Herbert George Wells, plus connu sous la signature H. G. Wells, né le 21 septembre 1866 à Bromley dans le Kent (Royaume-Uni) et mort le 13 août 1946 à Londres, est un écrivain britannique surtout connu aujourd”hui pour ses romans de science-fiction. Il fut cependant également l”auteur de nombreux romans de satire sociale, d”oeuvres de prospective, de réflexions politiques et sociales ainsi que d”ouvrages de vulgarisation touchant aussi bien à la biologie, à l”histoire qu”aux questions sociales. Il est considéré comme le père de la science-fiction contemporaine.
505 Ebooks bởi Herbert George Wells
Herbert George Wells: 时间机器
时间旅行者终于完成了他的时间机器的工作,并使他闯入未来。当机器停止时,在公元802, 701年,他发现自己处于一个叫做Eloi的小型人形生物的天堂世界。他们体弱多病,给他吃水果。他探索了这个区域,但当他回来时,他发现他的时间机器已经消失了。他决定将它放在附近雕像的基座内。他试图把它撬开但不能。在夜晚,他开始瞥见Eloi称之为莫洛克人的奇怪的白猿般生物。他决定将那些寄生在地下的地方,沿着景观的井下 …
tiếng Trung Quốc
Herbert George Wells: Little Wars
Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. Little wars is …
Herbert George Wells: A Máquina do Tempo
A Máquina do Tempo é uma novela de ficção científica de autoria de H.G. Wells e publicada originalmente em 1895. A história, além de popularizar o conceito de uma máquina que permite ao operador viaj …
tiếng Bồ Đào Nha
Herbert George Wells: La Merveilleuse Visite
La Merveilleuse visite est le deuxième roman de H.G. Wells, publié en 1895. Ayant un ange pour personnage principal, créature née de l’imagination et non figure religieuse, il se déroule dans l’Angle …
tiếng Pháp
Herbert George Wells: La Visita Meravigliosa
La visita meravigliosa è un romanzo del 1895 di H.G. Wells. Con un angelo per protagonista – una creatura di fantasia diversa dall’angelo religioso – e ambientato nell’Inghilterra contemporanea, il l …
tiếng Ý
Herbert George Wells: La Macchina Del Tempo
La macchina del tempo è un romanzo di fantascienza di H.G. Wells pubblicato nel 1895. A Wells è attribuita la diffusione del concetto di viaggio nel tempo per mezzo di un veicolo che permette a chi l …
tiếng Ý
Herbert George Wells: La Macchina del Tempo
Così inizia lo stupefacente resoconto in prima persona del viaggio del viaggiatore nel tempo di 800.000 anni oltre la sua epoca – e la storia che ha dato il via alla carriera di successo di H.G. Well …
tiếng Ý
H.G. WELLS & HERBERT GEORGE WELLS: Les nouvelles fantastiques de H.G. WELLS
Herbert George Wells, plus connu sous la signature H. G. Wells, né le 21 septembre 1866 à Bromley dans le Kent (Royaume-Uni) et mort le 13 août 1946 à Londres, est un écrivain britannique surtout con …
tiếng Pháp
Herbert George Wells: L’Europe de demain
L’écrivain britannique H.G. Wells est surtout connu pour ses récits de science-fiction. Bien que considéré comme le père de la science-fiction contemporaine, il a également été un commentateur avisé …
tiếng Pháp
Herbert George Wells: War of the Worlds
Niemand hätte in den letzten Jahren des 19. Jahrhunderts geglaubt, dass unser Planet Erde aus der Ferne beobachtet wurde. Aber die Erde wurde nicht nur beobachtet – bald schon wurde sie von Kreaturen …
Herbert George Wells: The Discovery of the Future
IT will lead into my subject most conveniently to contrast and separate two divergent types of mind, types which are to be distinguished chiefly by their attitude toward time, and more particularly b …
Herbert George Wells: The Time Machine
The Time Traveller (for so it will be convenient to speak of him) was expounding a recondite matter to us. His grey eyes shone and twinkled, and his usually pale face was flushed and animated. The fi …
Herbert George Wells: Der Krieg der Welten
H. G. Wells: Der Krieg der Welten | Neuerscheinung 2019, neu editiert, in aktualisierter Rechtschreibung | Weil die Ressourcen ihres eigenen Planeten, des Mars, aufgebraucht sind, überfällt eine über …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: Der gestohlene Bazillus
Diese Sammlung enthält 15 neu übersetze Kurzgeschichten aus der Feder von H. G. Wells, des bekannten ‘Vater der Science Fiction’. Kleine Geschichten um Wissenschaft, menschliche Selbstüberschätzung u …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: Der gestohlene Bazillus
Diese Sammlung enthält 15 neu übersetze Kurzgeschichten aus der Feder von H. G. Wells, des bekannten ‘Vater der Science Fiction’. Kleine Geschichten um Wissenschaft, menschliche Selbstüberschätzung u …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: Der Krieg der Welten
Marsianer greifen die Erde an. Das hoffnungslos unterlegene Militär muss hilflos mitansehen, wie Städte in Schutt und Asche gelegt werden. Da es einen Ich-Erzähler gibt, muss die Invasion zurückgesch …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: Der Krieg der Welten
Marsianer greifen die Erde an. Das hoffnungslos unterlegene Militär muss hilflos mitansehen, wie Städte in Schutt und Asche gelegt werden. Da es einen Ich-Erzähler gibt, muss die Invasion zurückgesch …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: Der Unsichtbare
Die Geschichte beginnt an einem kalten, regnerischen Wintertag. Ein seltsamer Mann kehrt in das Gasthaus »Zum Fuhrmann« ein. Er ist vollkommen vermummt, sein Gesicht bandagiert, die Augen hinter dunk …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: Der Unsichtbare
Die Geschichte beginnt an einem kalten, regnerischen Wintertag. Ein seltsamer Mann kehrt in das Gasthaus »Zum Fuhrmann« ein. Er ist vollkommen vermummt, sein Gesicht bandagiert, die Augen hinter dunk …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: Die ersten Menschen auf dem Mond
Zwei britische Gentlemen, Bedford und Cavor, sind die ersten Menschen auf dem Mond. Cavor hat ein neues Material entwickelt, das immun gegen Schwerkraft ist, und nennt es großspurig Cavorit. Beide ba …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: Die ersten Menschen auf dem Mond
Zwei britische Gentlemen, Bedford und Cavor, sind die ersten Menschen auf dem Mond. Cavor hat ein neues Material entwickelt, das immun gegen Schwerkraft ist, und nennt es großspurig Cavorit. Beide ba …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: Die Insel des Dr. Moreau
Wells’ vielleicht visionärste Roman – Was unterscheidet den Menschen vom Tier? Wie weit darf Wissenschaft gehen? Wie leben wir mit den Konsequenzen? Ein wahnsinniger Chirurg betreibt auf einer abgele …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: Die Insel des Dr. Moreau
Wells’ vielleicht visionärste Roman – Was unterscheidet den Menschen vom Tier? Wie weit darf Wissenschaft gehen? Wie leben wir mit den Konsequenzen? Ein wahnsinniger Chirurg betreibt auf einer abgele …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: Die Riesen kommen!
Die Gefahren der Gentechnik im Gewand des ausgehenden 19. Jahrhunderts. Die Forscher Bensington und Redwoods wollen die drohenden Ernährungsproblem der Welt bekämpfen. Ihr Idee: Ein Wachstumsmittel s …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: Die Riesen kommen!
Die Gefahren der Gentechnik im Gewand des ausgehenden 19. Jahrhunderts. Die Forscher Bensington und Redwoods wollen die drohenden Ernährungsproblem der Welt bekämpfen. Ihr Idee: Ein Wachstumsmittel s …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: Die Zeitmaschine
Wells’ berühmteste Geschichte Der Erfinder einer Zeitmaschine im viktorianischen England berichtet seiner erstaunten Zuhörerschaft von seinen Abenteuern in der Zukunft. In achthunderttausend Jahren w …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: Die Zeitmaschine
Wells’ berühmteste Geschichte Der Erfinder einer Zeitmaschine im viktorianischen England berichtet seiner erstaunten Zuhörerschaft von seinen Abenteuern in der Zukunft. In achthunderttausend Jahren w …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: Im Jahre des Kometen
William Leadford, ein Vertreter der britischen Arbeiterklasse und Unterschicht, sieht sich um sein Glück betrogen. Überall wittert er Verschwörungen und Unterdrückung. Er fühlt sich missbraucht und a …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: Im Jahre des Kometen
William Leadford, ein Vertreter der britischen Arbeiterklasse und Unterschicht, sieht sich um sein Glück betrogen. Überall wittert er Verschwörungen und Unterdrückung. Er fühlt sich missbraucht und a …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: Jenseits des Sirius
Irgendwo im All, irgendwo ‘jenseits des Sirius’, liegt ein ferner, aber weit entwickelter Planet, der der Erde äußerlich ähnelt. Auf diesen Planeten wird der Ich-Erzähler dieser Geschichte mitsamt se …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: Jenseits des Sirius
Irgendwo im All, irgendwo ‘jenseits des Sirius’, liegt ein ferner, aber weit entwickelter Planet, der der Erde äußerlich ähnelt. Auf diesen Planeten wird der Ich-Erzähler dieser Geschichte mitsamt se …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: Der Traum
Die Zukunft, 4000 nach Christus. Der Wissenschaftler Sarnac unternimmt eine Forschungsreise in die Vergangenheit. Er besucht 2000 Jahre alte Ruinen einer untergegangenen Kultur. Unter dem Eindruck di …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: Der Traum
Die Zukunft, 4000 nach Christus. Der Wissenschaftler Sarnac unternimmt eine Forschungsreise in die Vergangenheit. Er besucht 2000 Jahre alte Ruinen einer untergegangenen Kultur. Unter dem Eindruck di …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: Wenn der Schläfer erwacht
Mit 15 Zeichnungen Wenn ein Mann aus der Vergangenheit die Zukunft regiert. Graham verfällt in einen totenähnlichen Schlaf und wacht 203 Jahre später im London der Zukunft wieder auf. Plötzlich ist e …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: Wenn der Schläfer erwacht
Mit 15 Zeichnungen Wenn ein Mann aus der Vergangenheit die Zukunft regiert. Graham verfällt in einen totenähnlichen Schlaf und wacht 203 Jahre später im London der Zukunft wieder auf. Plötzlich ist e …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: H. G. Wells – Gesammelte Werke
Die wichtigsten Romane von H.G. Wells: – Der Krieg der Welten – Der Unsichtbare – Die ersten Menschen auf dem Mond – Die Insel des Dr. Moreau – Die Riesen kommen! – Die Zeitmaschine – Im Jahre des Ko …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: H. G. Wells – Gesammelte Werke
Die wichtigsten Romane von H.G. Wells: – Der Krieg der Welten – Der Unsichtbare – Die ersten Menschen auf dem Mond – Die Insel des Dr. Moreau – Die Riesen kommen! – Die Zeitmaschine – Im Jahre des Ko …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: સમય મશીન
સટ્ટાબાજીની લીપ કે જે હજી પણ કલ્પનાને બાળી નાખે છે, એક બહાદુર શોધક ભવિષ્યની મુલાકાત લે છે, જે આપણી મહાન આશાઓ અને આપણા ઘોર ભયથી ભરેલું છે. મશીનની લિવરનો સમય ખેંચીને ધીમે ધીમે મરી રહેલા પૃથ્વીની ઉંમરે …
Herbert George Wells: Машина Времени
С умозрительным прыжком, который все еще вызывает воображение, храбрый исследователь посещает будущее, обремененное нашими величайшими надеждами … и наши самые мрачные страхи. Притяжение рычага маш …
Ngôn ngữ Nga
Herbert George Wells: Убакыт Машинасы
дагы элестетип сынады чайкоочулук секирик менен, эр жүрөк изилдөөчү биздин зор үмүт менен оордук келечеги барат … жана оор коркуп. убакыт машинанын рычаг бир беттик бир жай жерге өлүп жашында аны т …
Herbert George Wells: Demjimê Demê
Bi lezek spencî ya ku hê jî xemgîniyê agir dike, pisporek zehfek pêşerojê digel pêşerojên me bi me hêvî kirine … û tirsên tarîxa me. Pûçek ji dema ku makîneya makîneyê ew gihîştî temenê bi zûtirîn …
Herbert George Wells: वेळ मशीन
एक कल्पित उतार जो अद्यापही कल्पनाशक्तीवर मात करतो, एक शूर शोधक आपल्या भविष्यातील मोठ्या आशा … आणि आपले सर्वात वाईट भयानक भक्ष्य पाहतो. मशीनच्या लीव्हरचा एक पुल त्याला हळूहळू मरणार्या पृथ्वीच्या वया …
Herbert George Wells: Ny Fotoana Milina
Miaraka amin’ny firoboroboana mitongilana izay mbola manjavozavo ny fisainana, dia mpitsidika be mpitsidika iray no mavesatra noho ny fanantenana lehibe … ary ny tahotra maizina indrindra. Ny fisin …
Herbert George Wells: Tími Vél
Með spákaupmennsku sem hleypur enn ímyndunaraflið, heimsækir hraustur landkönnuður framtíð byrðar með mikilli von okkar … og dökkustu ótta okkar. A draga af handfang tímatækisins knýr hann til aldu …
tiếng Iceland
Herbert George Wells: די צייַט מאַשין
אַ העלדיש געלערנטער טראַוואַלז צו אַ צוקונפֿט בערדאַנד מיט אונדזער גרעסטע האפענונגען … און אונדזער דאַרקאַסט פירז. א ציען פון די צייַט מאַשין ס הייוון פּראַפּעלד אים צו די עלטער פון אַ סלאָולי געהא …
Herbert George Wells: La Maquina del Tiempo
Con un salto especulativo que todavía dispara la imaginación, un explorador valiente visita un futuro cargado con nuestras mayores esperanzas … y nuestros más oscuros temores. Un tirón de la palanc …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Herbert George Wells: Уақыт Машинасы
Қасіретін өртеген спекулятивтік секірісімен, батыл зерттеуші болашаққа біздің ең үлкен үмітімізбен ауыртпалықты … және біздің ең күңгірт қорқыныштарымызды аралады. Уақытша машинаның тұтқасының тарт …
Herbert George Wells: Ang Oras ng Makina
Sa isang mapag-isipan na hakbang na nag-apoy pa rin sa imahinasyon, ipinadala ni Wells ang kanyang matapang na explorer upang harapin ang hinaharap na nabigyan ng aming mga pinakadakilang pag-asa … …
Herbert George Wells: Quod Tempus Machina
Quia subsultant et speculativam Ad decimumsextum Mulciber ignes usque ad imaginationem, et visitaverit rimor fortes onerari futura nostro … et maxima spes nostra exhibito, timoribus. A viverra temp …
ngôn ngữ Latin
Herbert George Wells: Te Mīhini Wa
Ma te mea e pupuhi ana i te waahi e mau tonu ana i te whakaaro, ka torotoro tetahi kaitoro pakari ki te raruraru i mua me o tatou tumanako nui atu … me o tatou wehi mataku. Ko te toronga o te tarai …
Herbert George Wells: Machin nan Tan
Avèk yon kwasans spéculatif ki toujou dife imajinasyon an, yon eksploratè brav vizite yon avni chay ak espere pi gran nou yo … ak laperèz pi fon nou an. Yon rale nan levye machin machin nan pouse l …
Herbert George Wells: ਟਾਈਮ ਮਸ਼ੀਨ
ਇਕ ਬਹਾਦਰ ਵਿਗਿਆਨੀ ਸਾਡੀ ਸਭ ਤੋਂ ਵੱਡੀ ਉਮੀਦਾਂ ਨਾਲ ਭਰੇ ਭਵਿੱਖ ਨੂੰ ਯਾਤਰਾ ਕਰਦਾ ਹੈ … ਅਤੇ ਸਾਡੇ ਘੁੱਪ ਹਨੇਰੇ. ਟਾਈਮ ਮਸ਼ੀਨ ਦੇ ਲੀਵਰ ਦੇ ਇੱਕ ਖਿੱਚ ਉਸ ਨੂੰ ਹੌਲੀ ਹੌਲੀ ਮਰ ਰਹੀ ਧਰਤੀ ਦੀ ਉਮਰ ਤਕ ਵਧਾਉਂਦਾ ਹੈ. ਉਥੇ ਉਹ ਦੋ ਅਜੀਬ ਰੇਸਿ …
Herbert George Wells: टाइम मशीन
एक सट्टा छलांग के साथ जो अभी भी कल्पना को आग लगती है, एक बहादुर खोजकर्ता भविष्य में सबसे बड़ी आशाओं और हमारे अंधेरे भयों के साथ बोझ का दौरा करता है। मशीन की लीवर की एक पुल उसे धीरे-धीरे मरने वाली पृथ …
tiếng Hindi
Herbert George Wells: D ‘Zäitmaschinn
Mat engem spekulativen Sprong, deen ëmmer nach d’Fantasie bréngt, fënnt ee sech mat engem kënschtleche Explorateur eng Zukunft duerch eis gréisst Hoffnungen … an eisen däischtersten Angscht. E Pull …
