जीव रसायन , जीवभौतिकी समर्थनईबुकविज्ञानजीव विज्ञानसामान्य, शब्दकोशसूक्ष्मजीवविज्ञानवनस्पति विज्ञानप्राणि विज्ञानजीव रसायन , जीवभौतिकीपारिस्थितिकीआनुवंशिक विज्ञान / आनुवंशिक इंजीनियरिंगकृषि, बागवानी, मत्स्य पालनअन्य1,511 इस श्रेणी में ईबुक John E. Beerbower: Matter, Life, Consciousness, etc. ‘What was life? No one knew. It was undoubtedly aware of itself, so soon as it was life; but it did not know what it was.’ Thomas Mann, The Magic Mountain (1924) In June 2024, whil … EPUB अंग्रेज़ी Adobe DRM €5.49 Thomas R. Cech: The Catalyst: RNA and the Quest to Unlock Life’s Deepest Secrets Longlisted for the 2025 Andrew Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Nonfiction An Economist Best Book of 2024 Exploring the most transformative breakthroughs in biology since the discovery of the double … EPUB अंग्रेज़ी Adobe DRM €29.99 Nightingale L. Florence Ph.D M.ED.: Diamond Mind As an established international speaker and consciousness facilitator, Dr. Nightingale Florence combines her wisdom and understanding of quantum mechanics and spiritual science, as they apply to educ … EPUB अंग्रेज़ी Adobe DRM €4.49 R. H. Hopkins: Biochemistry Applied to Beer Brewing – General Chemistry of the Raw Materials of Malting and Brewing First published in 1946, this classic textbook explores the general chemistry of the raw materials of a malting and brewing. It explains the biochemical properties and processes of malting, brewing a … EPUB अंग्रेज़ी Adobe DRM €9.49 Sayed Nader Azam-ali: NINTH REVOLUTION, THE: TRANSFORMING FOOD SYSTEMS FOR GOOD We are at a critical point in human history and that of the planet. In this book, a world leader in agricultural research, Professor Sayed Azam-Ali, proposes a radical transformation of our agrifood … EPUB अंग्रेज़ी Adobe DRM €25.99 A Jalila Simaan & Marius Réglier: COPPER BIOINORGANIC CHEMISTRY Bioinorganic chemistry is an interdisciplinary research field which centers on metals in biology. Over the past few decades, advances in chemistry, biology as well as in spectroscopic methods have sh … EPUB अंग्रेज़ी Adobe DRM €79.99 Jorge F Toro-Vazquez: Development of Trans-free Lipid Systems and their Use in Food Products The physical properties associated with the saturated and trans fats obtained through partial hydrogenation of vegetable oils (PHVOs) provide the solid fat content, melting and textural properties th … EPUB अंग्रेज़ी Adobe DRM €229.99 Valdir Florêncio da Veiga, Jr & Larissa Silveira Moreira Wiedemann: Chemistry and Nutritional Effects of Capsicum The Capsicum genus comprises the botanic species known as chili peppers, the most widely consumed natural product by humankind. Their usage is diverse and varies from food additives to defensive devi … EPUB अंग्रेज़ी Adobe DRM €199.99 William S Hancock: HOW MEDICINES WORK: ILLUSTRATED This highly illustrated volume will describe, through clear diagrams and concise text, how the most prescribed, as well as new medicines, work in the body for a broad range of diseases. By bringing t … EPUB अंग्रेज़ी Adobe DRM €54.99 Saravanan G. & Dr. V. Alagarsamy: Pharmaceutical Biochemistry Pharmaceutical biochemistry is a much-awaited book in the field of Pharmacy. Targeted mainly to B. Pharmacy & Pharm-D students, this book will also be useful for medical, dental, nursing, and other p … EPUB अंग्रेज़ी Adobe DRM €149.99 अगला पृष्ठ >>> 0 0 चेक आउट 0,00 × × × उपयोगकर्ता की भाषा बदलें × अरबीजर्मनअंग्रेज़ीस्पेनिशफ्रेंचहिंदीइन्डोनेशियाईइतालवीमलायीडचपोलिशपुर्तगालीरोमानियाईरूसीस्वीडिशथाईतुर्कीयूक्रेनीवियतनामीचीनीInternational Modal ×