Tadika, Prasekolah SokonganCatalogSekolah / PengajianPenyediaan PelajaranBahan Pengajaran, HandoutTadika, PrasekolahSekolah RendahTahap Menengah ITahap Kedua IISekolah Pembangunan KhasPendidikan VokasionalPelbagai761 Ebooks dalam kategori ini Wanni Cheng & 鄭婉妮: Crisis Prevention and Management of Infectious Diseases for Child Care Centers 本書將危機管理階段理論與傳染病元素結合,透過傳染病之預防與準備階段、應變與控制階段、危機復原與學習階段三個時間向度,為幼兒園在傳染病防治上提出策略建議。 鄭婉妮,屏東教育大學教育行政博士,中華醫事科技大學幼兒保育系助理教授。研究領域及專長除關注於幼兒教育領域之外,近年來專注兒童手機遊戲、媒體組合遊戲等新媒體之研究,並與兒童行銷、消費、兒童流行文化結合,致力於全方位的遊戲模式建構與理解,目前為台灣 … EPUB Adobe DRM €5.49 Marie L. Masterson & Holly Bohart: 严肃的乐趣: 引导式游戏如何拓展儿童的学习 A guide for teachers about the importance of planning learning experiences that integrate child-centered play with rich content-based instruction. Serious Fun emphasizes a teachers’ active role in ch … EPUB Adobe DRM €27.99 جان جاك روسو: أميل او التربية جان جاك روسو ولد في جنيف، 28 يونيو 1712 وتُوفي في إيرمينونفيل، 2 يوليو 1778، هو كاتب وأديب وفيلسوف وعالم نبات جنيفي، يعد من أهم كتاب عصر التنوير، وهي فترة من التاريخ الأوروبي، امتدت من أواخر ال … EPUB Arab €7.00 Rukia Monique Rogers: The Many Stories of Our Beloved Community Envision love, equity, and community in early childhood education. Join author Rukia Monique Rogers for an intimate and inspiring look at the values, practices, and relationships of the Highlander Sc … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €48.99 Erika Burton: Has, I and You Building on the sight words and reading skills learned in Book #1 in the HALV ROUNDTABLE: Learn-to-Read series, Has, I and You, the second book in the series, continues the reading journey. With more … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €1.99 Lisa Daly: Loose Parts in Action The essential how-to guide for loose parts. Take loose parts from inspiration to implementation with this practical, easy-to-use loose parts manual. Loose Parts in Action provides specific instructio … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €21.99 Anna Kilderry & Bridie Raban: Strong Foundations Strong Foundations: Evidence informing practice in early childhood education and care celebrates the progress made by the Australian early childhood education and care profession since the implementa … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €97.99 Kathy Walker & Shona Bass: Early Childhood Play Matters Play-based learning has long been a means of facilitating teaching and learning in the early childhood years. The Walker Learning Approach, an Australian-designed, evidence-based play pedagogy, provi … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €48.99 Michael Nagel: In the Beginning In the Beginning: The brain, early development and learning explores, synthesises and distils current knowledge of child development at the nexus of neuro-scientific discovery. The book’s premise tha … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €42.99 Lisa Agogliati & Heather Jackson: Actions of Play Understand play schemas to see inside children’s minds. Actions of Play builds on recent research and revelations about play schemas to transform understandings of play-based learning and project wor … EPUB Inggeris Adobe DRM €43.99 Muka surat seterusnya >>> 0 0 Checkout 0,00 × × × Tukar bahasa pengguna × ArabJermanInggerisSepanyolPerancisHindiIndonesiaItaliMelayuBelandaPolandPortugisRomaniaRusiaSwedenThaiTurkiUkraineVietnamCinaInternational Modal ×