Herbert George Wells: Makina e Kohës
Me një hap spekulativ që ende ndez imagjinatën, Wells dërgon eksploruesin e tij të guximshëm për t’u përballur me një të ardhme të ngarkuar me shpresat tona më të mëdha … dhe frikën tonë më të errë …
Herbert George Wells: Mesin Masa
Dengan lompatan spekulatif yang masih membakar imaginasi, seorang penjelajah yang berani melawat masa depan yang dibebani harapan kami yang paling besar … dan ketakutan kami yang paling gelap. Satu …
tiếng Malay
Herbert George Wells: Časový Stroj
Se spekulativním skokem, který ještě pořádá představu, vysílá Wells svého statečného průzkumníka, aby čelil budoucnosti zatížené našimi největšími naději … a našimi nejtemnějšími obavami. Táhlo pák …
tiếng Séc
Herbert George Wells: De Tijdmachine
Met een speculatieve sprong die nog steeds tot de verbeelding spreekt, stuurt Wells zijn dappere ontdekkingsreiziger naar een toekomst geconfronteerd met onze grootste hoop … en onze donkerste angs …
tiếng Hà Lan
Herbert George Wells: Ang Oras Machine
Uban sa usa ka lahi nga pangagpas nga nagpadayon sa imahinasyon, si Wells nagpadala sa iyang maisug nga eksplorador sa pag-atubang sa umaabot nga nabug-atan sa atong labing dako nga paglaum … ug an …
Herbert George Wells: Zaman Maşını
Hələ də təsəvvürləri yandırarkən spekulyativ bir sıçrayışla, cəsur bir araşdırmaçı gələcəyimizi ən böyük ümidlərimizlə … və ən qaranlıq qorxularımızı gözləyir. Zaman maşınının qolu bir çəkisi onu y …
Herbert George Wells: የእጅ ሰዓት
በአዕምሮአችን ውስጥ አሁንም ድረስ የሚነሳውን ግስጋሴ በተዘዋዋሪ ድንገተኛ ጉዞ ላይ, ደፋር አሳሽ በከፍተኛ ተስፋችን እና በከፍተኛ ጭንቀታችን ምክንያት የወደፊት ተስፋችንን ይሸፍን ነበር. የሰዓቱ መቆጣጠሪያ መሳሪያ መኪና ወደ ምድር ቀስ በቀስ እየሞተች ይሞታል.እዚያም ሁለት ጥቃቅን ውድድሮችን አገኛል. -የሁለ አዋ …
Herbert George Wells: Ang Time Machine
Ang isang matapang na mga pagbisita sa explorer ay nakaharap sa isang hinaharap na nabigat sa aming mga pinakadakilang pag-asa … at ang aming mga darkest takot. Ang isang pull ng oras ng pingga Mac …
Herbert George Wells: La Machine à Remonter Dans le Temps
Avec un saut spéculatif qui suscite toujours l’imagination, Wells envoie son courageux explorateur affronter un avenir chargé de nos plus grands espoirs … et de nos peurs les plus sombres. Une trac …
tiếng Pháp
Herbert George Wells: Nthawi ya Makina
Ndi chiwombankhanga chododometsa chomwe chimawombetsa malingaliro, Wells amatumiza wofufuza wake wolimbika mtima kukayang’ana mtsogolo wolemedwa ndi ziyembekezo zathu zazikulu … ndi mantha athu oop …
Herbert George Wells: කාල යන්ත්රය
සමපේක්ෂන පිතිහරඹය තවමත් පරිකල්පනය කරමින්, නිර්භීත ගවේෂකයෙකු අපගේ අනාගත බලාපොරොත්තුවකට බරක් කරගත් අනාගතයක් … අපගේ අඳුරු භීතීන්. කාල යන්ත්රයේ ලීවරයෙකුගේ ඇදීමක් ඔහු සෙමෙන් පෘථිවියේ වයසට පැමිණේ.එහිදී ඔ …
Herbert George Wells: Машина Времена
Храбри научник путује у будућност оптерећену нашим највећим надама … и нашим најмрачнијим страховима. Повлачење полуге временске машине га покреће у доба полагано умируће Земље. Тамо открива двије …
Herbert George Wells: ʻO ka Mīkini Manawa
Me kahi lele leleʻana e hoʻomau ana i ka noʻonoʻo, e kipa ana ka mea nānā i nā mea i loaʻa i ka wā e hiki mai ana me ko mākou mau manaʻolana nui loa … a me ko mākou hopohopo makaʻu. ʻO ka hukiʻana …
Herbert George Wells: Makina e Kohës
Me një hap spekulativ që ende e ndez imagjinatën, një eksplorues i guximshëm viziton një të ardhme të ngarkuar me shpresat tona më të mëdha … dhe frikën tonë më të errët. Një tërheqje e levës së ma …
Herbert George Wells: 타임머신
여전히 상상력을 자극하는 투기 적 도약으로, 용감한 탐험가는 우리의 가장 큰 희망과 우리의 가장 두려운 두려움에 처해있는 미래를 방문합니다. 시간 기계의 레버를 당기면 서서히 죽어가는 지구의 시대로 그를 이끌 수 있습니다.그곳에서 그는 인간 본성의 이중성을 상징 할뿐만 아니라 내일의 남성들에 대한 무서운 초상을 제공하는 두 가지 기묘한 종족 – 미묘한 엘 …
ngôn ngữ Hàn Quốc
Herbert George Wells: Машына Часу
З спекулятыўны скачок, які да гэтага часу выстрэльвае ўяўленне, Уэлс адпраўляе свайго адважнага даследчыка да твару будучага абцяжараныя нашых вялікіх надзей … і нашы самыя цёмныя страхі. Цяга рыча …
Herbert George Wells: Vremenski Stroj
Hrabri posjetitelji istraživača suočavaju se s budućnošću opterećenom našim najvećim nadama … i našim najtamnijim strahovima. Povlačenje vremena Poluga stroja ga pokreće u doba polagano umiruće Zem …
Herbert George Wells: La Tempo Maŝino
Kuraĝa esploristo vizitas multekosta kun niaj plej grandaj esperoj … kaj niaj plej mallumaj timoj. Tiro de la tempo la maŝino de Maŝino proponas lin ĝis la aĝo de malrapide mortanta Tero.Tie li mal …
Herbert George Wells: U Macchina di Tempu
Cù un salmetu spettizonte chì stilla l ‘imaginazione, Wells manda u so valore espluratore per affruntà un futuru impastatu cù i nostri esperimenti grandi … è i nostri temi cchiù scuri. Un pull of t …
Herbert George Wells: La Màquina del Temps
Amb un salt especulatiu que encara dispara la imaginació, Wells envia al seu valent explorador per fer front a un futur carregat de les nostres grans esperances … i els nostres temors més foscos. U …
Herbert George Wells: Машына Часу
З спекулятыўны скачок, які да гэтага часу выстрэльвае ўяўленне, адважны падарожнік наведвае будучыню абцяжараныя нашых вялікіх надзей … і нашы самыя цёмныя страхі. Цяга рычага машына часу бярэ яго …
Herbert George Wells: ماشین زمان
یک دانشمند شجاع به آینده ای که با بزرگترین امید ما … و تاریک ترین ترس ما می رود، سفر می کند. کشش اهرم ماشین زمان، او را به سن زمین به آرامی در حال مرگ می گذارد. در آنجا او دو کشف عجیب و غریب را کشف …
Herbert George Wells: Машината за Време
С един спекулативен скок, който все още запалва въображението, Уелс изпраща смелия си изследовател да се изправи пред бъдеще, натоварено с най-големите ни надежди … и най-мрачните ни страхове. Дръп …
tiếng Bungari
Herbert George Wells: အချိန်စက်
ဆဲစိတ်ကူးစိတ်သန်းမီးတစ်မှန်းဆခုန်နှင့်အတူတစ်သတ္တိစားရှာဖွေသူကျွန်တော်တို့ရဲ့အကြီးကျယ်ဆုံးမျှော်လင့်ချက် … နှင့်ကျွန်ုပ်တို့၏အမှောင်စိုးရိမ်မှုတွေနဲ့အတူဝန်ကိုထမ်းတစ်ဦးအနာဂတ်သွားရောက်။ အချိန်ကိုစက်ရ …
Herbert George Wells: Машината за Времеза
С един спекулативен скок, който все още запалва въображението, смел изследовател посещава бъдеще, натоварено с най-големите ни надежди … и най-мрачните ни страхове. Дръпването на лоста на машината …
Herbert George Wells: ເຄື່ອງທີ່ໃຊ້ເວລາ
ດ້ວຍຄວາມກ້າວຫນ້າທີ່ຍັງຄົງເຮັດໃຫ້ເກີດການຈິນຕະນາການ, ນັກທ່ອງທ່ຽວທີ່ກ້າຫານຈະໄປຢ້ຽມຢາມໃນອະນາຄົດທີ່ມີຄວາມຫວັງອັນຍິ່ງໃຫຍ່ທີ່ສຸດຂອງພວກເຮົາ … ແລະຄວາມຢ້ານກົວທີ່ສຸດຂອງພວກເຮົາ. ການດຶງດູດຂອງເຄື່ອງຈັກທີ່ໃຊ້ເວລາ …
Herbert George Wells: Ժամանակը Մեքենա
Մի սպեկուլյատիվ թռիչքով, որը դեռեւս հրդեհում է երեւակայությունը, Ուելսը իր խիզախ մարդը ուղարկում է մեր մեծագույն հույսերով ծանրացած ապագային … եւ մեր ամենավառ մտավախությունները: Ժամանակի մեքենայի լ …
Herbert George Wells: Tidsmaskinen
Med et spekulativt spring, der stadig fyrer fantasien, sender Wells sin modige explorer til en fremtid, der er belastet med vores største forhåbninger … og vores mørkeste frygt. En træk af tidsmask …
Tiếng Đan Mạch
Herbert George Wells: Aja Masin
Spekulatiivse hüppega, mis ikka veel tulekahju kujundab, saadab Wells oma julgema uurija ees oma tuleviku koormatud meie suurimate lootustega … ja meie kõige tumedamad hirmud. Aja masina kangi tõmm …
Herbert George Wells: Časový Stroj
Kouzelný návštěvník průzkumu čelí budoucnosti zatížené našimi největšími naději … a našimi nejtemnějšími obavami. Pohyb páky stroje Stroje ho pohání do věku pomalu umírající Země.Tam objevuje dva b …
Herbert George Wells: Az Időgép
Spekulatív ugrással, amely még mindig elgondolja a fantáziát, egy bátor felfedező meglátogatja a jövőnket, melyet a legnagyobb reményeinkkel és legsötétebb félelmeinkkel terheljünk. Az időgéppark húz …
Ngôn ngữ hungarian
Herbert George Wells: Girava Doktorê Din
Şemalek şewitandin li giravê a Pacific island dişewitîne, sirşên tarî, creatorên xerîb, û sedemek ji bo jiyanê xwe digire. Giravên Doktorê …
Herbert George Wells: Doktor Moreau Adası
Sakit okean bir ada üzərində qapalı bir səkkizbucaqlı centilmen qaranlıq sirləri, qəribə canlılar və onun həyatına qaçmaq üçün bir səbəblə qarşılaşır. Doktor Moreau adası …
Herbert George Wells: 莫罗医生岛
莫罗医生岛 一个沉船在太平洋岛屿上的沉船绅士面对着黑暗的秘密,奇怪的生物,以及为他的生命奔走的理由。 莫罗医生岛要求读者考虑自然科学的局限性以及人与野兽之间的区别。 它是科幻,浪漫和哲学蜿蜒的奇怪组合,是早期科幻小说的标准之一。 一个沉船在太平洋岛屿上的沉船绅士面对着黑暗的秘密,奇怪的生物,以及为他的生命奔走的理由。 莫罗医生岛要求读者考虑自然科学的局限性以及人与野兽之间的区别。 它是科幻,浪漫 …
tiếng Trung Quốc
Herbert George Wells: د ډاکټر جزیره
د ډاکټر نورو ټاپو د لوستونکي څخه پوښتنه کوي چې د طبیعي علومو حدود او د نارینه او حیوان ترمنځ توپیر په پام کې نیسي. د ساینس افسانه، رومانیزم او فلسفې یوه عجيب مخلوط، دا د ساینس لومړني افسانې معیارونه …
Herbert George Wells: Դոկտոր Մուրուի Կղզին
Խաղաղ օվկիանոսում խեղդամահ եղած ջենթլմենը մութ գաղտնիքների, տարօրինակ արարածների եւ առիթ է առաջադրվելու իր կյանքի համար: Դոկտոր Մուրուի կղզին, ընթերցողին հարցնում է բնական գիտությունների սահմանները ե …
Herbert George Wells: Το Νησί Του Γιατρού
Ένας ναυαγός που κυριαρχεί σε ένα νησί τ&om …
Herbert George Wells: Laiko Mašina
Wells siunčia savo drąsų tyrinėtoją, kad susidurtų su ateitimi, kurią apsunkintų mūsų didžiausios viltys … ir mūsų tamsiausios baimės. Laiko mašinos svirtis traukia jį į lėtai mirštaj …
Herbert George Wells: Oileán an Dochtúir Moreau
Téann fear uasal longbhriste ar oileán an Aigéin Chiúin i ngleic le rúin dorcha, créatúir aisteach, agus cúis le rith dá shaol. Iarrann …
Herbert George Wells: Ishulli i Doktor Moreau
Një zotëri i mbytur në anije që mbyt në një ishull të Paqësorit përballet me sekrete të errëta, krijesa të çuditshme dhe një ar …
Herbert George Wells: ʻO ka Mokupuni o Doctor
ʻO kahi kanaka moku i hoʻokeleʻia i kahi moku Pākīpika eʻike ana i nā mea huna pōuliuli, nā mea kupanaha, a me ke kumu e holo ai no kona ola. ʻO ka mokupuni o Doctor Moreau, ke noi nei i ka mea heluh …
Herbert George Wells: Островът на Доктор Моро
Островът на Доктор Моро моли читателя да разгледа границите на естествената наука и разликата между хората и животните. Странно съчетание от научна фантастика, романтика и философско криволичене, тов …
Herbert George Wells: Ang Isla sa Doctor Moreau
Ang usa ka sundalo nga nalunod sa barko nga natanggong sa usa ka isla sa Pasipiko nag-atubang sa mga itom nga mga sekreto, katingad-an nga mga binuhat, ug usa ka katarungan nga modagan alang sa iyang …
Herbert George Wells: Nguva Yenguva
Musayendisiti ane ushingi anoenda kune rimwe remangwana akatakurwa netariro dzedu huru … uye kutya kwedu kunotyisa. Chikwata chemuchina wemashini wenguva chinomukomberedza kusvika kuzera re Pasi Ri …
Herbert George Wells: ವೈದ್ಯರ ದ್ವೀಪ ಹೆಚ್ಚು
ಪೆಸಿಫಿಕ್ ದ್ವೀಪದಲ್ಲಿ ಸಿಕ್ಕಿದ ನೌಕಾಘಾತದ ಸಂಭಾವಿತ ವ್ಯಕ್ತಿ ಡಾರ್ಕ್ ರಹಸ್ಯಗಳು, ವಿಚಿತ್ರ ಜೀವಿಗಳು, ಮತ್ತು ಅವನ ಜೀವನಕ್ಕಾಗಿ ನಡೆಸುವ ಒಂದು ಕಾರಣವನ್ನು ಎದುರಿಸುತ್ತಾನೆ. ಡಾಕ್ಟರ್ ಮೊರೆವು ದ್ವೀಪವು, ನೈಸರ್ಗಿಕ ವಿಜ್ಞಾನದ ಮಿತಿಗಳನ್ನು ಮ …
Herbert George Wells: Tidsmaskinen
En modig forskare reser till en framtid belastad med våra största förhoppningar … och våra mörkaste rädslor. Ett drag av tidsmaskinens spak propellerar honom till &a …
Tiếng Thụy Điển
Herbert George Wells: डॉक्टर का द्वीप मोरो
पैसिफिक द्वीप पर फंसे एक शिपवेड सज्जन काले रहस्य, अजीब जीव और अपने जीवन के लिए एक कारण का सामना करते हैं। डॉक्टर मोरो का द्वीप, पाठक से प्राकृतिक विज्ञान की सीमाओं और पुरुषों और जानवरों के बीच अंतर प …
tiếng Hindi
Herbert George Wells: Wehikuł czasu
„Wehikuł czasu”, powieść science fiction Herberta George’a Wellsa, opowiada o naukowcu, któremu udało się skonstruować maszynę do przenoszenia się w czasie. Dzięki niej odbywa podróż do odległej przy …
Tiếng Ba Lan
Herbert George Wells: Wojna światów
Jedna z najważniejszych światowych powieści gatunku science fiction. Opowiada o inwazji Marsjan na Ziemię, którzy zamierzają skolonizować Błękitną Planetę, a z jej mieszkańców uczynić pożywienie. Sie …
Tiếng Ba Lan
Herbert George Wells: Niewidzialny człowiek
Powieść science fiction Herberta George’a Wellsa przedstawia perypetie szalonego naukowca, któremu udaje się wynaleźć sposób na uzyskanie niewidzialności. Niestety eksperyment wymyka się spod kontrol …
Tiếng Ba Lan
Herbert George Wells: A Modern Utopia
H.G Wells wrote many tales of adventure and exploration, which were fascinating to early twentieth century readers as transportation to faraway lands was so difficult back then. Wells’ „Modern Utopia …
Herbert George Wells: Babes in the Darkling Wood
Stella has it all – looks, intelligence and an undergraduate place at Cambridge, not to mention Gemini, her fervent admirer at Oxford. Stella and Gemini, the two babes of the story, come increasingly …
Herbert George Wells: Boon
Wells’s satire on literature, „Boon” was originally published under the pseudonym Reginald Bliss; a follow-up to the Fabian-savaging „The New Machiavelli”. It purports, however, to be by the fictiona …
Herbert George Wells: In the Days of the Comet
„In the Days of the Comet” is set in early 20th century England and covers Willie, a socialist who is angry and frustrated with everything to do with the world he lives in. The only thing Willie find …
Herbert George Wells: Joan and Peter
The book starts in late Victorian England and ends shortly after the first world war. It covers the transition between the end of the Victorian era, and the aimlessness of the next generation very we …
Herbert George Wells: Kipps
Arthur Kipps, an orphaned draper’s assistant of humble means, unexpectedly inherits a large sum of money and that is when all his troubles begin. After being left a fortune by a rich uncle, Kipps fin …
Herbert George Wells: Meanwhile
This novel is split into two parts, „The Utopographer in the Garden” and „Advent”. The former is set on the Italian Riviera where the novel’s central figures, a British couple, The Rylands, entertain …
Herbert George Wells: Men Like Gods
Towards the end of his career, Wells write this book, in which he outlined his vision of Utopia. This is the story of a Mr. Barnstaple, an everyday man, who finds himself propelled into a parallel un …
Herbert George Wells: Mr Britling Sees It Through
This story is essentially the history of the opening and of the realisation of the Great War as it happened to one small group of people in Essex, and more particularly as it happened to one human br …
Herbert George Wells: The Autocracy of Mr Parham
Mr. Parham is a university academic of the traditional, classical sort, very much a snob and unhappy with many of the social trends of the time. Sir Bussy Woodcock is a self-made millionaire of sharp …
Herbert George Wells: The Brothers
„The Brothers – A Story.” Herbert George Wells was a prolific English writer who wrote in a variety of genres, including the novel, politics, history, and social commentary. Wells returned to a liter …
Herbert George Wells: The Bulpington of Blup
