Revival comes from prayer.
Today’s church needs an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Early church leaders like Luther, Wesley, Finney and Moody were filled and refilled with the Holy Spirit. Prayer like theirs was the powerful key to every revival throughout Christian history. Whether you’re an ordained minister, a stay-at-home mom, or a new Christian, God can work through you.
Join Yonggi Cho and Wayde Goodall in Prayer, the story of Pastor Cho’s personal life and successful ministry.
Readers will:
– understand the different types of prayer,
– value the importance of prayer,
– learn why, how, and when to pray,
– cultivate a lifestyle of prayer, and
– receive new revelations of how to listen to the Holy Spirit.
Hear the secrets God desires to share with you and be immersed in His profound love.
About the author
WAYDE GOODALL is passionate to help Christians grow in their faith while understanding life disciplines and principles that encourage life balance and dynamic spiritual growth. Trained as a pastor, counselor, life coach, and educator, he has a unique 40- year background in leadership, counseling, consulting, coaching, strategic planning and development, and practical theology.