel. Hy deurkruis hy die digte woude van die K …
A.P. Du Plessis: Oervallei
OERVALLEI – OERWOUDVALK REEKS Die Oerwoudvalk of ook beter bekend as die Valk, is net gewapen met ’n pyl en boog, jagmes en lendekleed van luiperdvel. Hy deurkruis hy die digte woude van die Ko …
A.P. Du Plessis: Jagters van Zarsjata
JAGTERS VAN ZARSJATA – OERWOUDVALK REEKS Die Oerwoudvalk of ook beter bekend as die Valk, is net gewapen met ’n pyl en boog, jagmes en lendekleed van luiperdvel. Hy deurkruis hy die digte woude …
A.P. Du Plessis: Die Luiperdbende
DIE LUIPERDBENDE – OERWOUDVALK REEKS Die Oerwoudvalk of ook beter bekend as die Valk, is net gewapen met ’n pyl en boog, jagmes en lendekleed van luiperdvel. Hy deurkruis hy die digte woude van …
A.P. Du Plessis: Rewolusie in die Oerwoud
REWOLUSIE IN DIE OERWOUD – OERWOUDVALK REEKS In hierdie verhaal kry die Oerwoudvalk te doen met rewolusie, opstand, moord en brandstigting in die Belgiese Kongo. Alles begin toe ’n Griek genaam …
A.P. Du Plessis: Land van die Vampiere
LAND VAN DIE VAMPIERE – OERWOUDVALK REEKS In hierdie laaste verhaal vergesel die Oerwoudvalk ’n wêreldbekende ontdekkingsreisiger en wetenskaplike, asook ’n paar ander eskpedisielede. Hulle is …
Meiring Fouche: Heks van die Sahara
HEKS VAN DIE SAHARA – SAHARA AVONTUUR REEKS Die boek handel oor Teuns Stegmann, ’n Suid Afrikaner, wat aangesluit het by die Franse Vreemdelegioen in die Sahara woestyn, om so die dood van sy broer t …
Meiring Fouche: Spore na die Dood
SPORE NA DIE DOOD – SAHARA AVONTUUR REEKS In hierdie verhaal het die Frans Vreemdelegioen weereens te doen met El Karima, die blanke vorstin van die Doelak volk. Sy het nog nie haar vernedering verge …
Meiring Fouche: Die Skarlaken Ruiters
DIE SKARLAKEN RUITERS – SAHARA AVONTUUR REEKS Kaptein D’Arlan van die Franse Vreemdelegioen en twintig van sy uitgesoekte manskappe is op pad om ’n medalje aan ’n ou Arabier in die Sahara woestyn te …
Meiring Fouche: Die Fort is Stil
DIE FORT IS STIL – SAHARA AVONTUUR REEKS Teuns Stegman, Fritz Mundt en Jack Ritchie raak in ’n kroeggeveg betrokke met Arabiere. Vir hulle straf word hulle tydelik verplaas na een van die ander Frans …
Meiring Fouche: Dood met Sonop
DOOD MET SONOP – SAHARA AVONTUUR REEKS Vir die eerste keer is die vyf vriend van die Franse Vreemdelegioen bymekaar. Teuns Stegmann, Fritz Mundt, Jack Ritchie, Podolski die Pool en Petacci die Italia …
Meiring Fouche: Witch of the Sahara
1. SAHARA ADVENTURE SERIES – WITCH OF THE SAHARA The thrilling adventure begins in the blistering Sahara desert, where a French Foreign Legion outpost finds itself under attack by a dangerous band of …
Meiring Fouche: Sahara Adventure Series
COLOURFUL FRONT COVERS OF 40 SAHARA ADVENTURE STORY BOOKS This book contains the original colourful front covers (77 in total) of the Sahara Adventure Series of books (40 in total) written by Meiring …
Meiring Fouche: Dreunende Hoewe
DREUNENDE HOEWE – SAHARA AVONTUUR REEKS Teuns Stegmann en van sy vriende ontsnap uit die vesting van die Doelaks in die Atlasgebergte, met ’n bomwerper. Hulle land daarmee in Dini Salam en vertel aan …
Meiring Fouche: Wraak van die Woestyn
WRAAK VAN DIE WOESTYN – SAHARA AVONTUUR REEKS ’n Patrollie van die Franse Vreemdelegioen bly drie dae langer weg as wat beplan was. Dan daag hulle onverwags by fort Dini Salam op, vasgemaak bo-op per …
Gerrie Radlof: Die Buiter
DIE BUITER – DIE BUITER REEKS Lees gerus die opwindende verhale van ʼn man wat ’n merkwaardige dubbele lewe gelei het. Hy word die Buiter genoem. Mense sien hom as die rykste edelman aan die Kaap, die …
Gerrie Radlof: Lank Lewe die Buiter