„The Bulpington of Blup”, a 1932 novel by H. G. Wells, is a character study analyzing the psychological sources of resistance to Wellsian ideology, and was influenced by Wells’s acquaintance with Car …
Herbert George Wells: The Camford Visitation
Wells’s treatise on education is set in the region of Camford (Cambridge/Oxford), and tells of a visitor who proves that education can save the world from destruction. The story centres around a Utop …
Herbert George Wells: The Chronic Argonauts
This story was the first work of fiction in which an explorer traverses time through the use of a man-made device – a time machine – rather than through magic, divine intervention, or a natural pheno …
Herbert George Wells: The Croquet Player
A soul-corrupting evil invades the remote English village of Cainsmarsh, infesting the minds of the local residents. Dark events are plaguing its people. An elderly woman stiffens in dread at her own …
Herbert George Wells: The First Men in the Moon
Another H.G. Wells classic sci fi. The novel tells the story of a journey to the moon by the impecunious businessman Mr. Bedford and the brilliant but eccentric scientist Dr. Cavor. Bedford bankrupt …
Herbert George Wells: The Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth
What happens when science tampers with nature? Mr. Bensington and Mr. Redwood create a new food material, Herakleophorbia, later called Boomfood, they hope will have beneficial uses to mankind. They …
Herbert George Wells: The History of Mr Polly
An intriguing HG Wells work, not of the sci-fi variety, which details a man’s struggle to find himself and get along with his world. Published in 1910, this novel is the story of Alfred Polly, a gene …
Herbert George Wells: The Holy Terror
A fictional biography of Rudolf „Rud” Whitlow, who builds a political party that slowly becomes a world dominant dictatorship. Wells wrote the work just before World War II as Hitler was consolidatin …
Herbert George Wells: The Invisible Man
Depicting one man’s transformation and descent into brutality, H.G. Wells’s „The Invisible Man” is a riveting exploration of science’s power to corrupt. In this tale of psychological terror, a young …
Herbert George Wells: The New Machiavelli
About a political idealist who changes his colours and engages in a sexual adventure. A successful author and Liberal MP Richard Remington appears to be a man to envy. But underneath his superficial …
Herbert George Wells: The Passionate Friends
Although most famous for his sci-fi, Wells’ best work often deals with ordinary people having big thoughts in picturesque settings. „The Passionate Friends” is a fine representative example of this. …
Herbert George Wells: The Research Magnificent
Mr. Wells builds novels out of ideas as other men build them of imagery and emotions. H. G. Wells takes us on a very entertaining and profound journey via a character named William who insists on liv …
Herbert George Wells: The Sea Lady
This charming, little-known fantasy by the author of „The Time Machine” and „The War of the Worlds” is also a sharply satirical look at the mores and moral of Edwardian England. During a family outin …
Herbert George Wells: The Secret Places of the Heart
H.G. Wells is best remembered as a central figure in the development of the science fiction genre. However, much of his literary output was more conventional in nature, and he published a number of n …
Herbert George Wells: The Shape of Things to Come
„The Shape of Things to Come” is one of the great classics of science fiction. Originally written in 1929, this masterly work of science fiction has already confirmed H G Wells’ status as a remarkabl …
Herbert George Wells: The Sleeper Awakes
This is a short novel about a nineteen century Englishman who falls in a deep sleep only to awake over two hundred years later. The World has changed beyond recognition, and „The Sleeper” finds himse …
Herbert George Wells: The Time Machine
Decades ahead of his time, H.G. Wells leaps beyond the bounds of conventional imagination to tell the story of the Time Traveler. A seminal and hugely imaginative work of early science fiction, H.G. …
Herbert George Wells: The War in the Air
Bert Smallways is the unlikely protagonist, a kind of Edwardian Mod, not interested in a steady career, always looking for a good time, riding his proto-scooter down to Brighton at the weekends. When …
Herbert George Wells: The War of the Worlds
One of the most famous science-fiction stories ever written, „The War of the Worlds” helped launch the entire genre by exploiting the concept of interplanetary travel. Thirty-five million miles into …
Herbert George Wells: The World of William Clissold
For Mr Britling, eccentric and vivacious writer, the summer of 1914 consisted of long, hot days and luxurious house parties with a host of international guests to entertain him. And when he tired of …
Herbert George Wells: Tono-Bungay
Considered one of Wells most successful attempts at a social novel in the vein of Charles Dickens and William Makepeace Thackeray, Wells’s tale is a panoramic view of an unravelling society. A semi-a …
Herbert George Wells: Stroj Času
Odvážny vedec cestuje do budúcnosti zaťaženej našimi najväčšími nádejami … a našimi najtemnejšími strachmi. Ťah času páky …
tiếng Slovenia
Herbert George Wells: დოქტორის კუნძული
დოქტორი მორუს კუნძულის კუნძული, მკითხველს სთხოვს, განიხილოს ბუნებრივი მეცნიერების ლიმიტები და განსხვავება მამაკაცებსა და ცხოველებს შორის. სამეცნიერო ფანტასტიკის, რომანტიკისა და ფილოსოფიური მეწარმეები …
Herbert George Wells: A Illa do Doutor Moreau
Un cabaleiro naufragado nunha illa do Pacífico enfróntase a segredos escuros, criaturas estrañas e un motivo para correr pola súa vida. A Illa do Doutor Moreau, pide ao le …
Herbert George Wells: Øen Læge Moreau
En skibbrudte herre strandet på en stillehavsø konfronterer mørke hemmeligheder, mærkelige væsner og en grund til at køre for sit liv. Øen Doctor Moreau …
Tiếng Đan Mạch
Herbert George Wells: Ang Oras Machine
Ang usa ka maisug nga mga pagbisita sa mga eksplorer nag-atubang sa usa ka umaabot nga nabug-atan sa atong labing dako nga mga paglaum … ug ang atong labing mangitngit nga mga kahadlok. Usa ka pagb …
Herbert George Wells: Ang Isla sa Doctor Moreau
Ang usa ka sundalo nga nalunod sa barko nga natanggong sa usa ka isla sa Pasipiko nag-atubang sa mga itom nga mga sekreto, katingad-an nga mga binuhat, ug usa ka katarungan nga modagan alang sa iyang …
Herbert George Wells: An Inneal Ùine
Bidh neach-saidheans gaisgeil a ’siubhal gu àm ri teachd a dh’ fhalbh leis an dòchas as motha a th ’againn … agus na h-eagalan as dorcha a th'againn. Bidh tarrai …
Herbert George Wells: האי של דוקטור
ג 'נטלמן שנסחף על האי השקט מתעמת עם סודות אפלים, יצורים מוזרים, סיבה לברוח על חייו. האי דוקטור מורו מבקש מהקורא לבחון את גבולות המדע הטבעי ואת ההבחנה בין גברים לחיות. תערובת מוזרה של מדע בדיוני, …
tiếng Do Thái
Herbert George Wells: Zile a nan Doktè Moreau
Yon mesye nofraj bloke sou yon zile Pasifik rankontre sekrè fè nwa, bèt etranj, ak yon rezon ki fè kouri pou lavi l 'yo. Zile Doktè Moreau, mande lektè a …
Herbert George Wells: Ang isla ng Doktor Moreau
Ang isang barko na sinakop ng ginoo na nakalawit sa isang isla ng Pasipiko ay nakaharap sa madilim na mga lihim, kakaibang mga nilalang, at isang dahilan upang tumakbo para sa kanyang buhay. Ang isla …
Herbert George Wells: Laiko Mašina
Su spekuliaciniu šuoliu, kuris vis dar ugdo vaizduotę, drąsus tyrinėtojas aplanko ateitį, apsunkintą mūsų didžiausių vilčių … ir mūsų tamsiausių baimių. Laikrodžio mašinos svirties trauka skatina j …
Herbert George Wells: সময় যন্ত্র
একটি কল্পনাপ্রসূত লাফ দিয়ে যা এখনও কল্পনাকে আগুন দেয়, ওয়েলস আমাদের সাহসী এক্সপ্লোরারকে আমাদের ভবিষ্যতের প্রত্যাশার মুখোমুখি হতে … এবং আমাদের সবচেয়ে ভয়ঙ্কর ভয়গুলির মুখোমুখি হতে পাঠায়।মেশিনের …
Herbert George Wells: L’île du Docteur Moreau
Un gentleman naufragé échoué sur une île du Pacifique affronte de sombres secrets, d'étranges créatures et une raison de courir pour sauver sa vie. L' …
tiếng Pháp
Herbert George Wells: സമയം മെഷീൻ
ഊഹക്കച്ചവടത്തിന് ഇന്നും ഊർജ്ജം പകരുന്ന ഒരു ഊഷ്മളപാതയിലൂടെ, ധൈര്യശാലിയായ ഒരു പര്യവേക്ഷകന് ഭാവിയിൽ നമ്മുടെ ഏറ്റവും വലിയ പ്രതീക്ഷകളാൽ ഭാരം കാണും … നമ്മുടെ ഇരുട്ടിലുള്ള ഭയം. മെഷീൻ ലെവറിന്റെ ഒരു പുല്ലുക …
Herbert George Wells: Otok Doktora Moreau
Gospodin koji je doživio brodolom nasukan na pacifičkom otoku suočava se s mračnim tajnama, čudnim stvorenjima i razlogom za bijeg. Otok doktor Moreau traži od čitatelja da razmotri granice prirodnih …
Herbert George Wells: Востраў Доктар Мараў
Разбураны караблекрушэннем джэнтльмен, які застаўся на Ціхім акіяне, сутыкаецца з цёмнымі сакрэтамі, дзіўнымі істотамі і прычынай балатавацца на яго жыццё. Востраў Доктар Мараў просіць чытача разглед …
Herbert George Wells: Pulau Dokter Moreau
Seorang pria terdampar yang terdampar di sebuah pulau Pasifik menghadapi rahasia gelap, makhluk aneh, dan alasan untuk lari demi hidupnya. The Island of Doctor Moreau, meminta pembaca untuk mempertim …
tiếng Indonesia
Herbert George Wells: Arsti Moreau Saar
Laevaõnnetusega härrasmees, mis on kaldunud Vaikse ookeani saarele, seisab silmitsi pimedate saladustega, kummaliste olenditega ja põhjusega, miks ta oma elu elab. Doktor Moreau sa …
Herbert George Wells: Ostrvo Doktora Moreaua
Gospodin koji je doživio brodolom, nasukan na pacifičkom ostrvu, suočava se sa mračnim tajnama, čudnim stvorenjima i razlogom da se bori za život. Ostrvo doktora Moreau, traži od čitaoca da razmotri …
Herbert George Wells: Ժամանակը Մեքենան
Մի սպեկուլյատիվ թռիչքով, որը դեռեւս հրդեհում է երեւակայությունը, խիզախ մարդը այցելում է մեր մեծագույն հույսերով ծանրացած ապագան … եւ մեր ամենավառ մտավախությունները: Ժամանակի մեքենայի լծակի քաշը նրա …
Herbert George Wells: Maszyna Czasu
Odważny naukowiec podróżuje do przyszłości obciążonej naszymi największymi nadziejami … i naszymi najgorszymi lękami. Pociągnięcie dźwigni wehikułu czasu prowadzi go do wieku powoli umierają …
Tiếng Ba Lan
Herbert George Wells: ເກາະຂອງທ່ານຫມໍ
ເກາະຂອງທ່ານຫມໍ ຜູ້ຊາຍຄົນຫນຶ່ງທີ່ຖືກຂັງຢູ່ເກາະປາຊີຟິກພົບຄວາມລັບທີ່ຊ້ໍາ, ສິ່ງທີ່ບໍ່ດີແລະເຫດຜົນທີ່ຈະດໍາເນີນຊີວິດຂອງລາວ. ເລື່ອງນີ້ພິຈາລະນາຂໍ້ຈໍາກັດຂອງວິທະຍາສາດທໍາມະຊາດແລະຄວາມແຕກຕ່າງລະຫວ່າງຜູ້ຊາຍແລະສັດເດຍ …
Herbert George Wells: ਡਾਕਟਰ ਫੌਰੈਉ ਦੇ ਟਾਪੂ
ਸ਼ਾਂਤ ਮਹਾਂਸਾਗਰ ਦੇ ਇਕ ਟਾਪੂ 'ਤੇ ਫਸੇ ਜਹਾਜ਼ ਨੂੰ ਤਬਾਹ ਕਰ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਗਿਆ ਇਕ ਜੈਸਮੈਨ ਗੂੜ੍ਹੇ ਭੇਦ, ਅਜੀਬ ਜੀਵ-ਜੰਤੂਆਂ ਅਤੇ ਆਪਣੇ ਜੀਵਨ ਲਈ ਭੱਜਣ ਦਾ ਇਕ ਕਾਰਨ ਦਾ ਸਾਹਮਣਾ ਕਰਦਾ ਹੈ. ਡਾਕਟਰ ਮੋਰੈ ਦੇ ਟਾਪੂ ਨੇ ਪਾਠਕ ਨੂੰ ਕੁਦਰਤੀ ਵਿਗਿਆ …
Herbert George Wells: ಸಮಯ ಯಂತ್ರ
ಇನ್ನೂ ಊಹೆಯನ್ನು ಹಾರಿಸುವ ಒಂದು ಊಹಾತ್ಮಕ ಅಧಿಕತೆಯಿಂದ, ಒಂದು ಕೆಚ್ಚೆದೆಯ ಪರಿಶೋಧಕ ನಮ್ಮ ಭವಿಷ್ಯದ ಭರವಸೆಯನ್ನು ಹೊಂದುತ್ತದೆ … ಮತ್ತು ನಮ್ಮ ಭೀಕರ ಭಯ. ಸಮಯ ಯಂತ್ರದ ಲಿವರ್ನ ಪುಲ್ ಅವನನ್ನು ನಿಧಾನವಾಗಿ ಸಾಯುತ್ತಿರುವ ಭೂಮಿಯ ವಯಸ್ಸಿನಲ್ಲ …
Herbert George Wells: ٽائيم مشين
هڪ مستقبل لاء هڪ بهادر سائنسدان سفر اسان جي وڏي ۾ وڏي اميدن سان بوجھ ڪيو … ۽ اسان جو سڀ کان وڏو خوف. ٽائيم مشين جي ليور جي ڇڪڻ کيس ڌرتيء جي مرڻ کان دير سان عمر تائين پهچائيندو آهي. اتي هو مٿاهين ما …
Herbert George Wells: Το Νησί Του Γιατρού
Ένας ναυαγός που κυριαρχεί σε ένα νησί τ&om …
ngôn ngữ Hy lạp
Herbert George Wells: Insula D. Moreau
Vixque viro destituta in tenebris abscondita naufragum consequat insulam nova creatura ratione suae cursu. Insula doctor Moreau, quod quaerit lectorem ad fines considerans enim et scientia naturalis …
ngôn ngữ Latin
Herbert George Wells: A Máquina do Tempo
Cun salto especulativo que aínda dispara a imaxinación, Wells envía ao seu valente explorador a afrontar un futuro cargado coas nosas maiores esperanzas … e os nosos temores máis escuros. Un tirón …
Herbert George Wells: Moreau Doktorearen Uhartea
Pazifikoko uharte batean hondatuta zegoen jaun amorratu batek sekretu ilunak, izaki arraroak eta bere bizitzarako arrazoi bat topatuko ditu. Moreau doktorearen uhartea, irakurleari galdetzen dio natu …
Herbert George Wells: Laika Mašīna
Ar spekulatīvu lēcienu, kas joprojām uzliek iztēli, drosmīgs pētnieks apmeklē nākotni, kas apgrūtina mūsu vislielākās cerības … un mūsu tumšākās bailes. Pulksteņa laika sviras vilktība viņam virzās …
Herbert George Wells: Aikakone
Rohkeat tutkimusmatkailijat kohtaavat tulevaisuutta, jota rasittavat suurimmat toiveemme … ja pimeimmät pelkämme. Vedon aika Koneen vipu kuljettaa hänet hitaasti kuolevan maan ikäyn.Siellä hän löyt …
Herbert George Wells: Островот на Лекар Повеќе
Едно бродолодче кое е заробено на островот на Пацификот се соочува со темни тајни, чудни суштества и причина да се кандидира за својот живот. Островот на доктор морето, го прашува читателот да ги раз …
Herbert George Wells: Η Μηχανή Του Χρόνου
Με ένα κερδοσκοπικό άλμα που εξακολουθεί να πυροβολεί τη φαντασία, ένας γενναίος εξερευνητής επισκέπτεται ένα μέλλον που επιβαρύνεται με τις μεγαλύτερες ελπίδες μας … και τους σκοτεινότερους φόβους …
ngôn ngữ Hy lạp
Herbert George Wells: የዶክተሩ ሞሬ ደሴት
በፓስፊክ ውቅያኖስ ላይ የተጠመደ አንድ መርከብ ጥቁር ምስጢሮችን, እንግዳ ፍጥረታትን እና ለሕይወቱ ለመሮጥ የሚያበቃ ምክንያት ተጋርጦበታል. የዶክተሩ ሞኡል ደሴት አንባቢው የተፈጥሮ ሳይንስ ውስንነት እና በሰውና በእንስሳት መካከል ያለውን ልዩነት እንዲያስብ ይጠይቃል. የሳይንሳዊ ልበ ወለድ ልዩነት, የፍቅር እና የ …
Herbert George Wells: Àgwàetiti Dọkịta Ọzọ
Otu nwa nwoke nwere ụgbọ mmiri na-adabere n'àgwàetiti dị na Pacific na-eche ihe nzuzo nzuzo nzuzo, ihe ndị dị ịtụnanya, na ihe mere ha ji agba ọsọ maka ndụ ya. The Island of Doctor …
Herbert George Wells: Igwe Oge
Site n’apụ ụzụ nke na-enwusi n’echiche ahụ, onye na-eme nchọpụta nwere obi ike na-eleta ihe ga-eme n’ọdịnihu na olileanya anyị kachasị atụ … na egwu anyị kacha njọ. Mkpọpụ nke igwe elekere oge na-e …
Herbert George Wells: Umshini Wesikhathi
Usosayensi onesibindi uhambela esikhathini esizayo esiboshwe ngamathemba ethu amakhulu kakhulu … nezinkolelo zethu ezimbi kakhulu. Ukudonsa umshini womshini wesikhathi kuyamxosha kuze kube sekuphel …
Herbert George Wells: ドクターモロー島
太平洋の島に立ち往生している難破した紳士は、暗い秘密、奇妙な生き物、そして彼の人生のために走る理由に立ち向かいます。 ドクターモロー島は、読者に自然科学の限界と人間と獣の区別を考慮するように求めます。 サイエンスフィクション、ロマンス、そして哲学的蛇行の奇妙な組み合わせは、それは初期のサイエンスフィクションの基準の一つです。 太平洋の島に立ち往生している難破した紳士は、暗い秘密、奇妙な生き物、そ …
tiếng Nhật
Herbert George Wells: A Ilha do Médico Moreau
Um cavalheiro naufragado encalhado em uma ilha do Pacífico confronta segredos obscuros, criaturas estranhas e uma razão para fugir para salvar sua vida. A ilha do doutor Moreau pede ao …
tiếng Bồ Đào Nha
Herbert George Wells: မကောင်းသောအဆရာဝန်၏ကျွန်း
တစ်ဦးပစိဖိတ်ကျွန်းပေါ်မှာသောင်တင်နေတဲ့သင်္ဘောပျက်လူကြီးလူကောင်းမှောင်မိုက်လျှို့ဝှက်ချက်များ, ထူးဆန်းတဲ့သတ္တဝါတွေ, သူ၏အသက်အဘို့မပြေးဖို့အကြောင်းပြချက်ရင်ဆိုင်ရမှာဖြစ်တယ်။ ဆရာဝန်၏ကျွန်းကသဘာဝသိပ္ပံနှင …
Herbert George Wells: Дарыгер Моро Аралда
