The book covers the major aspects of rubber compounding. For the first time, the reader will find all relevant issues, whether it is machine design, process technology, or material parameters, covered in one comprehensive volume.
– Compounding (System Description)
– The Mixer
– Process Technology in Compounding
– Correlation between Material Parameters and the Compounding Process
– Correlation between Processing and Properties for Technical Parts Made from Rubber
– Properties of Synthetic Polymers during Compounding
– Production of Silica Compounds
– Physical Phenomena in the Manufacture of Rubber Compounds
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Prof. Dr. Andreas Limper war von 2001 bis 2019 Geschäftsführer der HF Maschinenbau Gmb H. Heute ist er 1. stv. Vorsitzender der Deutschen Kautschuk Gesellschaft (DKG) und hat einen Lehrauftrag am IKV (Institut für Kunststoffverarbeitung) / der RWTH Aachen zum Thema „Kautschuktechnologie“. Er berät das Institut in Sachen der Forschung betreffs der Kautschukverarbeitung.