LANK LEWE DIE BUITER – DIE BUITER REEKS Lees gerus die opwindende verhale van ʼn man wat ’n merkwaardige dubbele lewe gelei het. Hy word die Buiter genoem. Mense sien hom as die rykste edelman aan die …
Gerrie Radlof: Die Buiter en sy Bende
DIE BUITER EN SY BENDE – DIE BUITER REEKS Lees gerus die opwindende verhale van ʼn man wat ’n merkwaardige dubbele lewe gelei het. Hy word die Buiter genoem. Mense sien hom as die rykste edelman aan d …
Gerrie Radlof: Lokval vir die Buiter
LOKVAL VIR DIE BUITER – DIE BUITER REEKS Lees gerus die opwindende verhale van ʼn man wat ’n merkwaardige dubbele lewe gelei het. Hy word die Buiter genoem. Mense sien hom as die rykste edelman aan di …
Gerrie Radlof: Die Buiter Ry Snags
DIE BUITER RY SNAGS – DIE BUITER REEKS Lees gerus die opwindende verhale van ʼn man wat ’n merkwaardige dubbele lewe gelei het. Hy word die Buiter genoem. Mense sien hom as die rykste edelman aan die …
Meiring Fouche: Bloed voor die Son
BLOED VOOR DIE SON – SAHARA AVONTUUR REEKS Brigitte Bonnet, die magtige leidster van die trotse Doelak volk is uiteindelik gevang deur die soldate van die Franse Vreemdelegioen. Vir haar aandeel in d …
Meiring Fouche: Die Maagd van die See
1. DIE MAAGD VAN DIE SEE – MAAGD VAN DIE SEE REEKS Simon Verbeek, ’n man met die see in sy bloed en wraak in sy hart, is ’n kaptein sonder ’n skip, ’n man verteer deur verlies. Seerowers het hom alle …
Braam le Roux: Gemaskerde Moordenaars
GEMASKERDE MOORDENAARS – DIE SWART LUIPERD REEKS Leon moes vroeg al leer om ’n sak mielies op sy skouer te gooi en daarmee wa toe te stap. Skaars was hy veertien jaar oud toe hy al ’n pyl en boog so …
Gerrie Radlof: Tamar van die Woud
TAMAR VAN DIE WOUD - TAMAR VAN DIE WOUD REEKS Tamar is die heerser van oermense in ’n verlore koninkryk in die hartjie van die Kongo. Hy en sy mense woon vreedsaam daar in ’n ou vulkaniese krate …
Gerrie Radlof: Tamar en die Indringers
TAMAR EN DIE INDRINGERS – TAMAR VAN DIE WOUD REEKS Twee safari’s, een van die noorde en een van die weste bring oornag in Tamar se vreedsame koninkryk, agterdog en spanning. Vir die tweede keer bots …
Sandbergh Beyers: Bloedspore in die Sahara
BLOEDSPORE IN DIE SAHARA – SAHARA WOESTYN REEKS ’n Bormoen Arabier stuur ’n boodskap aan Kolonel Ribrun van fort Dini Sadazi. Daarin versoek hy dat een van die ander Franse forte, genaamd Fort Ney da …
Braam le Roux: Die Mensvreters van Tsawo
DIE MENSVRETERS VAN TSAWO – DIE SWART LUIPERD REEKS Die kluisenaar van die Blouberge se vader was ’n grootwildjagter. Op ’n dag verdwyn hy saam met twee van sy handlangers in die digte woude van Oos- …
Braam le Roux & Dewald Brink: Vlam van die Laeveld
VLAM VAN DIE LAEVELD – WOESTE LAEVELD REEKS Weet u dat Suid-Afrika ook sy eie, egte “cowboy”-tydperk gehad het…? Hier is dit in aksiebelaade stories! Dit was in die dae toe vroue “skaars en duur ar …
Braam le Roux & Dewald Brink: Die Poort van Trane
DIE POORT VAN TRANE – WOESTE LAEVELD REEKS In die woeste bosveld van Oos-Transvaal het ’n meisie verlore geraak. Sy bevind haar in ’n gebied wat wemel van roekelose fortuinsoekers, beesdiewe en smokk …
Braam le Roux & Dewald Brink: Vonnis van die Berge
VONNIS VAN DIE BERGE – WOESTE LAEVELD REEKS In die woeste avonturiersdorp van Barberton, reik die landdros ’n lasbrief uit vir die arrestasie van Johan Grimbeek, op aanklag van moord en roof. Sake ly …
Braam le Roux & Dewald Brink: Spore in die Dou
SPORE IN DIE DOU - WOESTE LAEVELD REEKS Die bloedigste moord wat mens jou kan voorstel, vind op ’n helder maanlig nag in die hartjie van die Woeste Laeveld plaas, maar dit is nie ’n mens …
Braam le Roux & Dewald Brink: Beminde Verraaier
BEMINDE VERRAAIER – WOESTE LAEVELD REEKS Deur die ruigtes beur Len van Staden heen tot op die oewer van ’n groot rivier. Dit wemel daar van seekoeie en krokodille en in die ruigtes agter hom, is geva …