а Тынч океандагы аралдардын тыгында бир кеме мырза караңгы сырларды көрүп, башка жандыктарды жана өз жанын куткарып алуу үчүн чуркап себеп. Doctor Моро аралы, эркектер менен малдын ортосунда табигый …
Herbert George Wells: The Time Machine
‘The Time Machine’ is a science fiction novel by H. G. Wells, published in 1895. Wells is generally credited with the popularization of the concept of time travel by using a vehicle that allows an op …
Herbert George Wells: The Wonderful Visit
‘The Wonderful Visit’ is an 1895 novel by H. G. Wells. With an angel—a creature of fantasy unlike a religious angel—as protagonist and taking place in contemporary England, the book could be classifi …
Herbert George Wells: The Island of Doctor Moreau
‘The Island of Doctor Moreau’ is an 1896 science fiction novel by English author H. G. Wells.The text of the novel is the narration of Edward Prendick, a shipwrecked man rescued by a passing boat who …
Herbert George Wells: The Wheels of Chance (Illustrated)
‘The Wheels of Chance’ is an early comic novel by H. G. Wells about an August 1895 cycling holiday, somewhat in the style of ‘Three Men in a Boat’. In 1922 it was adapted into a silent film ‘The Whee …
Herbert George Wells: The Invisible Man
‘The Invisible Man’ is a science fiction novella by H. G. Wells. Originally serialized in ‘Pearson’s Weekly’ in 1897, it was published as a novel the same year. The Invisible Man of the title is Grif …
Herbert George Wells: The War of the Worlds (Illustrated)
‘The War of the Worlds’ is a science fiction novel by English author H. G. Wells first serialised in 1897 in the UK by ‘Pearson’s Magazine’ and in the US by ‘Cosmopolitan’ magazine. The novel’s first …
Herbert George Wells: A Deal in Ostriches
‘A Deal in Ostriches’ is a short story by the British writer H. G. Wells. It is a cautionary tale about simple human greed. The taxidermist of Wells’ story ‘Triumphs of a Taxidermist’ (1894) makes a …
Herbert George Wells: A Dream of Armageddon
‘A Dream of Armageddon’ is a short story by H. G. Wells which was first published in 1901 in the British weekly magazine ‘Black and White’. …
Herbert George Wells: Aepyornis Island
‘Æpyornis Island’, or ‘Aepyornis Island’, is a short story by H. G. Wells, first published in 1894 in the ‘Pall Mall Budget’. It was included in ‘The Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents’, the first c …
Herbert George Wells: The Beautiful Suit
‘The Beautiful Suit’ is a short story by H.G. Wells originally published under the title ‘A Moonlight Fable’ in the April 10, 1909, number of ‘Collier’s Weekly’. Written in the manner of Hans Christi …
Herbert George Wells: The Cone
‘The Cone’ is a short story by H. G. Wells, first published in 1895 in ‘Unicorn’. It was intended to be ‘the opening chapter of a sensational novel set in the Five Towns’, later abandoned.The story i …
Herbert George Wells: The Country of the Blind
‘The Country of the Blind’ is a short story written by H. G. Wells. It was first published in the April 1904 issue of ‘The Strand Magazine’ and included in a 1911 collection of Wells’s short stories, …
Herbert George Wells: The Crystal Egg
‘The Crystal Egg’ is a science fiction short story written by H. G. Wells in 1897.The story tells of a shop owner, named Mr. Cave, who finds a strange crystal egg that serves as a window into the pla …
Herbert George Wells: The Diamond Maker
‘The Diamond Maker’ is a short story by H. G. Wells, first published in 1894 in the ‘Pall Mall Budget’. It was included in ‘The Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents’, the first collection of short sto …
Herbert George Wells: The Door in the Wall
H. G. Wells was a prolific writer of both fiction and non-fiction. His writing career spanned more than sixty years, and his early science fiction novels earned him the title (along with Jules Verne …
Herbert George Wells: The Empire of the Ants
‘The Empire of the Ants’ is a 1905 short story by H. G. Wells about the littleness of humanity and the tenuousness of the dominion ‘Homo sapiens’ enjoys on Earth. A 1977 film, ‘Empire of the Ants’, w …
Herbert George Wells: The Flowering of the Strange Orchid
H. G. Wells was a prolific writer of both fiction and non-fiction. His writing career spanned more than sixty years, and his early science fiction novels earned him the title (along with Jules Verne …
Herbert George Wells: The Flying Man
H. G. Wells was a prolific writer of both fiction and non-fiction. His writing career spanned more than sixty years, and his early science fiction novels earned him the title (along with Jules Verne …
Herbert George Wells: Filmer
H. G. Wells was a prolific writer of both fiction and non-fiction. His writing career spanned more than sixty years, and his early science fiction novels earned him the title (along with Jules Verne …
Herbert George Wells: In The Avu Observatory
H. G. Wells was a prolific writer of both fiction and non-fiction. His writing career spanned more than sixty years, and his early science fiction novels earned him the title (along with Jules Verne …
Herbert George Wells: In the Days of the Comet
‘In the Days of the Comet’ (1906) is a science fiction novel by H. G. Wells in which humanity is ‘exalted’ when a comet causes ‘the nitrogen of the air, the old azote, ‘ to ‘change out of itself’ and …
Herbert George Wells: The Jilting of Jane
H. G. Wells was a prolific writer of both fiction and non-fiction. His writing career spanned more than sixty years, and his early science fiction novels earned him the title (along with Jules Verne …
Herbert George Wells: Jimmy Goggles the God
H. G. Wells was a prolific writer of both fiction and non-fiction. His writing career spanned more than sixty years, and his early science fiction novels earned him the title (along with Jules Verne …
Herbert George Wells: The Lord of the Dynamos
‘The Lord of the Dynamos’ is a British short story by H.G. Wells. It was originally published in the ‘Pall Mall Budget’ (6 September 1894), and then included in the collection ‘The Stolen Bacillus an …
Herbert George Wells: The Magic Shop
H. G. Wells was a prolific writer of both fiction and non-fiction. His writing career spanned more than sixty years, and his early science fiction novels earned him the title (along with Jules Verne …
Herbert George Wells: The Man Who Could Work Miracles
‘The Man Who Could Work Miracles’ is a British fantasy–comedy short story by H. G. Wells first published in 1898 in ‘The Illustrated London News’. …
Herbert George Wells: Miss Winchelsea’s Heart
H. G. Wells was a prolific writer of both fiction and non-fiction. His writing career spanned more than sixty years, and his early science fiction novels earned him the title (along with Jules Verne …
Herbert George Wells: A Moth – Genus Novo
H. G. Wells was a prolific writer of both fiction and non-fiction. His writing career spanned more than sixty years, and his early science fiction novels earned him the title (along with Jules Verne …
Herbert George Wells: Mr. Brisher’s Treasure
H. G. Wells was a prolific writer of both fiction and non-fiction. His writing career spanned more than sixty years, and his early science fiction novels earned him the title (along with Jules Verne …
Herbert George Wells: Mr. Ledbetter’s Vacation
‘Mr. Ledbetter’s Vacation’ (Sometimes rendered ‘Leadbetter’) is a short story written by H. G. Wells in 1894. The story deals with the internal human conflict between rationality and the irrational f …
Herbert George Wells: Mr. Skelmersdale in Fairyland
H. G. Wells was a prolific writer of both fiction and non-fiction. His writing career spanned more than sixty years, and his early science fiction novels earned him the title (along with Jules Verne …
Herbert George Wells: The New Accelerator
‘The New Accelerator’ is a 1901 science fiction short story by H. G. Wells. The story addresses the invention of an elixir that accelerates all of an individual’s physiological and cognitive processe …
Herbert George Wells: The Obliterated Man
H. G. Wells was a prolific writer of both fiction and non-fiction. His writing career spanned more than sixty years, and his early science fiction novels earned him the title (along with Jules Verne …
Herbert George Wells: The Plattner Story
H. G. Wells was a prolific writer of both fiction and non-fiction. His writing career spanned more than sixty years, and his early science fiction novels earned him the title (along with Jules Verne …
Herbert George Wells: The Purple Pileus
H. G. Wells was a prolific writer of both fiction and non-fiction. His writing career spanned more than sixty years, and his early science fiction novels earned him the title (along with Jules Verne …
Herbert George Wells: The Red Room
‘The Red Room’ is a short gothic story written by H. G. Wells in 1894. It was first published in the March 1896 edition of ‘The Idler’ magazine. …
Herbert George Wells: The Remarkable Case of Davidson’s Eyes
H. G. Wells was a prolific writer of both fiction and non-fiction. His writing career spanned more than sixty years, and his early science fiction novels earned him the title (along with Jules Verne …
Herbert George Wells: The Sea Raiders
‘The Sea Raiders’ is a short story by H. G. Wells, first published in 1896 in ‘The Weekly Sun Literary Supplement’. It was included in ‘The Plattner Story and Others’, a collection of short stories b …
Herbert George Wells: A Slip Under the Microscope
H. G. Wells was a prolific writer of both fiction and non-fiction. His writing career spanned more than sixty years, and his early science fiction novels earned him the title (along with Jules Verne …
Herbert George Wells: The Star
‘The Star’ is an 1897 apocalyptic short story by H.G. Wells. …
Herbert George Wells: The Stolen Bacillus
H. G. Wells was a prolific writer of both fiction and non-fiction. His writing career spanned more than sixty years, and his early science fiction novels earned him the title (along with Jules Verne …
Herbert George Wells: The Story of the Inexperienced Ghost
H. G. Wells was a prolific writer of both fiction and non-fiction. His writing career spanned more than sixty years, and his early science fiction novels earned him the title (along with Jules Verne …
Herbert George Wells: The Story of the Late Mr. Elvesham
H. G. Wells was a prolific writer of both fiction and non-fiction. His writing career spanned more than sixty years, and his early science fiction novels earned him the title (along with Jules Verne …
Herbert George Wells: The Temptation of Harringay
H. G. Wells was a prolific writer of both fiction and non-fiction. His writing career spanned more than sixty years, and his early science fiction novels earned him the title (along with Jules Verne …
Herbert George Wells: Through a Window
H. G. Wells was a prolific writer of both fiction and non-fiction. His writing career spanned more than sixty years, and his early science fiction novels earned him the title (along with Jules Verne …
Herbert George Wells: The Treasure in the Forest
H. G. Wells was a prolific writer of both fiction and non-fiction. His writing career spanned more than sixty years, and his early science fiction novels earned him the title (along with Jules Verne …
Herbert George Wells: The Truth About Pyecraft
‘The Truth About Pyecraft’ is a British fantasy-comedy short story by H.G. Wells. It was originally published in ‘The Strand Magazine’ (April 1903), and then included in the ‘Twelve Stories and a Dre …
Herbert George Wells: The Triumphs of a Taxidermist
‘Triumphs of a Taxidermist’ is an 1894 short story by British writer H. G. Wells. The story was originally published anonymously in the March 3rd and 15th, 1894 issues of the Pall Mall Gazette and la …
Herbert George Wells: Under the Knife
H. G. Wells was a prolific writer of both fiction and non-fiction. His writing career spanned more than sixty years, and his early science fiction novels earned him the title (along with Jules Verne …
Herbert George Wells: The Valley of Spiders
H. G. Wells was a prolific writer of both fiction and non-fiction. His writing career spanned more than sixty years, and his early science fiction novels earned him the title (along with Jules Verne …
Herbert George Wells: Gesammelte Werke (Vollständige und illustrierte Ausgaben: Die Zeitmaschine, Die ersten Menschen im Mond, Die Insel des Dr. Moreau u.v.m.)
Dieses E-Book ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig Korrektur gelesen.Herbert George Wells (meist abgekürzt H. G. Wells; geboren 21. September 1 …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: La guerra nell’aria
Bert Smallways è un ragazzo comune, scontento di sé, che vuole uscire dal piccolo ambiente in cui vive, e sogna; ma il suo orizzonte è così limitato che che anche i suoi sogni sono piccoli. Curioso e …
tiếng Ý
Herbert George Wells: Nei giorni della cometa
Il romanzo si colloca nel genere fantascienza utopica, narrando, attraverso la lettura di un manoscritto trovato da un giovane, di come il mondo fosse stato sanato dalle sue brutture individuali e co …
tiếng Ý
Herbert George Wells: La guerra su tre fronti
Il pacifismo convinto di Wells si scontra con la vita dei territori in guerra. Come altri uomini di cultura dell’epoca volle recarsi al fronte per avere l’esperienza diretta di cosa signi …
tiếng Ý
Herbert George Wells: La visita meravigliosa
La visita meravigliosa è un romanzo del 1895 di H.G. Wells. Con un angelo per protagonista – una creatura di fantasia diversa dall’angelo religioso – e ambientato nell’Inghilterra contemporanea, il l …
tiếng Ý
Herbert George Wells: Anticipazioni
Uscito nel 1905 e accolto con entusiasmo (8 ristampe nel primo anno) Anticipazioni evidenzia il convincimento di Wells (derivato dal Comte) che nessuna opera di rifondazione societaria sia possibile …
tiếng Ý
Herbert George Wells: آلة الزمن
مع قفزة مضاربة لا تزال تثير الخيال ، يرسل ويلز مستكشفه الشجاع لمواجهة مستقبل مثقل بأعظم آمالنا … وأشد مخاوفنا. سحب ذراع آلة الزمن يدفعه إلى عمر الأرض التي تموت ببطء.هناك يكتشف اثنين من الأجناس الغر …
tiếng Ả Rập
Herbert George Wells: La visita meravigliosa
In una cittadina della provincia inglese il Vicario, esperto ornitologo, spara a un angelo, proveniente evidentemente da un’altra dimensione, credendolo un uccello raro, ferendolo… …
tiếng Ý
H G Wells & Herbert George Wells: The Complete Novels of H. G. Wells (Over 55 Works: The Time Machine, The Island of Doctor Moreau, The Invisible Man, The War of the Worlds, The History of Mr. Polly, The War in the Air and many more!)
