Micro-X-ray fluorescence offers the possibility for a position- sensitive and non-destructive analysis that can be used for the analysis of non-homogeneous materials and layer systems. This analytical technique has shown a dynamic development in the last 15 years and is used for the analysis of small particles, inclusions, of elemental distributions for a wide range of different applications both in research and quality control. The first experiments were performed on synchrotrons but there is a requirement for laboratory instruments which offers a fast and immediate access for analytical results. The book discuss the main components of a µ-XRF instrument and the different measurement modes, it gives an overview about the various instruments types, considers the special requirements for quantification of non-homogeneous materials and presents a wide range of application for single point and multi-point analysis as well as for distribution analysis in one, two and three dimensions.
XRF-Basics.- Main Components of X-Ray Spectrometers.- Special Requirements for µ-XRF.- Quantification.- Sample Preparation.- Relations to Other Analytical Methods.- Applications.
Про автора
Michael Haschke was born 1948, his schooling was combined with teachings for metalworker. After the study of physics at the TU Dresden which was finished 1974 with Ph D he started his career – at first in the Academy of Science of GDR, branch for scientific instrumentation and then in different companies. From the beginning of the 80th he was working in the field of X-Ray analytics. During that time he was responsible for the introduction of energy-dispersive X-Ray spectrometers (EDS) in GDR, for the buildup of the X-Ray product line in Spectro, Kleve including the excitation with polarized radiation, the use of small spectrometers for jewelry analysis and the introduction of poly-capillary based instruments for µ-XRF in Röntgenanalytik Messtechnik Gmb H, Taunusstein in close cooperation with EDAX, USA, the use of µ-XRF as an additional excitation source for electron microscopes in If G, Berlin and finally for the introduction of a complete product line for µ-XRF in Bruker Nano, Gmb H, Berlin. This responsibility was realized as deputy-director or product manager in the different companies. He understood the introduction of new instruments as a combination of the development of the instruments with the introduction into the market. Therefore there is a big experience both for instrumentation as well as for application.