Braam le Roux & Dewald Brink: Geen Vergiffenis
GEEN VERGIFFENIS – WOESTE LAEVELD REEKS Die reeds beroemde Len van Staden, spesiale polisie-agent van die Regering van die Suid-Afrikaanse Republiek, tree andermaal op in hierdie buitengewone verhaal …
Sandbergh Beyers: Skaduwee oor die Sahara
SKADUWEE OOR DIE SAHARA – SAHARA WOESTYN REEKS ’Skaduwee oor die Sahara’ deur Sandbergh Beyers is ’n opwindende avontuurverhaal wat afspeel in die ongenaakbare Sahara-woestyn. Die verhaal begin met d …
Sandbergh Beyers: Wraak trek oor die Sahara
WRAAK TREK OOR DIE SAHARA – SAHARA WOESTYN REEKS Wraak trek oor die Sahara deur Sandbergh Beyers is ’n dramatiese verhaal vol aksie, intrige, en oorlewing wat afspeel in die genadelose Sahara-woestyn …
Meiring Fouche: Vlamme in die Kalahari
VLAMME IN DIE KALAHARI – RYK SCHOONRAAD REEKS Helm du Plessis, ’n vooraanstaande grensboer van die Noordwestelike Provinsie, is met honderde osse op pad na die Kimberley se mark. Hy word egter koelbl …
Meiring Fouche: Vuilspel op die Vlaktes
VUILSPEL OP DIE VLAKTES – RYK SCHOONRAAD REEKS Vuilspel op die Vlaktes is so vol aksie en so romanties soos die skitterendste “wilde weste”-verhaal wat u nog gelees het. Die verhaal speel af in ’n ty …
Meiring Fouche: Die Rooi Klippies van Tandberg
DIE ROOI KLIPPIES VAN TANDBERG – RYK SCHOONRAAD REEKS Om jou hotelkamer se deur oop te maak en ’n bakkopslang dreigend voor jou orent te sien staan, sal vir geen mens ’n aangename ondervinding wees n …
Meiring Fouche: Vreemde Vrou in die Wildernis
VREEMDE VROU IN DIE WILDERNIS – RYK SCHOONRAAD REEKS Ryk Schoonraad, flukse jong boer aan die voorpos van die beskawing, is verbaas om in die veld ’n verskrikte handperd te kry, belaai met die besitt …
Gerrie Radlof: Die Buiter se Geheim
DIE BUITER SE GEHEIM – DIE BUITER REEKS Lees gerus die opwindende verhale van ʼn man wat ’n merkwaardige dubbele lewe gelei het. Hy word die Buiter genoem. Mense sien hom as die rykste edelman aan die …
Gerrie Radlof: Boodskap vir die Buiter
BOODSKAP VIR DIE BUITER – DIE BUITER REEKS Lees gerus die opwindende verhale van ʼn man wat ’n merkwaardige dubbele lewe gelei het. Hy word die Buiter genoem. Mense sien hom as die rykste edelman aan …
Christo Juan Malan: Mooiplaas
MOOIPLAAS ʼn Roerende verhaal van ’n jong weduwee op ’n plaas in Malmesbury, wat na haar man se afsterwe meer as ’n jaar gelede, een oggend besluit het genoeg is genoeg. Rebecca Viljoen moet die lewe …
Gerrie Radlof: Die Buiter Hou Wag
DIE BUITER HOU WAG – DIE BUITER REEKS Lees gerus die opwindende verhale van ʼn man wat ’n merkwaardige dubbele lewe gelei het. Hy word die Buiter genoem. Mense sien hom as die rykste edelman aan die K …
Pieter Haasbroek: Vyf Sahara Woestyn Kortverhale
VYF OPWINDENDE SAHARA WOESTYN KORTVERHALE Hierdie eboek bevat vyf afsonderlike lekkerlees kortverhale, wat almal in die magtige en snikhete Sahara woestyn afspeel. Daar is iets vir almal om te geniet …
Johan Nel: Droster in Algerië
DROSTER IN ALGERIE – VREEMDELEGIOEN VERHAAL Tydens straat onluste in Beiroet word die tienjarige Ismael se ouers deur een van die fanatiese vegters wreed met ’n kromsabel doodgemaak. Hy aanskou dit a …
Gerrie Radlof: Die Buiter Seëvier
DIE BUITER SEEVIER – DIE BUITER REEKS Lees gerus die opwindende verhale van ʼn man wat ’n merkwaardige dubbele lewe gelei het. Hy word die Buiter genoem. Mense sien hom as die rykste edelman aan die K …
Meiring Fouche: Footsteps to Death
2. SAHARA ADVENTURE SERIES – FOOTSTEPS TO DEATH “Footsteps to Death”, is the sequel to “Witch of the Sahara” by Meiring Fouche’s thrilling Sahara adventure series. Set in the scorching Sahara desert, …