Herbert George ‘H. G.’ Wells (1866 – 1946) was an English writer.He was prolific in many genres, including the novel, history, politics, social commentary, and textbooks and rules for war games. Well …
H. G. Wells: L’île du docteur Moreau
Publié en 1896, ‘L’île du docteur Moreau’ est un roman de science-fiction et d’anticipation écrit par l’auteur anglais H. G. Wells. Unique survivant d’un naufrage, Edward Pre …
tiếng Pháp
Herbert George Wells: Nei giorni della cometa
Il romanzo si colloca nel genere fantascienza utopica, narrando, attraverso la lettura di un manoscritto trovato da un giovane, di come il mondo fosse stato sanato dalle sue brutture individuali e co …
tiếng Ý
Herbert George Wells: Anticipazioni
Uscito nel 1905 e accolto con entusiasmo (8 ristampe nel primo anno) Anticipazioni evidenzia il convincimento di Wells (derivato dal Comte) che nessuna opera di rifondazione societaria sia possibile …
tiếng Ý
Herbert George Wells: La guerra nell’aria
Bert Smallways è un ragazzo comune, scontento di sé, che vuole uscire dal piccolo ambiente in cui vive, e sogna; ma il suo orizzonte è così limitato che che anche i suoi sogni sono piccoli. Curioso e …
tiếng Ý
Herbert George Wells: La guerra su tre fronti
Il pacifismo convinto di Wells si scontra con la vita dei territori in guerra. Come altri uomini di cultura dell’epoca volle recarsi al fronte per avere l’esperienza diretta di cosa significava l’atr …
tiếng Ý
Herbert George Wells: Anticipazioni
Uscito nel 1905 e accolto con entusiasmo (8 ristampe nel primo anno) Anticipazioni evidenzia il convincimento di Wells (derivato dal Comte) che nessuna opera di rifondazione societaria sia possibile …
tiếng Ý
Herbert George Wells: La visita meravigliosa
Romanzo del 1896 nel quale tuttavia ravvisiamo già la progettualità utopica che in Wells è insieme desiderio di giustizia, di ordine, di efficienza raggiungibili solo attraverso un’evoluzione societa …
tiếng Ý
Herbert George Wells: The Future in America
The Future in America: A Search After Realities written by Herbert George Wells who was an English writer.This book was published in 1906. And now republish in ebook format. We believe this work is c …
Herbert George Wells: Anticipazioni
Uscito nel 1905 e accolto con entusiasmo (8 ristampe nel primo anno) Anticipazioni evidenzia il convincimento di Wells (derivato dal Comte) che nessuna opera di rifondazione societaria sia possibile …
tiếng Ý
Herbert George Wells: La guerra su tre fronti
La guerra su tre fronti è un'opera di propaganda, pubblicato in America con il titolo "War and The Future: Italy, France and Britain at War". Fatta eccezione per la storia di ape …
tiếng Ý
herbert george wells: The invisible man
This great novel of the dangers of science describes a man cast out from society by his own terrifying discovery. The invisible man by H. G. Wells tells the story of Griffin, a brilliant and obsessed …
Herbert George Wells: La Guerra nell’Aria
La guerra nell’aria è tra i romanzi di maggior successo del celebre scrittore H. G. Wells. Gli elementi avveniristici si accompagnano a lucide considerazioni morali sull’utilità o meno delle guerre, …
tiếng Ý
Herbert George Wells: Tales of Space and Time
Tales of Space and Time written by Herbert George Wells who was a prolific writer of both fiction and non-fiction. This book was published in 1899. And now republish in ebook format. We believe this …
Herbert George Wells: Zile a nan Doktè Moreau
Yon mesye nofraj bloke sou yon zile Pasifik rankontre sekrè fè nwa, bèt etranj, ak yon rezon ki fè kouri pou lavi l 'yo. Zile Doktè Moreau, mande lektè a …
Herbert George Wells: Doktor Moreau Adası
Sakit okean bir ada üzərində qapalı bir səkkizbucaqlı centilmen qaranlıq sirləri, qəribə canlılar və onun həyatına qaçmaq üçün bir səbəblə qarşılaşır. Doktor Moreau adası …
Herbert George Wells: Mashine ya Wakati
Mwanasayansi mwenye jasiri anaenda kwa siku zijazo kubeba matumaini yetu makubwa … na hofu yetu kubwa zaidi. Kuunganishwa kwa lever ya mashine ya wakati kunampeleka kwa umri wa Dunia ya polepole. H …
Herbert George Wells: Aja Masin
Vapper explorer visiit näkid tulevikku koormatud meie suurimad lootused … ja meie tumedamad hirmud. Ajaline tõmme Masina kangi tõmbab teda aeglaselt suremas Maa vanuseks.Seal avas ta kaht võluvat v …
Herbert George Wells: የዶክተሩ ሞሬ ደሴት
በፓስፊክ ውቅያኖስ ላይ የተጠመደ አንድ መርከብ ጥቁር ምስጢሮችን, እንግዳ ፍጥረታትን እና ለሕይወቱ ለመሮጥ የሚያበቃ ምክንያት ተጋርጦበታል. የዶክተሩ ሞኡል ደሴት አንባቢው የተፈጥሮ ሳይንስ ውስንነት እና በሰውና በእንስሳት መካከል ያለውን ልዩነት እንዲያስብ ይጠይቃል. የሳይንሳዊ ልበ ወለድ ልዩነት, የፍቅር እና የ …
Herbert George Wells: L’uomo invisibile
QUESTO LIBRO È A LAYOUT FISSO Romanzo di fantascienza, scritto da Wells nel 1881 e pubblicato nel 1897, ebbe numerose trasposizioni cinematografiche e televisive. Inghilterra, inizio Novecento: uno s …
tiếng Ý
H.G. Wells: La Macchina del Tempo (Audio-eBook)
‘Temo di non riuscire a descrivervi le singolari sensazioni che si hanno viaggiando nel tempo: sono eccessivamente spiacevoli. Sembra di essere sulle montagne russe: si ha cioè la sensazione di preci …
tiếng Ý
Herbert George Wells & H.G. Wells: La Macchina del Tempo
‘Temo di non riuscire a descrivervi le singolari sensazioni che si hanno viaggiando nel tempo: sono eccessivamente spiacevoli. Sembra di essere sulle montagne russe: si ha cioè la sensazione di preci …
tiếng Ý
Herbert George Wells: האי של דוקטור
ג 'נטלמן שנסחף על האי השקט מתעמת עם סודות אפלים, יצורים מוזרים, סיבה לברוח על חייו. האי דוקטור מורו מבקש מהקורא לבחון את גבולות המדע הטבעי ואת ההבחנה בין גברים לחיות. תערובת מוזרה של מדע בדיוני, …
Herbert George Wells: Ang isla ng Doktor Moreau
Ang isang barko na sinakop ng ginoo na nakalawit sa isang isla ng Pasipiko ay nakaharap sa madilim na mga lihim, kakaibang mga nilalang, at isang dahilan upang tumakbo para sa kanyang buhay. Ang isla …
Herbert George Wells: La storia di Mr Polly
“Wells aveva uno straordinario senso comico, paragonabile a quello di Charles Dickens.Ne La storia di Mr Polly ci sono scene che è impossibile leggeresenza farsi una bella risata, e che parrebbero, o …
tiếng Ý
Herbert George Wells: Ostrov Doktora Moreaua
Ztroskotaný gentleman uvízlý na tichomořském ostrově konfrontuje temná tajemství, podivná stvoření a důvod k běhu za životem. Ostrov doktora Mo …
tiếng Séc
Herbert George Wells: আইরিশ আইল্যান্ডের ডা
প্রশান্ত মহাসাগরীয় প্যাসিফিক দ্বীপে বিধ্বস্ত একজন জাহাজ গাঢ় গোপন রহস্য, অদ্ভুত প্রাণী এবং তার জীবনের জন্য দৌড়ানোর কারণ। ডাক্তার মোরেউ দ্বীপ, পাঠককে প্রাকৃতিক বিজ্ঞান সীমা এবং পুরুষ ও পশুদের মধ্যে …
Herbert George Wells: Racconti dello spazio e del tempo
Apparso all’alba del secolo ventesimo, Tales of space and time è un testo fondativo della science fiction. I racconti che compongono quest’opera di Wells, godibilissimi e avvincent …
tiếng Ý
Herbert George Wells: The War of the Worlds
‘The War of the Worlds’ is a science fiction novel by English author H. G. Wells. The plot has been related to invasion literature of the time. The novel has been variously interpreted as a commentar …
Herbert George Wells: The War of the Worlds
The War of the Worlds is a science fiction novel by English author H. G. Wells first serialised in 1897 in the UK by Pearson’s Magazine and in the US by Cosmopolitan magazine. Written between 1895 an …
Herbert George Wells: ម៉ាស៊ីនពេលវេលា
ជាមួយនឹងការហក់ឡើងដោយប្រថុយប្រថានដែលនៅតែឆេះការស្រមើលស្រមៃអ្នកស្នេហាជាតិក្លាហានម្នាក់បានមកសួរសុខទុក្ខនៅពេលអនាគតដែលមានក្តីសង្ឃឹមដ៏ធំបំផុតរបស់យើង … និងការភ័យខ្លាចដ៏ខ្មៅងងឹតរបស់យើង។ ការអូសទាញដងខ្លួនរបស់ …
Herbert George Wells: Време Машина
Велс го испраќа својот храбар истражувач за да се соочи со иднината оптоварени со нашите најголеми надежи … и нашите најмрачни стравови. Повлекувањето на рачката на временската машина го поттикнува …
Herbert George Wells: Mesin Wektu
Kanthi lumpatan spekulatif sing isih mbebayani, panuduh sing wani ngunjungi mangsa sing bakal dikepengini lan pengarep-arep sing paling peteng. Tarik tungkaran mesin wektu kasebut nyebabake dheweke m …
Herbert George Wells: D’Insel vum Dokter Ass Méi
E verschifte Jong, deen op enger Pazifikinsel gestuerwen ass, verdréit donkel Geheimnisse, friem Kreaturen, e Grond fir säi Liewen ze lafen. D'Insel vum Doctor moreau, freet de Lieser …
Herbert George Wells: Эмч Арал
Номхон далайд живсэн хөлөг онгоцны сүйрсэн эрхэм хүн харанхуй нууц, хачин амьтад, амьдралынхаа туршид гүйх шалтгаантай тулгардаг. Докторын арал бол байгалийн шинжлэх ухааны хязгаар, эр, эм хоёрын хоо …
Herbert George Wells: Островът на Доктор Моро
Островът на Доктор Моро моли читателя да разгледа границите на естествената наука и разликата между хората и животните. Странно съчетание от научна фантастика, романтика и философско криволичене, тов …
tiếng Bungari
Herbert George Wells: An Meaisín Ama
Le léim amhantrach a theannann an samhlaíocht go fóill, tugann braiteoir cróga cuairt ar ualach sa todhchaí lenár n-dóchas is mó … agus ár n-eagla is dorcha. Molann tarraingt an luamháin meaisín am …
Herbert George Wells: Lääkäri Moreau
Haaksirikkoinen herrasmies, joka on jäänyt Tyynenmeren saarelle, kohtaa pimeitä salaisuuksia, outoja olentoja ja syytä ajaa hänen elämäänsä. Tohtori Morea …
tiếng Phần lan
Herbert George Wells: დოქტორის კუნძული
დოქტორი მორუს კუნძულის კუნძული, მკითხველს სთხოვს, განიხილოს ბუნებრივი მეცნიერების ლიმიტები და განსხვავება მამაკაცებსა და ცხოველებს შორის. სამეცნიერო ფანტასტიკის, რომანტიკისა და ფილოსოფიური მეწარმეები …
Herbert George Wells: Gydytojo Sala
Išblaškęs džentelmenas, nukreiptas į Ramiojo vandenyno salą, susiduria su tamsiomis paslaptimis, keistomis būtybėmis ir priežastimi, dėl kurios jis gyvena. Daktaro Moro sala praš …
Herbert George Wells: Временска машина
Со шпекулативен скок што сé уште ја разгорува фантазијата, храбар истражувач ја посетува иднината оптоварена со нашите најголеми надежи … и нашите најмрачни стравови. Повлекувањето на рачката на вр …
Herbert George Wells: Pulau Doktor Lebih Lanjut
Seorang lelaki yang terkoyak kapal yang terkandas di pulau Pasifik menghadapi rahsia gelap, makhluk aneh, dan alasan untuk berlari untuk hidupnya. Pulau Dokter lebih lanjut, meminta pembaca mempertim …
tiếng Malay
Herbert George Wells: Ƙungiyar Doctor Moreau
Wani mutumin da yake cikin jirgin ruwa ya mamaye tsibirin Pacific ya fuskanci asirin duhu, abubuwa masu ban mamaki, da kuma dalilin da zai sa ya rayu. Island of Doctor Moreau, ya tambayi mai karatu y …
Herbert George Wells: Η Μηχανή Του Χρόνου
Ένας γενναίος επισκέπτης εξερευνητής αντιμετωπίζει ένα μέλλον που επιβαρύνεται με τις μεγαλύτερες ελπίδες μας … και τους σκοτεινότερους φόβους μας. Μια έλξη του μοχλού του μηχανισμού του χρόνου τον …
Herbert George Wells: Doktor Moreau Sziget
A Moreau-sziget szigete felkéri az olvasót, hogy vegye figyelembe a természettudományi határokat és a férfiak és a vadállatok köz&o …
Ngôn ngữ hungarian
Herbert George Wells: Դոկտոր Մուրուի Կղզին
Խաղաղ օվկիանոսում խեղդամահ եղած ջենթլմենը մութ գաղտնիքների, տարօրինակ արարածների եւ առիթ է առաջադրվելու իր կյանքի համար: Դոկտոր Մուրուի կղզին, ընթերցողին հարցնում է բնական գիտությունների սահմանները ե …
Herbert George Wells: Mesin Waktu
Dengan lompatan spekulatif yang masih membakar imajinasi, seorang penjelajah pemberani mengunjungi masa depan yang terbebani dengan harapan terbesar kita … dan ketakutan kita yang paling gelap. Tar …
tiếng Indonesia
Herbert George Wells: Il-magna Tal-ħin
Bil-qabża spekulattiva li għadha qed tispara l-immaġinazzjoni, esploratur kuraġġuż iżur il-ġejjieni mgħobbi bit-tama akbar tagħna … u l-biżgħat l-aktar skur tagħna. Ġibda tal-lever tal-magna tal-ħi …
Herbert George Wells: დროის მანქანა
მამაცი ექსპერიმენტის ვიზიტები მომავალს აწუხებს ჩვენი უდიდესი იმედებით … და ჩვენი უცნაური შიში. დროთა განმავლობაში მანქანების ბერკეტი მას ნელ-ნელა მკვდარი დედამიწის ასაკში აყენებს.აქ ის აღმოაჩენს ორ …
Herbert George Wells: جزیره دکتر وراو
نجیب زاده ای که در جزیره اقیانوس آرام به سر می برد، با اسرار تاریک، موجودات عجیب و غریب مواجه می شود و دلیلی برای فرار از زندگی اش است. جزیره دکتر مورو از خواننده خواسته است تا محدودیت های علوم طبیعی …
Herbert George Wells: Le Masini Taimi
O se tagata saienitisi lototele e malaga atu i se avega i le lumanaʻi ma o tatou faamoemoega silisili … ma o tatou popolega sili ona pogisa. O se tosoina o le masini taimi o le masini e mafua ai on …
Herbert George Wells: Mochini oa Nako
Setsebi se sebete se ea ho bokamoso bo imetsoeng ke tšepo ea rona e kholo … le tšabo ea rona e tebileng. Ho hula ha sefate sa mochine oa nako ho mo qhekella ho ea lilemong tsa Lefat&s …
Herbert George Wells: タイムマシン
ナレーターは、トラベラーの講義を週刊ディナーのゲストに紹介します。その時間は、単に4次元であり、それを通って移動するための卓上型機のデモンストレーションです。彼は、時間をかけて人を運ぶことができる機械を作ったことを明らかにし、次の週に夕食時に新しいナレーターになる注目すべき物語を語る。 旅行者が自分のデバイスをテストする時間。 最初は何も起こっていないと思っていますが、すぐに彼が5時間後に出かけ …
tiếng Nhật
Herbert George Wells: Lub sij Hawm Tshuab
Nrog rau ib qho kev tawm dag zog uas tseem ua rau lub siab xav, muaj lub siab tawv tuaj xyuas lub neej yav tom ntej nrog peb txoj kev cia siab loj … thiab peb qhov kev ntshai tshaj plaws uas tsaus …
Herbert George Wells: Aikakone
Spekulatiivisella harppauksella, joka yhä herättää mielikuvitusta, Wells lähettää rohkean tutkimusmatkailunsa vastaamaan tulevaisuutensa, jota rasittavat suurimmat toiveemme … ja pimeimmät pelimme. …
tiếng Phần lan
Herbert George Wells: Die Insel des Doktors Moreau
Ein Schiffbrüchiger, der auf einer pazifischen Insel gestrandet ist, stößt auf dunkle Geheimnisse, seltsame Kreaturen und einen Grund, um sein Leben zu rennen. Die Insel des Doktors M …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells & H G Wells: Die Zeitmaschine
Die klassische Science-Fiction-Geschichte eines Zeitreisenden und seine Abenteuer in der Zukunft und die Menschen, die dort leben.Der Erzähler erzählt den Gästen des wöchentlichen Abendessens den Vor …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: Het Eiland van Dokter Moreau
Een schipbreukelingen heer gestrand op een eiland in de Stille Oceaan confronteert duistere geheimen, vreemde wezens en een reden om voor zijn leven te rennen. Het eiland van doctor Moreau, vraagt de …
tiếng Hà Lan
Herbert George Wells: 의사의 모도 섬
의사의 모도 섬 태평양 섬에 좌초 된 난파 한 신사는 어두운 비밀, 이상한 생물, 그리고 그의 삶을 위해 달릴 이유에 직면합니다. 닥터 모로의 섬은 독자들에게 자연 과학의 한계와 남성과 짐승의 구별을 고려하도록 요청합니다. 과학 소설, 로맨스 및 철학적 사행의 이상한 혼합은 초기 과학 소설의 표준 중 하나입니다. 닥터 모로의 섬은 독자들에게 자연 과학의 …
ngôn ngữ Hàn Quốc
Herbert George Wells: Cov Kob Ntawm Tus Kws Kho Mob Ntau Dua
Ib tug neeg tub rog tub rog tau tso tseg rau ntawm ib lub Pov Pacific hiav txwv confronts tsaus nti secrets, coj txawv txawv creatures, thiab yog vim li cas khiav nws lub neej. Tus kob ntawm tus kws …
Herbert George Wells: Ostrov Doktora Moreaua
Ztroskotaný gentleman uvízlý na tichomořském ostrově konfrontuje temná tajemství, podivná stvoření a důvod k běhu za životem. Ostrov doktora Mo …
Herbert George Wells: সময় যন্ত্র
একটি কল্পনাপ্রসূত লাফ যা এখনও কল্পনাকে আগুন দেয়, সাহসী এক্সপ্লোরার আমাদের ভবিষ্যতের সর্বাধিক প্রত্যাশা ও আমাদের সবচেয়ে ভয়ংকর ভয় নিয়ে ভবিষ্যতে পরিদর্শন করে। মেশিন এর লিভার সময় একটি pull একটি ধীর …
Herbert George Wells: डाक्टरको अधिकता
एक प्रशांत द्वीपमा फराकिलो जहाज जहाजमा अँध्यारो रहस्य, अजीब प्राणीहरू, र आफ्नो जीवनको लागि भाग्ने कारणलाई रोक्छन्। डाक्टर मोरोउको टापुले पाठकलाई प्राकृतिक विज्ञानको सीमा र पुरुष र जनावरहरू बीच भेदलाई …
Herbert George Wells: La Tempo Maŝino
Kun spekula salto, kiu ankoraŭ malfiksas la imagon, Wells sendas sian kuraĝan esploriston alfronti estontecon ŝargitan kun niaj plej grandaj esperoj … kaj niaj plej malhelaj timoj. Tiro de la pafil …
Herbert George Wells: Востраў Доктар Мараў
Разбураны караблекрушэннем джэнтльмен, які застаўся на Ціхім акіяне, сутыкаецца з цёмнымі сакрэтамі, дзіўнымі істотамі і прычынай балатавацца на яго жыццё. Востраў Доктар Мараў просіць чытача разглед …
Herbert George Wells: আইরিশ আইল্যান্ডের ডা
প্রশান্ত মহাসাগরীয় প্যাসিফিক দ্বীপে বিধ্বস্ত একজন জাহাজ গাঢ় গোপন রহস্য, অদ্ভুত প্রাণী এবং তার জীবনের জন্য দৌড়ানোর কারণ। ডাক্তার মোরেউ দ্বীপ, পাঠককে প্রাকৃতিক বিজ্ঞান সীমা এবং পুরুষ ও পশুদের মধ্যে …
Herbert George Wells: Chilumba cha Dokotala Moreau
Mng'oma wina wotseka ngalawa amene anaphwanyidwa pachilumba cha Pacific akupeza zinsinsi zamdima, zolengedwa zachilendo, ndi chifukwa chothawira moyo wake. Chilumba cha Doctor Moreau, amamufunsa …
Herbert George Wells: Vremenski Aparat
Sa špekulativnim skokom koji i dalje pali maštu, Vels šalje svoj hrabar istraživač da se suoči sa budućnošću opterećenom našim najvećim nadama … i našim najmračnijim strahovima. Povlačenje ručice u …
Herbert George Wells: Cỗ Máy Thời Gian
Một nhà khoa học dũng cảm du hành tới một tương lai đầy gánh nặng với những hy vọng lớn nhất của chúng ta … và những nỗi sợ hãi đen tối nhất của chú …
tiếng Việt
Herbert George Wells: O le Motu o le Fomaʻi
O se tamaloa na lavea i luga o se motu o le Pasefika e feagai ma mea lilo faalilolilo, mea uiga ese, ma se mafuaaga e sosola ai mo lona ola. O le Motu o Doctor Moreau o loʻo fesili i le tagata faitau …
Herbert George Wells: Mașina Timpului
Un om de știință curajos călătorește spre un viitor împovărat de cele mai mari speranțe … și de cele mai întunecate temeri ale noastre. O tragere a pârghiei mașinii de timp î …
tiếng Ru-ma-ni
Herbert George Wells: מכונת הזמן
עם קפיצה ספקולטיבית שעדיין מדליקה את הדמיון, חוקר אמיץ מבקר עתיד עמוס בתקוות הגדולות שלנו … והפחדים האפלים ביותר שלנו. משיכה של המנוף של מכונת הזמן דוחפת אותו לעידן של כדור הארץ גוסס לאט.שם הוא מגל …
tiếng Do Thái
Herbert George Wells: Ƙungiyar Doctor Moreau
Wani mutumin da yake cikin jirgin ruwa ya mamaye tsibirin Pacific ya fuskanci asirin duhu, abubuwa masu ban mamaki, da kuma dalilin da zai sa ya rayu. Island of Doctor Moreau, ya tambayi mai karatu y …
Herbert George Wells: Ishulli i Doktor Moreau
Një zotëri i mbytur në anije që mbyt në një ishull të Paqësorit përballet me sekrete të errëta, krijesa të çuditshme dhe një ar …
