Authors Patti Kelly Ralabate and Elizabeth Berquist draw on years of working with schools, districts, universities, and states to put the inclusive principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) into practice. They offer a guide for adopting UDL as the conceptual framework for an entire system, not just individual classrooms. The authors clarify the difference between mere change and true transformation in a system, offering a welcome solution to the common “flavor-of-the-month” dilemma that school leaders at all levels so often face.
Your UDL Journey addresses challenges in learning design, instructional planning, professional development, resource allocation, and reflection. Written in a warm, collegial style, this book is filled with helpful signposts along the road to transformation.
Chapter 1: Why Is UDL a Transformative Framework?
Chapter 2: How Do We Get Started?
Chapter 3: What Is the UDL Implementation Process?
Chapter 4: Explore
Chapter 5: Prepare
Chapter 6: Integrate
Chapter 7: Scale
Chapter 8: Optimize
Chapter 9: Beyond Implementation
Elizabeth Berquist, Ed D, brings 20 years of experience in PK-12 and higher education to her current role as director of professional learning for the Baltimore County Public School District (BCPS) where she designs and delivers professional learning for district leaders. BCPS is the 25th largest district in the US and serves more than 115, 000 students.
Dr. Berquist began her career in BCPS, first as a classroom teacher and then as a central office staff member. She then spent eight years as a faculty member in the Department of Special Education at Towson University in Maryland, where she worked with pre-service and in-service educators. Her research focused on UDL, conceptual change, faculty professional development, and enhancing university-school partnerships in professional development schools. She was also responsible for the design and administration of a multiyear Universal Design for Learning Professional Development Network (UDL PDN).
Dr. Berquist won numerous teaching awards at Towson before returning to BCPS in 2015. A frequent presenter at national conferences and a member of CAST’s National Faculty, she is the editor of UDL: Moving from Exploration to Integration (CAST, 2017), the first book to consider scaled-up implementation of UDL in schools, districts, and states.