Braam Le Roux: Hoefslae teen Middernag
HOEFSLAE TEEN MIDDERNAG – WOESTE LAEVELD REEKS Hierdie verhaal speel af in die tydperk 1835 – 1887 tydens die storm en drang jare van die Oostelike Transvaal, toe die geel erts honderde mense na gebi …
Braam Le Roux: Ruiters van die Dood
RUITERS VAN DIE DOOD – WOESTE LAEVELD REEKS Hierdie verhaal, soos ook die ander in die reeks, speel af in die tagtigerjare van die vorige eeu toe Barberton, in die bergwêreld van die Oostelike Transv …
Meiring Fouche: Die Spore Roep
DIE SPORE ROEP – SAHARA AVONTUUR REEKS Die patrollie van sersant Catroux is nou al vir twee weke in die snikhete Sahara woestyn, maar tot op hede het hulle nog niks gewaar om oor terug te rapporteer …
Meiring Fouche: Mademoiselle Julie
MADEMOISELLE JULIE – SAHARA AVONTUUR REEKS Ongeveer 2000 Doelaks omsingel Fort Laval en eis van die Franse Vreemdelegioen bevelvoerder, kaptein Gaston Lefevre, om die fort sonder slag of stoot oor te …
Meiring Fouche: The Fort is Quiet
5. SAHARA ADVENTURE SERIES – THE FORT IS QUIET The blistering heat of the Sahara desert provides the backdrop for Meiring Fouche’s thrilling fifth tale, “The Fort is Quiet”. The story follows three s …
Meiring Fouche: Death at Sunrise
6. SAHARA ADVENTURE SERIES – DEATH AT SUNRISE Buckle up for a thrilling adventure in the scorching Sahara desert with the brave men of the French Foreign Legion in Meiring Fouche’s action-packed page …
Meiring Fouche: Thundering Hooves
7. SAHARA ADVENTURE SERIES – THUNDERING HOOVES “Thundering Hooves” is the 7th thrilling installment of the “Sahara Adventure series”, where danger always lurks in the scorching Sahara sands. After a …
Meiring Fouche: Blood in front of the Sun
8. SAHARA ADVENTURE SERIES – BLOOD IN FRONT OF THE SUN “Blood in Front of the Sun” is part of the exciting “Sahara Adventure series” chronicling the adventures of Teuns Stegmann and his French Foreig …
Meiring Fouche: The Tracks are Calling
9. SAHARA ADVENTURE SERIES – THE TRACKS ARE CALLING A blazing sun beats down on the vast and treacherous Sahara desert as Sergeant Catroux leads his small band of French Foreign Legion soldiers on pa …
Meiring Fouche: Mademoiselle Julie
10. SAHARA ADVENTURE SERIES – MADEMOISELLE JULIE The sands of the Sahara desert hold many mysteries and dangers, as Captain Gaston Lefevre of the French Foreign Legion soon discovers. Stationed at th …
Meiring Fouche: The Scarlet Riders
3. SAHARA ADVENTURE SERIES – THE SCARLET RIDERS The thrilling Sahara adventure series continues in this gripping third installment, “The Scarlet Riders”. Captain D’Arlan, an officer in the French For …
Meiring Fouche: Revenge of the Desert
4. SAHARA ADVENTURE SERIES – REVENGE OF THE DESERT Reading the fourth story from Meiring Fouche’s “Sahara Adventure series”, namely “Revenge of the Desert”, will leave you craving for more Sahara act …
Meiring Fouche: Revenge of the Sabre
11. SAHARA ADVENTURE SERIES – REVENGE OF THE SABRE In this eleventh book from Meiring Fouche in the Sahara Adventure series, “Revenge of the Sabre”, the scorching Sahara sun bears down on Legionnaire …
Chris Opperman: JOP – Lê nie heeldag net in die bed nie.
JOP – LE NIE HEELDAG IN DIE BED NIE Hierdie e-boek, ’Jop – Lê nie heeldag in die bed nie’, is die tweede e-boek wat geskryf is deur Chris Opperman. Jop is ’n alleenloper wat besluit het hy gaan die l …
Gerrie Radlof: The Masked Robber
THE MASKED ROBBER – THE MASKED ROBBER SERIES “The Masked Robber” by Gerrie Radlof is the first book in an exciting historical fiction series depicting the politics and social tensions of 19th-century …
Chris Opperman: JOP – Does not lie in bed all day.