Herbert George Wells: ડોક્ટર ઓફ આઇલેન્ડ વધુ
પેસિફિક ટાપુ પર ભરાયેલા વહાણ ભરાયેલા સજ્જન શ્યામ રહસ્યો, વિચિત્ર જીવો, અને તેમના જીવન માટે દોડવા માટેનો એક કારણ છે. ડૉક્ટર મોરેઉનો ટાપુ, વાચકને કુદરતી વિજ્ઞાનની મર્યાદાઓ અને માણસો અને જાનવરો વચ્ચેનો …
Herbert George Wells: Otok Doktora Moreau
Gospodin koji je doživio brodolom nasukan na pacifičkom otoku suočava se s mračnim tajnama, čudnim stvorenjima i razlogom za bijeg. Otok doktor Moreau traži od čitatelja da razmotri granice prirodnih …
Herbert George Wells: Chilumba cha Dokotala Moreau
Mng'oma wina wotseka ngalawa amene anaphwanyidwa pachilumba cha Pacific akupeza zinsinsi zamdima, zolengedwa zachilendo, ndi chifukwa chothawira moyo wake. Chilumba cha Doctor Moreau, amamufunsa …
Herbert George Wells: L’illa del Doctor Moreau
Un cavaller naufragat encallat en una illa del Pacífic s'enfronta a secrets foscos, criatures estranyes i una raó per córrer per la seva vida. L'illa del doctor Moreau, d …
Herbert George Wells: Øya av Legen Moreau
En skibbrudd gentleman strandet på en Stillehavs øy konfronterer mørke hemmeligheter, rare skapninger og en grunn til å flykte for livet hans. Øya Doctor Moreau ber l …
Ngôn ngữ Na Uy
Herbert George Wells: Insula Medicului Mai Mult
Un domn naufragiat stânjenit pe o insulă din Pacific se confruntă cu secrete întunecate, cu creaturi ciudate și cu un motiv să fugă pentru viața lui. Insula Doctorului Moreau cere cititor …
tiếng Ru-ma-ni
Herbert George Wells: የጊዜ ማሽን
ሃሳቦች አሁንም ድረስ በእውነታው ላይ የሚነሳውን ግምታዊ ተነሳሽነት በመጥቀስ ዌልስ ደፋር አሳሹን ለወደፊቱ ተስፋችንን ሸክም እና ታላቅ ጭንቀታችንን እናቀርባለን. የሰዓቱ መቆጣጠሪያ መሳሪያ መኪና ወደ ምድር ቀስ በቀስ እየሞተ ያርጋታል.እዚያም ሁለት ጥቃቅን ውድድሮችን ማለትም ኤሎይ እና ድንገተኛ ፍጥረታት የሞርክ …
Herbert George Wells: La Insulo de Kuracisto Moreau
Ŝiprompiĝinta sinjoro en pacifika insulo alfrontas malhelajn sekretojn, strangajn estaĵojn, kaj kialon kuri por lia vivo. La insulo de Doktoro Moreau petas al la leganto konsideri la limojn de natura …
Herbert George Wells: L’isola del Dottore Moreau
Un signore naufrago incagliato su un'isola del Pacifico si confronta con oscuri segreti, strane creature e una ragione per correre per la sua vita. L'isola del dottor Moreau chiede al lettore …
tiếng Ý
Herbert George Wells: डॉक्टर द्वीप अधिक
एक पॅसिफिक बेटावर अडकलेल्या जहाजाच्या जहाजाने एक भयानक अंधकारमय गडद रहस्य, विचित्र प्राणी आणि त्याच्या जीवनासाठी धावण्याचे कारण आहे. डॉक्टर ऑफ द ऑरॉऊ आईल्यू, वाचकांना नैसर्गिक विज्ञानाची मर्यादा आणि …
Herbert George Wells: Ostrvo Doktora Moreaua
Gospodin koji je doživio brodolom, nasukan na pacifičkom ostrvu, suočava se sa mračnim tajnama, čudnim stvorenjima i razlogom da se bori za život. Ostrvo doktora Moreau, traži od čitaoca da razmotri …
Herbert George Wells: ماشین زمان
یک دانشمند شجاع به آینده ای که با بزرگترین امید ما … و تاریک ترین ترس ما می رود، سفر می کند. کشش اهرم ماشین زمان، او را به سن زمین به آرامی در حال مرگ می گذارد. در آنجا او دو کشف عجیب و غریب را کشف …
Herbert George Wells: De Tiidmasine
Mei in spekulative sprong dy’t de fantasy noch hurd draacht, stjoert Wells syn brave ûntdekker om in takomst te fergjen mei ús grutste hopes … en ús tsjusterste eangsten. In tûk fan ‘e tiidmasjine …
Herbert George Wells: Ārsta Moreau Sala
Krāpniecisks džentlmenis, kas atrodas uz Klusā okeāna salas, saskaras ar tumšiem noslēpumiem, dīvainiem radījumiem un iemeslu, kāpēc viņš dzīvo. Ārsta sala moreau lūdz lasītāju apsvērt …
Herbert George Wells: Tidsmaskinen
Wells sender sin modige explorer til å møte en fremtid belastet med våre største forhåpninger … og vår mørkeste frykt. En trekk på tidsmaskinens s …
Ngôn ngữ Na Uy
Herbert George Wells: Машина Времена
Храбри научник путује у будућност оптерећену нашим највећим надама … и нашим најмрачнијим страховима. Повлачење полуге временске машине га покреће у доба полагано умируће Земље. Тамо открива двије …
Herbert George Wells: Дәрігер Аралағы
Тынық мұхит аралдарында қапталған кеме апатына ұшыраған джентльмен қара құпияларды, бөтен жаратылыстарды және оның өміріне жүгіріп өтуге себеп болды. Доктор Морау аралығы оқырманға табиғи ғылым шекар …
Herbert George Wells: Sakin Lokaci
Tare da tsinkaye mai tsabta wanda har yanzu yana cike da tunanin, mai bincike mai jaruntaka ya ziyarci makomar da za ta kasance a gaba tare da burinmu mafi girma … da kuma tsoran tsoro. Rigar dajin …
Herbert George Wells: د وخت ماشین
د وخت ماشین ویلز خپل زړور اکسپور ته لیږل کیږي ترڅو د راتلونکي ترټولو سترې هیلې سره مخامخ شي … او زموږ تیاره ترین ډار. د وخت د ماشین لیور یو کڅوړی هغه د ځمکې په ورو ورو د مړینې عمر سره مرسته کوي. هل …
Herbert George Wells: Die Eiland Doctor Moreau
'N skipbreukeling man wat gestrand is op 'n Stille Oseaan eiland, konfronteer donker geheime, vreemde wesens en 'n rede om vir sy lewe te hardloop. Die eiland Doctor Moreau, vra die leser …
Tiếng Nam Phi
Herbert George Wells: समय मेशिन
एक कल्पनाशील छलांग संग छ जुन अझै कल्पना को आगो लगाउँदछ, एक बहादुर एक्सप्लोरर हाम्रो भविष्य को सबै भन्दा ठूलो आशा संग भविष्य को दौरा गर्दछ … र हाम्रो गहरा भय। टाइम मेशिन लेवरको एक पुलले उनलाई बिस्तृ …
Herbert George Wells: ʻO ka Mokupuni o Doctor
ʻO kahi kanaka moku i hoʻokeleʻia i kahi moku Pākīpika eʻike ana i nā mea huna pōuliuli, nā mea kupanaha, a me ke kumu e holo ai no kona ola. ʻO ka mokupuni o Doctor Moreau, ke noi nei i ka mea heluh …
Herbert George Wells: ਟਾਈਮ ਮਸ਼ੀਨ
ਇਕ ਬਹਾਦਰ ਵਿਗਿਆਨੀ ਸਾਡੀ ਸਭ ਤੋਂ ਵੱਡੀ ਉਮੀਦਾਂ ਨਾਲ ਭਰੇ ਭਵਿੱਖ ਨੂੰ ਯਾਤਰਾ ਕਰਦਾ ਹੈ … ਅਤੇ ਸਾਡੇ ਘੁੱਪ ਹਨੇਰੇ. ਟਾਈਮ ਮਸ਼ੀਨ ਦੇ ਲੀਵਰ ਦੇ ਇੱਕ ਖਿੱਚ ਉਸ ਨੂੰ ਹੌਲੀ ਹੌਲੀ ਮਰ ਰਹੀ ਧਰਤੀ ਦੀ ਉਮਰ ਤਕ ਵਧਾਉਂਦਾ ਹੈ. ਉਥੇ ਉਹ ਦੋ ਅਜੀਬ ਰੇਸਿ …
Herbert George Wells: Wyspa Doktora Moreau
Rozbity dżentelmen uwięziony na wyspie Pacyfiku konfrontuje się z mrocznymi tajemnicami, dziwnymi stworzeniami i powodem do ucieczki na całe życie. Wyspa Doktora Moreau prosi czytelnika o rozważenie …
Tiếng Ba Lan
Herbert George Wells: Vremenski Stroj
Spekulativnim skokom koji još uvijek gasi imaginaciju, Wells šalje svoje hrabre istražitelje kako bi se suočio s budućnošću opterećenim našim najvećim nadama … i našim najtamnijim strahovima. Povla …
Herbert George Wells: Ny Nosy Dokotera Moreau
Nisy lehilahy sambo mpitondra sambo nitongilana tany amin'ny nosy Pasifika iray, misy tsiambaratelo mainty, biby hafahafa, ary antony iray hihazonana ny fiainany. Ny Nosy Dokotera moreau, dia man …
Herbert George Wells: Die Tydmasjien
Met ‘n spekulatiewe sprong wat die verbeelding steeds vreet, stuur Wells sy dapper ontdekkingsreisiger om ‘n toekomstige las met ons grootste hoop in die gesig te staar … en ons donkerste vrese. ‘N …
Tiếng Nam Phi
Herbert George Wells: Vaxt Maşını
Wells, hələ də xəyalları atəş edən bir spekulyativ sıçrayışla, cəsarətli kəşfiyyatçını ən böyük ümidlərimizlə dolu bir gələcəklə qarşı-qarşıya qoyur … və ən qaranlıq qorxularımız. Zaman maşınının q …
Herbert George Wells: It Eilân fan Doctor Moreau
In skipfearthertige jager op in Pasifik-eilân befettet tsjustere geheimen, frjemde wêzens, en in reden om syn libben te rinnen. It eilân fan Doctor Moreau freget de lêzer om d …
Herbert George Wells: Cov Kob Ntawm Tus Kws Kho Mob Ntau Dua
Ib tug neeg tub rog tub rog tau tso tseg rau ntawm ib lub Pov Pacific hiav txwv confronts tsaus nti secrets, coj txawv txawv creatures, thiab yog vim li cas khiav nws lub neej. Tus kob ntawm tus kws …
Herbert George Wells: Остров Доктора Моро
Джентльмен, потерпевший кораблекрушение, оказавшийся на тихоокеанском острове, сталкивается с темными секретами, странными существами и поводом для спасения своей жизни. Остров доктора Моро просит чи …
Ngôn ngữ Nga
Herbert George Wells: La Macchina del Tempo
Con un salto speculativo che accende ancora l’immaginazione, un coraggioso esploratore visita un futuro carico delle nostre più grandi speranze … e delle nostre paure più oscure. Una spinta della l …
tiếng Ý
Herbert George Wells: L’isula di u Duttore Moreau
Un gentilu naufragiu attaccatu nantu à una isula di u Pacificu face cunnusculi segreti scuri, criaturi stranu, è una ragione per scappà per a so vita. L'isula di u Dottore Mo …
Herbert George Wells: Arsti Moreau Saar
Laevaõnnetusega härrasmees, mis on kaldunud Vaikse ookeani saarele, seisab silmitsi pimedate saladustega, kummaliste olenditega ja põhjusega, miks ta oma elu elab. Doktor Moreau sa …
Herbert George Wells: Nthawi Yamakina
Ulendo wofufuza olimba mtima akukumana ndi mavuto amtsogolo ndi ziyembekezo zathu zazikuru … ndi mantha athu oopsa kwambiri. Kukoka kwa nthawi Nthaŵi ya chiwombankhanga imamupangitsa kudziko la Dzi …
Herbert George Wells: Časovni Stroj
Pogumen znanstvenik odpotuje v prihodnost, obremenjeno z našimi največjimi upanji … in najtemnejšimi strahovi. Povlek ročice časovnega stroja ga pripelje do starosti počasi umirajoče …
Herbert George Wells: Il-Gżira Tat-Tabib Moreau
Ġentent tal-ġlieda kontra l-vjolenza fuq bastiment fuq gżira tal-Paċifiku jiffaċċja sigrieti skuri, kreaturi strambi, u raġuni biex imur għal ħajtu. Il-Gżira ta 'Doctor moreau, titlob lill-qarrej …
Herbert George Wells: Ko Te Motu O Te Taote
Ko te tangata manua i uta i runga i tetahi moutere o te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa ka tutaki ki nga mea pouri, nga mea rereke, me te take hei rere mo tona oranga. Ko te moutere o Doctor, ka ui ki te kaipānui k …
Herbert George Wells: La Insulo de Kuracisto Moreau
Ŝiprompiĝinta sinjoro en pacifika insulo alfrontas malhelajn sekretojn, strangajn estaĵojn, kaj kialon kuri por lia vivo. La insulo de Doktoro Moreau petas al la leganto konsideri la limojn de natura …
Herbert George Wells: Vremenska Mašina
Sa špekulativnim skokom koji i dalje pali maštu, Vels šalje svoj hrabar istraživač da se suoči sa budućnošću opterećenom našim najvećim nadama … i našim najmračnijim strahovima. Povlačenje ručice T …
Herbert George Wells: Pulo Dokter Luwih Akeh
A wong tuwan kapal sing dilanggar ing pulo Pasifik ngadhepi rahasia peteng, makhluk aneh, lan alesan kanggo mbukak kanggo urip. Pulo Doctor Moreau, nyuwun pangertosan kangge nimbang watesan ilmu alam …
Herbert George Wells: Цаг Машин
Эрэл хайгуулыг үргэлжлүүлсээр байгаа таамаг дэвшлийг хараад зоригтой судлаач ирээдүйд бидний хамгийн их итгэл найдвараар дарамталдаг … мөн бидний хамгийн их айдас юм. Цагны машины хөшүүргийн татах …
Herbert George Wells: ഡോക്ടറായ കൂടുതൽ ദൂരം
ഒരു പസിഫിക് ദ്വീപിൽ കുടുങ്ങിയ കപ്പലായ ഒരു മാന്യൻ, ഇരുണ്ട രഹസ്യങ്ങൾ, വിചിത്ര ജീവികൾ, അവന്റെ ജീവൻ ഓടിക്കാൻ ഒരു കാരണത്തെ നേരിടുന്നു. പ്രകൃതിശാസ്ത്രത്തിന്റെ പരിധികൾ, മനുഷ്യരും മൃഗങ്ങളും തമ്മിലുള്ള വ്യത്യ …
Herbert George Wells: جزيرة دكتور مورو
جزيرة دكتور مورو ، يطلب من القارئ النظر في حدود العلوم الطبيعية والتمييز بين الرجال والوحوش. مزيج غريب من الخيال العلمي ، والرومانسية ، والتعرج الفلسفي ، هو واحد من معايير الخيال العلمي المبكر. …
tiếng Ả Rập
Herbert George Wells: Soul of a Bishop
CHAPTER THE FIRST – THE DREAM (1) IT was a scene of bitter disputation. A hawk-nosed young man with a pointing finger was prominent. His face worked violently, his lips moved very rapidly, but what h …
Herbert George Wells: Eyjan Læknar Moreau
A skipbrotin heiðursmaður strandaður á Kyrrahafi eyjar confronts dökk leyndarmál, undarlegt verur og ástæða til að hlaupa fyrir líf hans. Th …
tiếng Iceland
Herbert George Wells: დროის მანქანა
აქ ის აღმოაჩენს ორ უცნაურ რბოლებს – ერევანულ ელიოსა და მიწისქვეშა მორლოკებს, რომლებიც არა მარტო ადამიანის ბუნების სიმბოლოს სიმბოლოს, არამედ ხვალინდელ ადამიანთა დამაშინებელ პორტრეტს სთავაზობენ. გამოქვ …
Herbert George Wells: A Máquina do Tempo
Um cientista corajoso viaja para um futuro sobrecarregado com nossas maiores esperanças … e nossos medos mais sombrios. Um puxão da alavanca da máquina do tempo o impulsiona pa …
tiếng Bồ Đào Nha
Herbert George Wells: Denbora Makina
Imajina oraindik ihes egiten duen salaketa espekulatiboarekin, Wells-ek bere ausart esploratzaileak bidaltzen dizkio itxaropen handienetakoa duen etorkizunari aurre egiteko … eta gure beldurrik ilu …
Herbert George Wells: កោះរបស់វេជ្ជបណ្ឌិតកាន់តែច្រើន
បុរសម្នាក់ដែលលិចនាវានៅកោះប៉ាស៊ីហ្វិកប្រឈមនឹងអាថ៌កំបាំងងងឹតសត្វចម្លែកនិងហេតុផលដើម្បីរត់ប្រណាំងជីវិតរបស់គាត់។ កោះរបស់វេជ្ជបណ្ឌិត Moreau បានសួរអ្នកអានឱ្យពិចារណាពីដែនកំណត់នៃវិទ្យាសាស្រ្តធម្មជាតិនិងភាពខុស …
Herbert George Wells: די צייַט מאַשין
אַ העלדיש געלערנטער טראַוואַלז צו אַ צוקונפֿט בערדאַנד מיט אונדזער גרעסטע האפענונגען … און אונדזער דאַרקאַסט פירז. א ציען פון די צייַט מאַשין ס הייוון פּראַפּעלד אים צו די עלטער פון אַ סלאָולי געהא …
H. G. Wells: L’Europe de demain
Bien que HG Wells soit surtout connu pour ses récits de science-fiction, il a également été un commentateur de la scène politique entourant la Première Guerr …
tiếng Pháp
Herbert George Wells: The New World Order
In this small book I want to set down as compactly, clearly and usefully as possible the gist of what I have learnt about war and peace in the course of my life. I am not going to write peace propaga …
H. G. Wells: Une utopie moderne
Dans le présent ouvrage, j’ai tenté de solutionner divers problèmes négligés ou seulement posés dans les volumes précédents, de corriger …
tiếng Pháp
Herbert George Wells: La isla del doctor Moreau
La isla del doctor Moreau es una obra de 1896 del escritor inglés H.G. Wells. El texto de la novela es el relato de Edward Prendick, un naufrago rescatado por un barco y al que dejan …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Abraham Merritt & Arthur Machen: Classic Fantasy Collection
Epic romances, fearsome dragons and alien worlds lie between the pages of this volume. Containing more than 35 stories from the early masters of fantasy literature, the narratives here transport the …
Herbert George Wells: H. G. Wells Collection
Collected together here are seven of the most iconic novels of H. G. Wells, the father of science fiction himself. With each story, he presents a unique and exciting twist. In The Invisible Man, a sc …
Herbert George Wells: Classic Science Fiction Collection
For more than 100 years, science fiction writers have told tales of alien encounters and fascinating technologies and warned of the dangers of dystopian governments. From Victorians experimenting wit …
Herbert George Wells: Science Fiction & Fantasy Short Stories
Wondrous worlds abound in the stories within. Heroes go on great adventures through magical realms, encounter alien races, and use their ingenuity to overcome impossible difficulties.From Robert E. H …
Herbert George Wells: Salvaging Of Civilisation
H. G. Wells was a prolific writer of both fiction and non-fiction. His writing career spanned more than sixty years, and his early science fiction novels earned him the title (along with Jules Verne …
Herbert George Wells: A Short History of the World
This Illustrated version of the ‘A Short History of the world’ contains about 300 Illustrated picture, and many historic objects.. THE story of our world is a story that is still very imperfectly kno …
Herbert George Wells: L”Île du Docteur Moreau
L”Île du Docteur Moreau , proposé ici dans une nouvelle traduction moderne, fluide et vivante, est un roman de science-fiction écrit par l’auteur anglais H.G. Wells et publié en 1896. Récit à la pre …
tiếng Pháp
Herbert George Wells: La máquina del tiempo
La máquina del tiempo es una novela de ciencia ficción escrita por H.G.Wells y publicada en 1895. Wells es conocido por el público en general por la popularización del concepto del viaje en el tiempo …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Herbert George Wells: La Guerra de los Mundos
La Guerra de los Mundos es una novela de ciencia ficción del autor inglés H.G. Wells, publicada por primera vez en el Reino Unido en la Pearson´s Magazine y en los Estados Unidos en …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Herbert George Wells & H.G. Wells: Nei giorni della cometa
La storia ruota attorno a William Leadford, uno studente disoccupato che vive nella città industriale di Clayton in Gran Bretagna. Convinto socialista, egli lotta per un cambiamento di potere …
tiếng Ý
Herbert George Wells & H.G. Wells: La visita mervigliosa
Un angelo viene avvistato nell’Inghilterra del sud, scambiato per un grosso uccello dal piumaggio iridescente e policromo e ferito ad un’ala dal vicario del villaggio che stava andando a ca …
tiếng Ý
Herbert George Wells: L’Homme invisible
L’Homme invisible est un roman de science-fiction de H. G. Wells, publié en 1897. Présentation | Après quinze ans de recherches ruineuses, l’albinos Griffin invente une formule scientifique permettan …
tiếng Pháp
Herbert George Wells: La Machine à explorer le temps
La Machine à explorer le temps (titre original : The Time Machine: An Invention) est un roman de science-fiction, écrit en 1895 par H. G. Wells (Royaume-Uni). Il est considéré comme un classique du g …
tiếng Pháp
Herbert George Wells: Le Pays des Aveugles
le Pays des Aveugles (titre original en anglais : The Country of the Blind ) est une nouvelle de Herbert George Wells Dickens, parue en 1904. Extrait | À plus de trois cents milles du Chimbora …
tiếng Pháp
Herbert George Wells: La Guerre des mondes
La Guerre des mondes (The War of the Worlds) est un roman de science-fiction écrit par H. G. Wells, publié en 1898. C’est une des premières œuvres d’imagination …
tiếng Pháp
Herbert George Wells: Ugh-Lomi
Eine Abenteuergeschichte aus der Steinzeit Der Höhlenmensch Ugh-Lomi kämpft in dieser Fantasy-Novelle des Schöpfers von ‘Krieg der Welten’ um die Vorherrschaft in seinem Stamm. Im Laufe der Geschicht …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: Ugh-Lomi
Eine Abenteuergeschichte aus der Steinzeit Der Höhlenmensch Ugh-Lomi kämpft in dieser Fantasy-Novelle des Schöpfers von ‘Krieg der Welten’ um die Vorherrschaft in seinem Stamm. Im Laufe der Geschicht …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: The Outline of History
