In a world of tight time frames and highly interdependent processes, scheduling is an indispensable prerequisite for successful project implementation. It is the duty of the architect to manage all the project participants in a goal-oriented manner and to call for their results when the time is right. For this reason, a systematic schedule of target dates, adapted to a project’s sequences and workflows, is a necessary tool for the day-to-day management and monitoring of complex construction projects.
- Organizing the planning and construction process
- The basics of scheduling
- Goal-oriented presentation formats and levels of detail
- Developing a schedule
- Using schedules in the real world
Spis treści
Table of Contents:
Organizing the Planning and Construction Process
Coordinating Schedule Development
Coordinating the Pre-Implementation Phase
Coordinating the Construction Process
Preparing a Schedule
Components of a Schedule
Presentation Formats
Levels of Detail
Preparing an Overall Schedule
Structure of a Project-Oriented Schedule
The Participant’s Activities
Scheduling Activity Durations
Scheduling Workflows
Working with a Schedule
Updating and Maintaining a Schedule
Usability in the Everyday Work Environment
Disruptions to the Construction Process
Making Up for Disruptions
Scheduling as Documentation of the Process
Closing Remarks
O autorze
Dr.-Ing. Bert Bielefeld ist praktizierender Architekt und Inhaber des Architekturbüros bertbielefeld architekten.