JOP – DOES NOT LIE IN BED ALL DAY This e-book, ’Jop – Does not Lie in Bed all Day’, is the second e-book written by Chris Opperman. Jop is a lone adventurer who decided to tour the South African coun …
Gerrie Radlof: Long Live The Masked Robber
LONG LIVE THE MASKED ROBBER – THE MASKED ROBBER SERIES Escape into a world of adventure and intrigue in colonial South Africa with Gerrie Radlof’s thrilling saga, “Long Live The Masked Robber.” This …
Pieter Haasbroek: The Black Forest
THE BLACK FOREST When Jack and Madeleine embark on a fateful drive through the notorious Black Forest, they unwittingly step into a malevolent realm beyond human comprehension. Their journey quickly …
Gerrie Radlof: The Masked Robber and his Gang
THE MASKED ROBBER AND HIS GANG – THE MASKED ROBBER SERIES Step into the thrilling world of the Masked Robber, a mysterious vigilante who fights for justice in the Cape Colony of the 1800s. In this th …
Gerrie Radlof: Bait for the Masked Robber
BAIT FOR THE MASKED ROBBER – THE MASKED ROBBER SERIES Mystery and adventure await in this thrilling fourth installment of The Masked Robber series. Set in nineteenth century Cape Colony, South Africa …
Pieter Haasbroek: How to Fix 46 Common Household Problems
HOW TO FIX (46) COMMON HOUSEHOLD PROBLEMS Are you tired of spending a fortune on professional repairs for common household problems? Do you wish you could tackle those pesky issues on your own, savin …
Pieter Haasbroek: Five Sahara Short Stories
FIVE SAHARA DESERT SHORT STORIES Step into the scorching heart of the Sahara Desert with five thrilling stories that push human endurance to its absolute limits. From the harshest of sandstorms …
Johan Nel: Deserter in Algeria
DESERTER IN ALGERIA – A SAHARA DESERT STORY During street riots in Beirut, the ten-year-old Ismael’s parents were brutally killed by one of the fanatical fighters with a curved saber. He witnessed it …
Gerrie Radlof: Ravishing Armada
12. RAVISHING ARMADA – OLOFF THE PIRATE SERIES Oloff van Wagenaar, once a notorious pirate feared across the seas, now seeks only one thing, namely redemption. Haunted by a past steeped in violence a …
Andreas du Plessis: Cavemen Valley
3. CAVEMEN VALLEY – JUNGLE HAWK SERIES In this third story of the Jungle Hawk series, the Hawk rescues Aztec Calder from the jaws of a lion. In his delirious state shortly before his death, Calder mu …
Pieter Haasbroek: Unforeseen Encounter
UNFORESEEN ENCOUNTER – A SHORT ROMANCE STORY In ’Unforeseen Encounter, ’ Colette, a stunning and successful real estate agent in Cape Town, lives a fast-paced life filled with work but lacking romanc …
AI: Steamy Romantic Short Stories
STEAMY ROMANTIC SHORT STORIES Passions Unbound – Steamy Short Stories is a collection of 12 tantalizing short stories crafted by artificial intelligence, each tale transports readers to exotic locale …
Braam le Roux: Masked Murderers
1. MASKED MURDERERS – THE BLACK PANTHER SERIES Leon had to learn early to throw a bag of mealies over his shoulder and walk away with it. He was barely fourteen years old when he so skillfully handle …
AI: Scary Western Short Stories
SCARY WESTERN SHORT STORIES Scary Western Short Stories brings to life a haunting collection of eerie, thrilling tales set in the desolate and lawless landscapes of the Wild West. Crafted by artifici …
Meiring Fouche: Secrets on the Plains
1. SECRETS ON THE PLAINS – RYK SCHOONRAAD SERIES Here is yet another masterful story written by one of South Africa’s top authors, namely F.A. Venter under the pseudonym of Meiring Fouche. This thril …
Meiring Fouche: The Red Ruby
1. THE RED RUBY – THE RED RUBY SERIES Simon Verbeeck, the great sailor with his long black hair and elegant black beard, declared war against all pirates. Pirates had not only robbed him of the Compa …
Gerrie Radlof: The Masked Robber Rides in the Night
THE MASKED ROBBER RIDES IN THE NIGHT – THE MASKED ROBBER SERIES Get ready for action, drama, romance, and intrigue in the fifth installment of Gerrie Radlof’s beloved Masked Robber series. Set in 19t …
Gerrie Radlof: The Masked Robber’s Secret
THE MASKED ROBBER’S SECRET – THE MASKED ROBBER SERIES In the heart of nineteenth-century Cape Colony, a masked figure rides under the cover of darkness, delivering swift justice to the corrupt and ch …
Gerrie Radlof: Message for the Masked Robber
MESSAGE FOR THE MASKED ROBBER – THE MASKED ROBBER SERIES Message for the Masked Robber by Gerrie Radlof plunges readers into the stormy intrigue of the Cape Colony during the nineteenth century. In t …
