Thought Field Therapy – the Definitive Guide for Successful Practice gives you fast, accurate help and informed insight about this powerful energy psychology. It is an absolute must for everyone who is practicing TFT and for those who are intrigued and want to know more.
With initial clear psychological assessment of each distressing emotion phobia, trauma, PTSD, panic attack, anger, obsessive behaviour, etc – this definitive Guide then takes you through the precise TFT treatment step-by-step for each one. Together with valuable additional advice, and the methods of application that are needed when you are presented with more difficult and deeper complications of those suffering emotional upset, it also includes relevant case studies which highlight the amazing capacity that TFT has completely to resolve the pain of all emotional distress. Written in an easy to assess style and designed so that you can easily select each chapter and then the numbered section you need, you will quickly find the correct procedure and answer to all your questions.
Robin Ellis TFTdx is one of the most experienced authorised Callahan Techniques Thought Field Therapy practitioners and trainers in the U.K. This book is the culmination of over 12 years extensive experience and its aim is to support and enable all TFT practitioners to reach as high a level of professional and successful practice as possible.