With The Outline of History Wells started a craze that lasted throughout the 1920s for copycat outlines on every conceivable subject. Coming right after the carnage of World War I, the Outline was ne …
Herbert George Wells: Washington and the Riddle of Peace
This fate is not threatening civilization; it is happening to civilization before our eyes. The ship of civilization is not going to sink in five years’ time or in fifty years’ time. It is sinking no …
Herbert George Wells: La Burlesque équipée du cycliste
Des Don Quichotte, chaque époque en voit naître une kyrielle. Au début du siècle, ils enfourchaient un vélo, comme cet Hoopdriver qui se lance sur les routes campagnardes afin de mieux maîtriser sa R …
tiếng Pháp
Herbert George Wells: La Guerre dans les Airs
Bert Smallways n’est pas un héros. Ce serait plutôt Candide propulsé dans la guerre mondiale, une guerre conçue à l’échelle planétaire, en 1908, par un stratège de génie, H.G. Wells, qui invente l’ar …
tiếng Pháp
Herbert George Wells: L’homme invisible
Mme Hall, l’aubergiste, a un drôle de client. Quel secret cache-t-il derrière ces lunettes noires, sous ses bandes serrées tout autour de la tête ? Que fabrique-t-il, enfermé avec tant de bouteilles …
tiếng Pháp
Herbert George Wells: L’île du docteur Moreau
Seul survivant d’un naufrage, Edward Prendick est recueilli sur une île des mers du Sud par un personnage des plus singuliers : le docteur Moreau. Il découvre avec terreur que l’île est peuplée de cr …
tiếng Pháp
Herbert George Wells: La guerre des mondes
Un jour de 1894, un météore s’abat près de Londres, bientôt suivi de nombreux autres. Des cratères calcinés qu’ils ont creusés dans le sol émergent alors d’énormes tripodes de métal, terrifiants engi …
tiếng Pháp
Herbert George Wells: La machine à explorer le temps
Persuadé que le temps est une quatrième dimension de même nature que la longueur, la largeur et la hauteur, un inventeur de génie construit une machine extraordinaire qui va lui permettre de se dépla …
tiếng Pháp
Herbert George Wells: Tales of Space and Time
A collection of three short stories and two novellas written between 1897 and 1898. All the stories had first been published in various monthly periodicals and this was the first volume to collect th …
Herbert George Wells: A Short History of the World
Spanning the origins of the Earth to the outcome of the First World War, this is a brilliantly compelling account of the evolution of life and the development of the human race. Along the way, Wells …
Herbert George Wells: Miss Waters
Les Bunting barbotent sur la plage de Sandgate. Au cours de cette cérémonie du bain, Fred Bunting sauve de la noyade une jeune femme d’une grande beauté. Et voilà l’honorable famille, quelque peu col …
tiếng Pháp
Herbert George Wells: Les premiers hommes dans la lune
Près de soixante-dix ans avant les missions Apollo et leurs héros, les Armstrong, Cernan, Schmitt et compagnie, Cavor et Bedford alunissaient dans un appareil qui avait déjà une vague ressemblance av …
tiếng Pháp
Herbert George Wells: Au Temps de la Comète
Un jeune commis de manufacture de Clayton peut aussi devenir un héros romantique. La rencontre de Nettie va lui révéler, avec l’amour absolu qu’il reçoit, la jalousie absolue. Mais cet événement coïn …
tiếng Pháp
Herbert George Wells: Une histoire des temps à venir
Une histoire des temps à venir raconte l’exil volontaire d’un couple d’amoureux du 22ème siècle de la cité moderne où il habite. Elizabteth Mwres, passionnée des choses d’antan, est amoureuse de Dent …
tiếng Pháp
Herbert George Wells: Quand le dormeur s’éveillera
Au XIXe siècle, par un après-midi ensoleillé, Isbister se promène sur le sentier qui domine les falaises de Pentargen. Il y fait alors une rencontre pour le moins étrange. Graham, épuisé et insomniaq …
tiếng Pháp
Herbert George Wells: Nouvelles
Cette édition est un reucueil de 11 nouvelles de Herbert George Welles surnommé le Père de la science-fiction. Retrouvez les nouvelles suivantes: L’étoile Dans l’abîme L’oeuf de cristal Le nouvel acc …
tiếng Pháp
Herbert George Wells: The First Men in the Moon
When penniless businessman Mr Bedford retreats to the Kent coast to write a play, he meets by chance the brilliant Dr Cavor, an absent-minded scientist on the brink of developing a material that bloc …
Herbert George Wells: The World Set Free
This chilling, futuristic novel, written in 1913 and first published the following year, was incredibly prophetic on a major scale. Wells was a genius and visionary, as demonstrated by many of his ot …
Herbert George Wells: The Invisible Man
This masterpiece of science fiction is the fascinating story of Griffin, a scientist who creates a serum to render himself invisible, and his descent into madness that follows. …
Herbert George Wells: The Country of the Blind
‘The Country of the Blind’ is a short story written by H. G. Wells. It was first published in the April 1904 issue of the Strand Magazine and included in a 1911 collection of Wells’s short stories, T …
Herbert George Wells: The Invisible Man
The Invisible Man is a science fiction novel by H. G. Wells. Originally serialized in Pearson’s Weekly in 1897, it was published as a novel the same year. The Invisible Man the title refers to is Gri …
Herbert George Wells: Die Zeitmaschine
Der Held der Geschichte hat eine Maschine gebaut, mit deren Hilfe er durch die Zeit reisen will. Er zeigt die Funktionsweise an einem Modell mehreren Besuchern, die er zu diesem Zweck eingeladen hat. …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: Die Insel des Dr. Moreau
Edward Prendick erleidet im Südpazifik Schiffbruch. Als einziger wird er von einem Mann namens Montgomery gerettet. Dieser ist mit einer Ladung Tiere unterwegs zu einer einsamen Insel, wo er zusammen …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: Krieg der Welten
Unvorstellbar! »Marsianer« greifen mit dreibeinigen Kampfmaschinen das Vereinigte Königreich an, sie haben es auf die Rohstoffe der Erde abgesehen. nexx classics – WELTLITERATUR NEU INSPIRIERT …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: The Country Of The Blind
Instead of memorizing vocabulary words, work your way through an actual well-written novel. Even novices can follow along as each individual English paragraph is paired with the corresponding French …
Herbert George Wells: The Time Machine
Instead of memorizing vocabulary words, work your way through an actual well-written novel. Even novices can follow along as each individual English paragraph is paired with the corresponding French …
Herbert George Wells: The War Of The Worlds
Instead of memorizing vocabulary words, work your way through an actual well-written novel. Even novices can follow along as each individual English paragraph is paired with the corresponding French …
Voltaire & Alexandre Dumas: Learn French with Bilingual Books
Sometimes you want to read in French. Sometimes you want to read in English. There’s a great option: bilingual books! Bilingual, or dual-language books, are books in which text appears side-by-side i …
Herbert George Wells: La visita meravigliosa
La visita meravigliosa (The Wonderful Visit) è un romanzo fantastico con elementi satirici del 1895 di H. G. Wells che ha come protagonista un creatura angelica che misteriosamente si ritrova …
tiếng Ý
Herbert George Wells: L’isola del dottor Moreau
L’isola del dottor Moreau ( The Island of Dr. Moreau) è un romanzo di fantascienza di H. G. Wells, scritto nel 1896 e pubblicato l’anno successivo. Viene considerato il primo esponente del genere «Up …
tiếng Ý
Herbert George Wells: Tono-Bungay
In ‘Tono-Bungay, ‘ H.G. Wells deftly navigates the intersection of science, capitalism, and societal values in early 20th-century England. The novel, presented in an engaging first-person narrative, …
Herbert George Wells: The Sea Lady
In ‘The Sea Lady, ‘ H.G. Wells crafts a mesmerizing narrative that interweaves fantasy with social commentary. This novella tells the story of a mermaid who emerges from the depths of the sea, offeri …
Herbert George Wells: The Soul of a Bishop
In ‘The Soul of a Bishop, ‘ H.G. Wells offers a profound exploration of faith, morality, and the complexities of contemporary spirituality, all wrapped in a narrative that deftly intertwines realism …
Herbert George Wells: The World Set Free
In ‘The World Set Free, ‘ H.G. Wells crafts a prescient narrative that explores the transformative and destructive power of atomic energy, a theme that resonates deeply in today’s context of nuclear …
Herbert George Wells: The Island of Doctor Moreau
In ‘The Island of Doctor Moreau, ‘ H.G. Wells crafts a thought-provoking narrative that delves into themes of ethics, evolution, and the essence of humanity. Set on a remote island, the story follows …
Herbert George Wells: The Time Machine
In ‘The Time Machine, ‘ H.G. Wells crafts a pioneering science fiction narrative that explores themes of time, technology, and human evolution. Through the ingenious use of a time-traveling device, W …
Herbert George Wells: The Plattner Story and Others
In ‘The Plattner Story and Others, ‘ H.G. Wells showcases his masterful command of speculative fiction through a collection of tales that blend science fiction, fantasy, and social commentary. Wells …
Herbert George Wells: The Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents
In ‘The Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents, ‘ H.G. Wells weaves a tapestry of speculative fiction that explores the intersections of science, society, and ethics during the late Victorian era. This …
Herbert George Wells: Kipps
In ‘Kipps, ‘ H.G. Wells delves into the life of Arthur Kipps, a young man of modest means who unexpectedly inherits a fortune, only to confront the social intricacies and emotional turmoil that wealt …
Herbert George Wells: The First Men in the Moon
In ‘The First Men in the Moon, ‘ H.G. Wells intricately weaves a tale of interplanetary exploration, fusing scientific speculation with imaginative narrative. Written in 1901, this seminal science fi …
Herbert George Wells: Little Wars
In ‘Little Wars, ‘ H.G. Wells presents an innovative exploration of war, not through the lens of conventional military conflict, but rather within the framework of strategic tabletop gaming. Written …
Herbert George Wells: Quando il dormente si sveglierà
Il risveglio del dormiente ( The Sleeper Awakes) è un romanzo fantascientifico distopico di H. G. Wells pubblicato nel 1910, come riedizione di When the Slee …
tiếng Ý
Herbert George Wells: L’uomo invisibile
Uno scienziato inglese riesce a mettere a punto un procedimento che rende invisibile qualsiasi oggetto e decide di sperimentare su di sé la sua fantastica scoperta. L’esperimento riesce perfettamente …
tiếng Ý
Herbert George Wells: L’isola del Dottor Moreau
L’isola del dottor Moreau ( The Island of Dr. Moreau) è un famosissimo romanzo di fantascienza (e horror) scritto da Herbert George Wells nel 1896 e pubblicato l’anno successivo. Viene considerato co …
tiếng Ý
Herbert George Wells: L’illa del doctor Moreau
Quan es compleixen 125 anys de la publicació, el debat transhumanístic torna aquest clàssic a l’actualitat. L’illa del doctor Moreau és una de les novel·les més pertorbadores que mai s’hagin escrit. …
Herbert George Wells: Miss Waters
Au début du siècle, les membres d’une famille anglaise profite des plaisirs de la plage et aperçoivent dans la mer une femme en difficulté. Ils la sauvent de la noyade. Cette jeune femme d’une grande …
tiếng Pháp
Herbert George Wells: Au temps de la Comète
Ou de l’influence de certains phénomènes célestes sur les sentiments humains. Willie et Nettie font l’expérience d’une rencontre éphémère entre notre terre et une comète. Mais comment évolueront-ils, …
tiếng Pháp
Herbert George Wells: La Burlesque Équipée du cycliste
Au début du siècle, enfourcher un vélo, pouvait être une aventure donquichottesque. Hoopdriver en fait l’expérience, qui se lance sur les routes campagnardes afin de mieux maîtriser sa Rossinante d’a …
tiếng Pháp
Herbert George Wells: La Guerre dans les airs
Ce roman nous décrit une guerre mondiale, en 1908, conçue par un stratège de génie, H.G. Wells, qui invente l’arme absolue: les dirigeables géants, véritables porte-avions, d’où prennent leur vol les …
tiếng Pháp
Herbert George Wells: Une histoire des temps à venir
Dans l’Angleterre du XXIIe siècle, la population vit concentrée dans d’immenses villes-tours, laissant les campagnes désertées aux machines de la société d’Alimentation. Dans les villes, le fossé s’e …
tiếng Pháp
Herbert George Wells: La Machine à explorer le temps
Qui ne connaît pas l’intrigue de ce roman ? La terre en l’an 8701 a les apparences d’un paradis. Les apparences seulement. Car derrière ces jardins magnifiques, ces bosquets somptueux, cet éternel ét …
tiếng Pháp
Herbert George Wells: L’Île du docteur Moreau
Unique survivant d’un naufrage, Edward Prendick est recueilli sur une île des mers du sud par un personnage singulier: le docteur Moreau. Il découvre avec effroi que l’île est peuplée de créatures mo …
tiếng Pháp
Herbert George Wells: L’Homme invisible
Par une nuit brumeuse de février, un étrange voyageur arrive au village d’Iping en Angleterre. Frigorifié, il décide de s’installer dans l’auberge de Jenny et George Hall et loue à la semaine sans mê …
tiếng Pháp
Herbert George Wells: La Guerre des Mondes
Les martiens attaquent… Voici l’un des premiers classiques du «space opera» en science-fiction moderne. Vous connaissez tous ce grand roman, récemment à nouveau adapté au cinéma. Voici un petit ext …
tiếng Pháp
Herbert George Wells: Les Premiers hommes dans la Lune
Bedford et Cavor, grâce à la «Cavorite», voyagent jusqu’à la lune, et découvrent les Sélénites. L’aventure ne fait que commencer… …
tiếng Pháp
Herbert George Wells: Quand le dormeur s’éveillera
Au XIXe siècle, par un après-midi ensoleillé, Isbister se promène sur le sentier qui domine les falaises de Pentargen. Il y fait alors une rencontre pour le moins étrange. Graham, épuisé et insomniaq …
tiếng Pháp
Herbert George Wells: Nouvelles Volume I
Ce recueil de quelques nouvelles nous embarque dans la quatrième dimension. L’Étoile, le passage d’une étoile sème comme un vent de panique. Dans l’abîme, une descente au fond de l’océan dans une sph …
tiếng Pháp
Herbert George Wells: Nouvelles Volume II
L’Homme volant – La Tentation d’Harringay – La Chambre rouge – Les Pirates de la mer – Les Argonautes de l’espace – L’Histoire de feu M. Elvesham – La Pomme – L’Homme qui pouvait accomplir des miracl …
tiếng Pháp
Herbert George Wells: L’isola del Dottor Moreau
The Island of doctor Moreau fu pubblicato a Londra nel 1896. Come in altri romanzi di Wells dello stesso periodo, e che gli valsero la celebrità, la narrazione fantastica coglie lo spunto da una …
tiếng Ý
H. G. Wells & Herbert George Wells: Die ersten Menschen auf dem Mond: Vollständige Ausgabe
mehrbuch-Weltliteratur! e Books, die nie in Vergessenheit geraten sollten. Während eines Aufenthaltes auf dem Lande lernt der erfolglose Geschäftsmann und Theaterautor Bedford den eigenwilligen Wisse …
tiếng Đức
H. G. Wells Wells & Herbert George Wells: Der Traum: mehrbuch-Weltliteratur
mehrbuch-Weltliteratur! e Books, die nie in Vergessenheit geraten sollten. Ein englischer Wissenschaftler landet mit seiner Zeitmaschine in einer scheinbar idyllischen Zukunft, in der sich die Mensch …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells & H. G. Wells: Die Insel des Dr. Moreau
mehrbuch-Weltliteratur! e Books, die nie in Vergessenheit geraten sollten. Der Roman Die Insel des Dr. Moreau zählt zu den bekanntesten Werken des Science-Fiction-Autors H. G. Wells. Der schiffbrüchi …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: Wenn der Schläfer erwacht
Wenn der Schläfer erwacht (engl.: When the Sleeper Wakes) ist ein dystopischer Roman des britischen Autors H. G. Wells aus dem Jahre 1899. Zur Zeit des ausgehenden 19. Jahrhunderts fällt der Protagon …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: Ugh-Lomi
Die Erzählung spielt während der Steinzeit und erzählt von einem Höhlenmenschen namens Ugh-Lomi, der sich mit der jungen Frau Eudena verbindet und seinen Rivalen, den De-facto-Stammesführer Uya, töte …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: Gesammelte Werke
Herbert George Wells nannte seine frühen Romane – Die Zeitmaschine (1895), Der Unsichtbare (1897), Der Krieg der Welten (1898) – scientific romances. Sie entwarfen eine Reihe heute klassisch genannte …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: Der Traum
Der geniale utopische Visionär H. G. Wells hat sein Fernglas oft auf künftige Welten gerichtet und Träume vom besseren Leben ausgemalt. Diesmal hat er dieses Fernglas umgedreht. Wells lässt einen Uto …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: Jenseits des Sirius
Schon früh suchte H.G. Wells nach einem besseren Weg, die Gesellschaft zu organisieren und formulierte seine Vorstellungen in einer Reihe utopischer Romane aus. Der erste davon war Jenseits des Siriu …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: Im Jahre des Kometen
William Leadford, erfüllt von jugendlichschwärmerischem Glauben an eine gerechtere, sozialistische Ordnung, gedemütigt durch ein Leben in Armut und Abhängigkeit, sieht sich um seine Liebe gebracht, g …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: Die Zeitmaschine
Die Zeitmaschine (engl. Originaltitel The Time Machine) ist ein Science-Fiction-Roman von H. G. Wells. Dieser 1895 erschienene Klassiker der Science-Fiction-Literatur ist die erste literarische Besch …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: Die Riesen kommen!