Gerrie Radlof: The Masked Robber Keeps Watch
THE MASKED ROBBER KEEPS WATCH – THE MASKED ROBBER SERIES Step into the tension-filled streets of the Cape Colony during the early 19th century, where secrets, power struggles, and the pursuit of just …
Gerrie Radlof: The Masked Robber Prevails
THE MASKED ROBBER PREVAILS – THE MASKED ROBBER SERIES The Masked Robber Prevails is the electrifying conclusion to The Masked Robber series by Gerrie Radlof, an unforgettable saga set against the rug …
Dewald Brink & Braam Le Roux: Judgement of the Mountains
JUDGEMENT OF THE MOUNTAINS – UNTAMED LOWVELD SERIES (Book 3 of 8) Set in the wild, lawless frontier of Barberton during the South African gold rush, Judgement of the Mountains is an epic tale of surv …
Dewald Brink & Braam Le Roux: Beloved Traitor
BELOVED TRAITOR – UNTAMED LOWVELD SERIES (Book 5 of 8) In the wild, untamed days of the Transvaal Lowveld, where revolvers and rifles dictated law, Len van Staden, a fearless government agent, embark …
Dewald Brink & Braam Le Roux: No Forgiveness
6. NO FORGIVENESS – UNTAMED LOWVELD SERIES (Book 6 of 8) In No Forgiveness, South Africa’s rugged Lowveld serves as a dramatic stage for a tale of betrayal, vengeance, and redemption. At the heart of …
Gerrie Radlof: Tamar of the Forest
1. TAMAR OF THE FOREST – TAMAR SERIES In the dense, untamed jungles bordering Uganda and the Belgian Congo, a covert expedition encounters a world far removed from civilization. Tasked with a mysteri …
Gerrie Radlof: Tamar and the Invaders
2. TAMAR AND THE INVADERS – TAMAR SERIES In the shadow of an immense and mysterious jungle on the border of Uganda and the Congo, a series of disappearances brings together a group of unlikely allies …
Meiring Fouche: Strange Woman in the Wilderness
4. STRANGE WOMAN IN THE WILDERNESS – RYK SCHOONRAAD SERIES In the untamed wilderness of the Northeast Cape, Ryk Schoonraad, a determined young farmer, stumbles upon a life-changing discovery on his m …
Meiring Fouche: The Red Pebbles of Tandberg
3. THE RED PEBBLES OF TANDBERG – RYK SCHOONRAAD SERIES In the wild borderlands of Graskolk, at the edge of the untamed Tandberg in the northern Cape Colony, mystery and danger cast a long shadow over …
Andreas Du Plessis: Golden City of Sheba
1. GOLD CITY OF SHEBA – JUNGLE HAWK SERIES In this thrilling installment of The Jungle Hawk series, the enigmatic Hawk, a fearless jungle adventurer, hears the delirious words of a dying man. He ment …
Andreas Du Plessis: Revolution in the Jungle
6. REVOLUTION IN THE JUNGLE – JUNGLE HAWK SERIES In the depths of the untamed Belgian Congo, chaos and rebellion ignite a deadly game of survival. When Poponoulis, a steadfast Greek shopkeeper, and h …
Andreas Du Plessis: The Leopard Gang
5. THE LEOPARD GANG – JUNGLE HAWK SERIES When the Jungle Hawk is tasked with dismantling the feared Leopard Gang by Colonel Fleerackers of the Belgian Security Police, he embarks on a dangerous missi …
Dewald Brink & Braam Le Roux: Flame of the Lowveld
FLAME OF THE LOWVELD – UNTAMED LOWVELD SERIES (Book 1 of 8) Set in the untamed wilderness of South Africa’s Eastern Transvaal during its gold rush, Flame of the Lowveld is an electrifying saga of pas …
Dewald Brink & Dewald Brink: Traces in the Dew
TRACES IN THE DEW – UNTAMED LOWVELD SERIES (Book 4 of 8) On a moonlit night in the rugged South African Lowveld, a cruel massacre shocks the wilderness, not of humans but helpless cattle driven to th …
Andreas Du Plessis: Land of the Vampires
7. LAND OF THE VAMPIRES – JUNGLE HAWK SERIES When a daring expedition sets out into the heart of the Amazon jungle, they’re not just searching for a lost tribe, they’re chasing legends. Led by the en …
Braam le Roux: The Man-eaters of Tsawo
2. THE MAN-EATERS OF TSAWO – THE BLACK PANTHER SERIES In the heart of the African wilderness, a gripping tale unfolds as a ragged hermit, Paul Verhoef, harbors a dark secret, knowledge of a legendary …
Braam Le Roux: Riders of Death
RIDERS OF DEATH – UNTAMED LOWVELD SERIES (Book 8 of 8) Set in the rugged landscapes of the Eastern Transvaal during the untamed 1880s, Riders of Death plunges readers into a world where gold fever ig …
Braam Le Roux: Hoofbeats at Midnight
HOOFBEATS AT MIDNIGHT – UNTAMED LOWVELD SERIES (Book 7 of 8) Set against the turbulent backdrop of the Eastern Transvaal from 1835 to 1887. Hoofbeats at Midnight immerses readers in an era of gold ru …
Meiring Fouche: The Pirates Treasure
2. THE PIRATES TREASURE – THE RED RUBY SERIES Seafarer Simon Verbeeck, a renowned pirate hunter, is ready for his next adventure. After three months of respite, the call of the sea is strong, and his …
Meiring Fouche: The Pirates Treasure
3. EMERALD OF THE HIGH SEAS – THE RED RUBY SERIES Off the coast of Barbados, a lone ship, the Red Ruby, charts a course home, its captain, Simon Verbeeck, eager for respite from pirate encounters. Bu …
Meiring Fouche: Echoes from the Sky
4. ECHOES OF THE SKY – THE RED RUBY SERIES Captain Simon Verbeeck, a renowned seafarer, sails the Red Ruby through the treacherous waters of the West Indies, a region rife with pirates and hidden dan …
Meiring Fouche: Quest for the Pearl of Malsia
5. QUEST FOR THE PEARL OF MALSIA – THE RED RUBY SERIES Captain Simon Verbeeck, a man haunted by loss at the hands of ruthless pirates, finds his life irrevocably intertwined with the fate of a legend …
Meiring Fouche: The Kings Ransom
6. THE KINGS RANSOM – THE RED RUBY SERIES The tranquil waters of the Indian Ocean conceal a deadly secret, a buried treasure that promises riches beyond imagination, and a journey paved with treacher …
Meiring Fouche: Pirates Execute the Verdict
8. PIRATES EXECUTE THE VERDICT – THE RED RUBY SERIES A ship of death adrift off the coast of Africa… That’s how Captain Simon Verbeeck, the scourge of pirates, first encounters the Sea Serpent, a sla …
Meiring Fouche: Whispers of the Sunken Ship
9. WHISPERS OF THE SUNKEN SHIP – THE RED RUBY SERIES A respected sea captain, Simon Verbeeck, is summoned by the Governor of the Cape of Good Hope for an urgent mission. A Dutch vessel, the Sluiskerk …
Meiring Fouche: Seerowers Vel die Vonnis
8. SEEROWERS VEL DIE VONNIS – MAAGD VAN DIE SEE REEKS Kaptein Simon Verbeeck, die skrik van alle seerowers, se sierlike skip, die Maagd van die See, anker by ’n beskutte hawe aan Afrika se weskus. Hu …
Meiring Fouche: Boodskap uit die Blou
4. BOODSKAP UIT DIE BLOU – MAAGD VAN DIE SEE REEKS Kaptein Simon Verbeeck, ’n groot, donker man met helderblou oë en ’n reputasie as die seerowers se aartsvyand, kloof die branders met sy trotse seil …
Meiring Fouche: Robyn uit die Paradys
3. ROBYN UIT DIE PARADYS – MAAGD VAN DIE SEE REEKS Kaptein Simon Verbeeck, ’n man met ’n reputasie vir dapperheid, staan voor ’n raaisel diep in die Karibiese See. ’n Verlate eiland, ’n wapperende wi …
Meiring Fouche: Die Tier van Siam
6. DIE TIER VAN SIAM – MAAGD VAN DIE SEE REEKS Maak gereed vir ’n roerende reis in die hart van die Ooste, waar skatte, seerowers en ’n wanhopige soektog na geregtigheid bots in ’n verhaal wat jou va …
Meiring Fouche: Die Pêrel van Malsia
5. DIE PEREL VAN MALSIA – MAAGD VAN DIE SEE REEKS Stel jou voor ’n wêreld gekleur deur die woeste skoonheid van die sewe see, waar die belofte van avontuur hand aan hand gaan met die dreigende skaduw …
Meiring Fouche: Die Mal Seerower
7. DIE MAL SEEROWER – MAAGD VAN DIE SEE REEKS Die Kaap die Goeie Hoop, ʼn plek van hope en drome, word bedreig. ’n Verweerde jagter, Jansen van Vuuren, maak ’n skokkende ontdekking. ’n Seerowerskip lê …
Meiring Fouche: Skat onder die Palms
2. SKAT ONDER DIE PALMS – MAAGD VAN DIE SEE REEKS Simon Verbeeck, ’n ervare seevaarder met ’n reputasie vir onverskrokkenheid, word onverwags ingetrek in ’n gevaarlike soektog na ’n legendariese skat …
Meiring Fouche: Die Geheim van die Sluiskerk
9. DIE GEHEIM VAN DIE SLUISKERK – MAAGD VAN DIE SEE REEKS Simon Verbeeck, ’n geharde seevaarder met ’n reputasie vir dapperheid en ’n onwrikbare haat vir seerowers, word onverwags deur die Goewerneur …
Gerrie Radlof: Sea of Vengeance
2. SEA OF VENGEANCE – OLOFF THE PIRATE SERIES Prepare to be swept away by Sea of Vengeance, a thrilling tale set against the backdrop of the perilous 18th-century Indian Ocean. When Oloff van Wagenaa …
Gerrie Radlof: Scum of the Seas
3. SCUM OF THE SEAS – OLOFF THE PIRATE SERIES Adventure explodes on the African coast in Scum of the Seas, where Captain Gascon Dumont’s tranquil life at Fort Louis shatters amidst a ruthless pirate …
Gerrie Radlof: Captain Oloff the Pirate
4. CAPTAIN OLOFF THE PIRATE – OLOFF THE PIRATE SERIES Prepare to be swept away on a thrilling adventure in the heart of the Indian Ocean, where pirates rule the waves, revenge simmers, and love bloss …
Gerrie Radlof: Master of the Sword
1. MASTER OF THE SWORD – OLOFF THE PIRATE SERIES In the heart of the Dutch Cape Colony, a young man named Oloff van Wagenaar is about to discover the devastating truth of his past and the dangerous p …