Die Riesen kommen! (orig. The Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth) ist ein 1904 erschienener Science-Fiction-Roman des englischen Schriftstellers H. G. Wells. Der Forscher Bensington und seine …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: Die Insel des Dr. Moreau
Die Insel des Dr. Moreau, englischer Originaltitel The Island of Dr. Moreau, ist ein 1896 erschienener phantastischer Roman des englischen Schriftstellers H. G. Wells. Er enthält Elemente der Science …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: Die ersten Menschen auf dem Mond
Die ersten Menschen auf dem Mond ist ein Roman des britischen Schriftstellers Herbert George Wells. Das Buch wurde zum ersten Mal 1901 unter dem Titel The First Men in the Moon veröffentlicht. Währen …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: Der Krieg der Welten
Der Krieg der Welten (engl. Originaltitel: The War of the Worlds) ist eines der bekanntesten und bedeutendsten Werke von H. G. Wells. In diesem 1898 erschienenen, für die Science-Fiction-Literatur gr …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: Der gestohlene Bazillus
Diese Sammlung enthält 15 Kurzgeschichten aus der Feder von H. G. Wells, des bekannten „Vater der Science Fiction“. Kleine Geschichten um Wissenschaft, menschliche Selbstüberschätzung und den ewigen …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: World Classics Library: H. G. Wells
Dubbed the ‘father of science fiction’, H.G. Wells forged the path down which many have followed. This beautiful hardback compendium assembles four of his most iconic science fiction works: War of th …
Herbert George Wells: The War of the Worlds
In ‘The War of the Worlds, ‘ H.G. Wells masterfully weaves a groundbreaking narrative that combines elements of science fiction with social commentary, illustrating humanity’s vulnerability in the fa …
Herbert George Wells: Niewidzialny człowiek
Senna atmosfera gospody leżącej na prowincji Anglii zostaje zaburzona pojawieniem się tajemniczego mężczyzny. Ma ciemne okulary i zabandażowaną głowę, co każe właścicielom gospody przypuszczać, że zo …
Tiếng Ba Lan
Herbert George Wells: L’uomo invisibile
L’uomo invisibile ( The Invisible Man) è un famosissimo romanzo di fantascienza scritto da Herbert George Wells nel 1897 e pubblicato quello stesso anno (a puntate). Grazie all’enorme successo, ha av …
tiếng Ý
Herbert George Wells: The Soul of a Bishop
In ‘The Soul of a Bishop, ‘ H.G. Wells delves into the intricate interplay of faith, doubt, and the struggles of ecclesiastical life. Set against the backdrop of early 20th-century England, the novel …
Edward Page Mitchell & Herbert George Wells: Cuentos con-ciencia
En estos cuentos, los autores que inauguraron la ciencia ficción sorprenden con su capacidad para anticipar un mundo en el que el uso de la ciencia y la tecnología llevan al ser humano a plantearse d …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Herbert George Wells: The First Men in the Moon
The novel tells the story of a journey to the moon by the impecunious businessman Mr Bedford and the brilliant but eccentric scientist Dr Cavor. On arrival, Bedford and Cavor find the moon inhabited …
Herbert George Wells: The Country of the Blind / Das Land der Blinden (mit Audio)
Entdecken Sie die Welt der Fremdsprachen auf eine ganz neue Weise mit der Lesemethode von Ilya Frank, perfekt für alle ab dem Sprachniveau A2. Diese innovative Methode kombiniert Originaltexte mit kl …
Herbert George Wells: The First Men in the Moon
"The First Men in the Moon" is a scientific romance by the English author H.G. Wells, originally serialized in "The Strand Magazine" from December 1900 to August 1901 and publishe …
Herbert George Wells: L’Homme Invisible
Le savant Griffin, après 15 ans de recherches et des dépenses qui l’ont ruiné, invente une formule pour devenir invisible. Après avoir fait l’expérience sur le chat de sa voisine, il décide d’expérim …
tiếng Pháp
Herbert George Wells: The War of the Worlds
One early morning, a ‘falling star’ descends over England as it crashes on Horsell Common, near our hero’s home in Maybury. As he makes his way there, a group of people had arrived and surrounded a l …
Herbert George Wells & H G Wells: The Complete Novels of H. G. Wells
In this collection you will find : Novels -The Time Machine -The War of the Worlds -The Invisible Man -The Island of Doctor Moreau -The Sleeper Awakes -A Modern Utopia -The Wheels of Chance -The Firs …
Herbert George Wells: Zoological Retrogression
Herbert George Wells (1866-1946) was one of the most popular British writers of all time. Prolific in many genres, he wrote more than fifty novels and dozens of short stories. His non-fiction output …
Herbert George Wells: The Grisly Folk and Their War With Men
Herbert George Wells (1866-1946) was one of the most popular British writers of all time. Prolific in many genres, he wrote more than fifty novels and dozens of short stories. His non-fiction output …
Herbert George Wells: The Door in the Wall
Herbert George Wells (1866-1946) was one of the most popular British writers of all time. Prolific in many genres, he wrote more than fifty novels and dozens of short stories. His non-fiction output …
Herbert George Wells: A Máquina do Tempo
•A máquina do tempo, primeiro romance de H.G.Wells e sucesso imediato de público e crítica, é o precursor da moderna ficção científica e ”pai” dos relatos de viagens no tempo. Sua vasta obra também …
tiếng Bồ Đào Nha
Herbert George Wells: Novelle straordinarie
Il volume, del 1905, contiene una scelta di 16 racconti pubblicati in originale su raccolte diverse. Tra questi alcuni classici della narrativa fantastica, come The strange orchid, The lord of dynamo …
tiếng Ý
Herbert George Wells: The Crystal Egg
Herbert George Wells (1866-1946) was one of the most popular British writers of all time. Prolific in many genres, he wrote more than fifty novels and dozens of short stories. His non-fiction output …
Herbert George Wells: La guerra dei mondi
Edizione integrale Originariamente pubblicato a Londra nel 1897, La guerra dei mondi resta l’opera più famosa di Wells ed è considerato uno dei primi romanzi del genere fantascientifico. Con i suoi a …
tiếng Ý
Herbert George Wells: Quando il dormente si sveglierà
Lo spunto iniziale per motivare un viaggio nel futuro è estremamente simile a quello, pubblicato dieci anni prima, di Looking backward di Edward Bellamy. Ma mentre il protagonista del romanzo di Bell …
tiếng Ý
Herbert George Wells: Un’esplorazione nel futuro
Questo famoso romanzo di Wells è solitamente considerato un romanzo di fantascienza per ragazzi o poco più; benché si possa leggerlo in quest’ottica, in realtà vi si …
tiếng Ý
Herbert George Wells: La visita meravigliosa
Romanzo del 1896 nel quale tuttavia ravvisiamo già la progettualità utopica che in Wells è insieme desiderio di giustizia, di ordine, di efficienza raggiungibili solo attraverso un’evoluzione societa …
tiếng Ý
Herbert George Wells: The Empire of the Ants
Herbert George Wells (1866-1946) was one of the most popular British writers of all time. Prolific in many genres, he wrote more than fifty novels and dozens of short stories. His non-fiction output …
Herbert George Wells: A Dream of Armageddon
Herbert George Wells (1866-1946) was one of the most popular British writers of all time. Prolific in many genres, he wrote more than fifty novels and dozens of short stories. His non-fiction output …
Herbert George Wells: La macchina del tempo
Nell’Inghilterra di fine Ottocento, uno scienziato e inventore svela ai suoi più stretti amici di aver costruito un mezzo capace di viaggiare nel tempo e di aver “navigato” f …
tiếng Ý
Herbert George Wells: La máquina del tiempo
En esta novela, paradigma del género de la ciencia ficción, H. G. Wells señaló algunas de las más serias preocupaciones científicas —insólitas si consideramos que se publicó por primera vez en 1895— …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Herbert George Wells & H G Wells: The Complete Novels of H. G. Wells (Over 55 Works: The Time Machine, The Island of Doctor Moreau, The Invisible Man, The War of the Worlds, The History of Mr. Polly, The War in the Air and many more!)
In this collection you will find : Novels -The Time Machine -The War of the Worlds -The Invisible Man -The Island of Doctor Moreau -The Sleeper Awakes -A Modern Utopia -The Wheels of Chance -The Firs …
Herbert George Wells: Novelle straordinarie
Le Novelle straordinarie del grande visionario H.G. Wells qua contenute sono: Il microbo rubato, Un’orchidea straordinaria, L’Osservatorio di Avu, Affare di struzzi, Il fabbricante di diamanti, L’iso …
tiếng Ý
H. G. Wells: Y Peiriant Amser (eLyfr)
(e Book of the Welsh Translation of H. G. Wells The Time Machine) Cydnabyddir H.G. Wells fel un o brif ffigyrau cynnar ffuglen wyddonol, mewn unrhyw iaith. Ysgrifennodd dros bum deg o nofelau ac chyf …
Herbert George Wells: The Complete Works of Herbert George Wells
The Complete Works of Herbert George Wells This Complete Collection includes the following titles: ——– 1 – God The Invisible King 2 – The New Machiavelli 3 – The World Set Free 4 – Anticipations …
Herbert George Wells: Voina mirov. Chudesnoe poseschenie.
Gerbert Uehlls byl genial”nym, bozhestvenno odarennym pisatelem i paradoksal”nym myslitelem. Neveroyatno uvlekatel”no sejchas, v HKHI veke, chitat” istinno hudozhestvennuyu fantasticheskuyu prozu …
Ngôn ngữ Nga
Herbert George Wells: Mashina Vremeni. Ostrov doktora Moro.
Znamenitye romany Gerberta Uehllsa, napisannye na rubezhe XIX i XX vekov, povliyali na mirovuyu literaturu ne men”she, chem Puankare — na matematiku, Frejd — na psihologiyu, Plank — na fiziku, Mechn …
Ngôn ngữ Nga
Herbert George Wells: The Magic Shop
Herbert George Wells (1866-1946) was one of the most popular British writers of all time. Prolific in many genres, he wrote more than fifty novels and dozens of short stories. His non-fiction output …
Herbert George Wells: La guerra de los mundos
Es la primera novela en la que se narró una invasión marciana. H. G. Wells, es junto con Julio Verne, el padre de la ciencia ficción. Esta edición recupera las ilustraciones de Henrique Alvim Corrêa, …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Herbert George Wells: El hombre invisible
Relata las contradicciones de un joven y brillante científico que se desprende de toda ética en pro de su sed de dominio. Scafati recrea la atmósfera de una sociedad trastornada por un individuo que …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Herbert George Wells: La Machine à explorer le Temps
‘Je vis des arbres croître et changer comme des bouffées de vapeur ; tantôt roux, tantôt verts ; ils croissaient, s”étendaient, se brisaient et disparaissaient. Je vis d”immenses édifices s”élever …
tiếng Pháp
Herbert George Wells: La guerre des mondes
‘Je voyais maintenant que c”étaient les créatures les moins terrestres qu”il soit possible de concevoir. Ils étaient formés d”un grand corps rond, ou plutôt d”une grande tête ronde d”environ qua …
tiếng Pháp
Herbert George Wells: L”homme invisible
Un scientifique découvre une formule d’invisibilité qu’il essaie sur lui-même. Profitant de son nouvel état, il commet des vols en tout anonymat. Mais il ne parvient pas à trouver l’antidote : le voi …
tiếng Pháp
Herbert George Wells: Die Zeitmaschine: In Einfacher Sprache
Dieses Buch ist in einfacher Sprache geschrieben. Bei der Übersetzung in einfache Sprache folgen wir weitgehend der Norm DIN 8581-1. Das Buch eignet sich für Leserinnen und Leser, die eine eingeschrä …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: The Time Machine: Englisch Lektüre A2 – B2
Englisch Lernen mit klassischen Werken. Die Bücher dieser Reihe eignen sich für Jugendliche und Erwachsene, die mit klassischen Werken ihre Lesefähigkeit verbessern wollen. Englisch Niveaus A2 bis B2 …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: Die Zeitmaschine
Gegen Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts erklärt der Zeitreisende, ein bedeutender Wissenschaftler, der im gesamten Roman nicht mit Namen genannt wird, einem skeptischen Freundeskreis seine Maschine, mit dess …
tiếng Đức
Herbert George Wells: La macchina del tempo: Italienisch Lektüre A2 – B2
Italienisch lernen mit klassischen Werken. Die Bücher dieser Reihe eignen sich für Jugendliche und Erwachsene, die mit klassischen Werken ihre Lesefähigkeit verbessern wollen. Italienisch Niveaus A2 …
tiếng Ý
Herbert George Wells: The Island of Doctor Moreau
The Island of Dr. Moreau is a science fiction novel by British writer H.G. Wells. The book tells the story of Edward Prendick, who finds himself on a mysterious island after a shipwreck. Here he meet …
Herbert George Wells: The Time Machine
Unique Elements
- About the Author
- Bibliography of the Author
- Commentaries
Herbert George Wells: The Time Machine
The Time Machine is a captivating science fiction novel that follows the journey of an unnamed protagonist, known as the ‘Time Traveler, ‘ who invents a machine capable of traveling through time. On …