Gerrie Radlof: The Traitor
5. THE TRAITOR – OLOFF THE PIRATE SERIES In the treacherous waters of the Indian Ocean, where fortunes are made and lives are lost under the shadow of black sails, lurks a darkness deeper than any st …
Gerrie Radlof: Black Horizon
6. BLACK HORIZON – OLOFF THE PIRATE SERIES Oloff van Wagenaar, known to the pirate community as the dreaded Oloff the Pirate, leads a double life. In his true identity as a full captain in the Dutch …
Gerrie Radlof: The Ransom
7. THE RANSOM – OLOFF THE PIRATE SERIES Set in the treacherous waters east of Zanzibar, The Ransom plunges you into a world ruled by roaring seas and the ruthless code of pirates. On Beacon Island, a …
Gerrie Radlof: Sea Vultures
10. SEA VULTURES – OLOFF THE PIRATE SERIES Dive into the turbulent world of Deelen Bay, a pirate haven ruled by ruthless ambition and stained with daily acts of barbarity. In this unforgiving den of …
Gerrie Radlof: The Black Seagull
11. THE BLACK SEAGULL – OLOFF THE PIRATE SERIES In the treacherous waters of the Indian Ocean, where pirate havens thrive and fortunes are won and lost on the roll of a wave, a storm is brewing that …
Gerrie Radlof: The Pirate’s Treasure
14. THE PIRATE’S TREASURE – OLOFF THE PIRATE SERIES The year is the early 1700’s. The shimmering waters of the Mediterranean are stained crimson with piracy, and amidst the chaos rises Oloff van Wage …
Gerrie Radlof: Stronghold of the Pirates
21. STRONGHOLD OF THE PIRATES – OLOFF THE PIRATE SERIES In the jewel-rich land of Sarovia, a storm of political intrigue is brewing. Regent Burgrave Gustav von Strasheim, a man of iron will and ambit …
Gerrie Radlof: The Blue Ruby
15. THE BLUE RUBY – OLOFF THE PIRATE SERIES France teeters on the brink. With the King’s untimely death, young Prince Etienne is poised to ascend the throne, but a shadow of doubt looms large. Stolen …
Gerrie Radlof: The Coast of Barbary
17. THE COAST OF BARBARY – OLOFF THE PIRATE SERIES Enter a world of swashbuckling adventure and courtly intrigue in The Coast of Barbary, where the line between pirate and nobleman blurs with every c …
Gerrie Radlof: Predators from the East
18. PREDATORS FROM THE EAST – OLOFF THE PIRATE SERIES Prepare for a thrilling high-seas adventure where clashing swords, cunning strategies, and a touch of forbidden romance collide. In the early day …
Gerrie Radlof: The Secret Mantle
20. THE SECRET MANTLE – OLOFF THE PIRATE SERIES The winds of fate shift violently in the saga of Captain Leigh and the Indian Lark, carrying not just precious cargo but a storm of unforeseen peril. W …
Gerrie Radloff: The Yellow Dragon
21. THE YELLOW DRAGON – OLOFF THE PIRATE SERIES When Pascal da Gamba brings unsettling news to the notorious pirate Susa Bizerta, known as the Yellow Dragon, a chain of events is set in motion that w …
Gerrie Radlof: In Enemy Hands
23. IN ENEMY HANDS – OLOFF THE PIRATE SERIES Oloff, the scourge of the seas, awakens to a nightmare. Left for dead amidst the burning ruins of a brutal attack, he remembers nothing. No past, no allie …
Gerrie Radlof: Black Sails on the Horizon
24. BLACK SAILS ON THE HORIZON – OLOFF THE PIRATE SERIES The ominous sight of black sails against the African horizon heralds a storm brewing in the tranquil community of Moma. But what begins as a s …
Gerrie Radlof: The Spy
9. THE SPY – OLOFF THE PIRATE SERIES In the perilous waters of the 18th-century Indian Ocean, France’s prosperity hangs by a thread, threatened by the notorious pirate, Captain Oloff. Count Durette, …
Gerrie Radlof: Arm from the Deep
13. ARM FROM THE DEEP – OLOFF THE PIRATE SERIES The Indian Ocean, a tempestuous realm of merchant ships and lurking shadows. A pirate scourge threatens the Dutch East India Company, and Admiral Rynha …
Gerrie Radlof: Ghost Ship of Biscay
16. GHOST SHIP OF BISCAY – OLOFF THE PIRATE SERIES In the gilded courts of post-coronation France, where lavish balls mask simmering political intrigue, a storm is brewing that threatens to engulf th …
Gerrie Radlof: The Skull
19. THE SKULL – OLOFF THE PIRATE SERIES Oloff van Wagenaar, a Dutch naval captain with a past shrouded in pirate lore, thought he’d finally achieved peace. He’d founded Wagenaarsrust, a haven for his …
Artificial Intelligence: Two Western Cowboy Saloon Fights
TWO WESTERN COWBOY SALOON FIGHTS Dive into the rowdy, brawling world of the Old West with two thrilling short stories capturing the spirit of cowboy camaraderie and chaos. In Three Cowboys Walk Into …